clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Tracking the Shadows 6060
Pick one:
2 57 Ardenweald
Trading Favors 6060 2 57 Oribos
Trading Favors: De Other Side 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Halls of Atonement 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Necrotic Wake 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Plaguefall 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Sanguine Depths 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Spires of Ascension 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Theater of Pain 6060 Oribos
Trading Favors: Tirna Scithe 6060 Oribos
Traditional Candles
Training Dummies
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training Program
6060 Abominable Stitching
Training Regimen 6060 Bastion
Training Wings 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Tranquillien Besieged 6060 2 57 Quel'thalas
Trappings of Success 6060 Zereth Mortis
Trashin' the Camp 6060 Revendreth
Treasure Hunting Ain't Easy
6060-62 The Waking Shores
Tremendous Tools 6060-70
Trial of Ascension 6060 2 57 Bastion
Trinket Bandits 6060-70
Trinkle Trinkle Little Twerp 6060 51 48 Bastion
Trouble at the Gormling Corral 6060 Ardenweald
Trouble on the Western Front 6060 2 57 Maldraxxus
Trouble on the Western Front 6060 2 57 Maldraxxus
Troubled Souls 6060 12 87 Abominable Stitching
Troubles at Home 6060 Night Fae Callings
Troubles at Home 6060 Kyrian Callings
Troubles at Home 6060 Venthyr Callings
Troubles at Home 6060 Necrolord Callings
Trust Issues 6060 12 87 The Maw
Turkey Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Turning the Wheel 6060 12 87 Raid
Two and Two Together 6060-70 Ohn'ahran Plains
Two Paths to Tread 6060 2 57 Zereth Mortis
Tyrhold Trial 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Advanced 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Challenge 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Reverse 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Storm Gryphon 6060-62
Uktulut Coaster 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Advanced 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Reverse 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Ulfar's Guidance 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Unbroken Bonds 6060
Pick one:
25 74 Ardenweald
Unchecked Growth 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Uncomfortably Undercover 6060 Maldraxxus
Under Lock and Key 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Under the Illusion 6060 25 74 Korthia
Undercover Security 6060 51 48 Ember Court
Underwater Menace
2 80 Thaldraszus
Unearthed Troublemakers 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Unfair Fight 6060
25 74 Maldraxxus
Unfinished Thinking Cap 6060-70 Valdrakken
Unforgivable Intrusion 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
United In Pride 6060 Covenant Assaults
Unity 6060 12 87 Abominable Stitching
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 56 18 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking the Gates 6060 Oribos
Unpowered Tools 6060-70 The Azure Span
Unseen Agents 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Unseen Hero of the Party 6060
Unshackled Knowledge 6060 28 95 Bastion
Unstable Explosive Orb 6060
The Archivists' Codex
Untangling the Sigil 6060 25 74 Korthia
Untold Regrets 6060-62 14 4 The Waking Shores
Unused 6060 12 87 Oribos
Ursine Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Use My Strengths 6060 51 48 Covenant Sanctum
Vakthros Ascent 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Advanced 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Challenge 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Reverse 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Storm Gryphon 6060-62
The Azure Span
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion