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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Trail of Echoes 4545 20 22 Suramar
Trail of Filth
2 players
Pick one:
Hillsbrad Foothills
Trail of Fire 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Howling Fjord
Trailing the Spiritspeaker 1515-30 1 5 Winterspring
Trailing the Tidestone 1010-45 20 22 Azsuna
Train Like We Fight 5858-60 6 43 The Forbidden Reach
Trainer's Test 1 28 9 Grizzly Hills
Training and Discipline 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
Training Dummies
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Ardenweald 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Bastion 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training in Maldraxxus 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training in Revendreth 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training In The Field
2525-30 7 87 Tournament
Training In The Field
2525-30 7 87 Tournament
Training Our Forces 6060 Kyrian Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Venthyr Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Night Fae Callings
Training Our Forces 6060 Necrolord Callings
Training Program
6060 Abominable Stitching
Training Regimen 6060 Bastion
Training Rock 1010-45 20 22 Exile's Reach
Training Wings 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Training with Bredda 4545 Highmountain
Training with Durian 4545 Val'sharah
Training with the Nightwatchers 4545 Azsuna
Traitor Gluk
1 28 9 Battle Pets
Traitor to the Bloodsail 1 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Traitor! 1010-45 2 2 Artifact
Traitors Among Us 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Traitor's Bait 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Orgrimmar
Traitors In Our Midst 5050 23 40 War Campaign - Horde
Traitors Return
13 74 Firelands Invasion
Traitors! 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Traitors!!! 77-30 10 50 The Deadmines
Trampled Under Foot 1515-30 Blacksmithing
Tranquil Pools 5050-60 102 96 Ardenweald
Tranquillien Besieged 6060 2 57 Quel'thalas
Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter I 55-30 Silverpine Forest
Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter II 55-30 Silverpine Forest
Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III 55-30
Pick one:
Silverpine Forest
Transition to Forge Quests
Translation 1010-30 Desolace
Translation: Danger! 1010-45 2 2 Paladin Campaign
Translations... 1-30 Bloodmyst Isle
Transmutation Master 1
Transponder 047-B 1010-40 16 98 Garrison Support
Trap Setting 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Trapline 5050 Drustvar
Trapline 5050 Drustvar
Trapped Tauren 1010-45 20 22 Highmountain
Trapped Tortollans 5050 Stormsong Valley
Trapped Tortollans 5050 Stormsong Valley
Trapped! 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Trapping Evolved 4545 20 22 Suramar
Trapping the Leader 1515-35 Pandaren Campaign
Trapping the Light Fantastic 2020-30 10 50 Blade's Edge Mountains
Trappings of Success 6060 Zereth Mortis
Trashin' the Camp 6060 Revendreth
Trashing the Camp 7070 Emerald Dream
Travel to Azure Watch 1-30 Azuremyst Isle
Travel to Moa'ki Harbor 1515-30
Pick one:
Travel to Moa'ki Harbor 1515-30
Pick one:
Traveler Found Artifact
Traveling Companions 1515-30 7 87 Eastern Plaguelands
Traveling on Our Stomachs 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Traveling on Our Stomachs 3030-35 13 74 Kelp'thar Forest
Traversing the Rift 1010-30 7 87 Borean Tundra
Traversing Torghast
5050-60 77 22 Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Treacherous Leyrunners Azsuna
Tread Lightly 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Treant Muisek 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
Treasure 001 - Crashed Horde Ship
Treasure 001 - South of Felsoul
Treasure 002 - Fel Cave
Treasure 002 - Felsoul Upper
Treasure 002 - Felsoul Upper
Treasure 003 - Felsoul Lower
Treasure 003 - Puddle Cave
Treasure 004 - Fel Tower 001
Treasure 005 - Fel Tower 002
Treasure 005 - Felsoul Arcway Interior
Treasure 006 - Collapse Shattered Locus
Treasure 006 - Pillar 001
Treasure 007 - Back Beach
Treasure 007 - Collapse Main Rotunda
Treasure 008 - Collapse Depths
Treasure 008 - The Lost Temple
Treasure 009 - Ambervale Ruins
Treasure 009 - The Lost Temple 002
Treasure 010 - Falanaar Outdoor Ruins
Treasure 010 - Malgoreth's Chamber