clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Two Paths to Tread 6060 2 57 Zereth Mortis
Tyrhold Trial 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Advanced 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Challenge 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Reverse 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
Tyrhold Trial - Storm Gryphon 6060-62
Uktulut Coaster 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Advanced 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Reverse 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uktulut Coaster - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Uldum Tour 6060-70
Uldum Tour - Advanced 6060-70
Uldum Tour - Challenge 6060-70
Uldum Tour - Reverse 6060-70
Uldum Tour - Reverse Challenge 6060-70
Ulfar's Guidance 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Unbroken Bonds 6060
Pick one:
25 74 Ardenweald
Unchecked Growth 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Uncomfortably Undercover 6060 Maldraxxus
Under Lock and Key 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Under the Illusion 6060 25 74 Korthia
Undercover Security 6060 51 48 Ember Court
Understanding Their Grace 6060-70 Maruuk Centaur
Underwater Menace
2 80 Thaldraszus
Unearthed Troublemakers 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Unfair Fight 6060
25 74 Maldraxxus
Unfinished Thinking Cap 6060-70 Valdrakken
Unforgivable Intrusion 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Un'Goro Crater Circuit 6060-70
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater Circuit - Advanced 6060-70
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater Circuit - Challenge 6060-70
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater Circuit - Reverse 6060-70
Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater Circuit - Reverse Challenge 6060-70
Un'Goro Crater
United In Pride 6060 Covenant Assaults
Unity 6060 12 87 Abominable Stitching
Unlocking Magical Treasures 6060-70
Dragonscale Expedition
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 56 18 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking Our Past 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Unlocking the Gates 6060 Oribos
Unpowered Tools 6060-70 The Azure Span
Unseen Agents 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Unseen Hero of the Party 6060
Unshackled Knowledge 6060 28 95 Bastion
Unstable Explosive Orb 6060
The Archivists' Codex
Untangling the Sigil 6060 25 74 Korthia
Untold Regrets 6060-62 14 4 The Waking Shores
Unused 6060 12 87 Oribos
Ursine Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Use My Strengths 6060 51 48 Covenant Sanctum
Vakthros Ascent 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Advanced 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Challenge 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Reverse 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Azure Span
Vakthros Ascent - Storm Gryphon 6060-62
The Azure Span
Valdrakken Tour 6060-70
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion
Valinor, the Light of Eons 6060 Bastion
Valis the Cruel 6060 The Maw
Vaporizing the Water Primalists
Primalist Storms
Variety is the Spice of Life 6060-70 Valdrakken Accord
Vault Artifacts 6060-70
Dragonscale Expedition
Vault Artifacts 6060-70
Dragonscale Expedition
Vault of Secrets 6060 2 57 Korthia
Veilwing Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Vengeance for Korthia 6060 25 74 Korthia
Venthyr Arsenal 6060 25 74 Ember Court
Venthyr Assault 6060 The Maw
Venthyr Assault 6060 The Maw
Venthyr Concordat 6060 25 74 The Maw
Venthyr Ettiquette 6060
Venthyr Provocateur
Ve'rayn's Head 6060
Vesiphone's Vicious Vesper 6060 Bastion
Veteran Reinforcements 6060-62 2 80 The Waking Shores
Vial of Lichfrost 6060
2 57 Path of Ascension
Victory for the Sin'dorei 6060 2 57 Ghostlands
Victory in Our Name 6060 2 57 Korthia
Vineroot on the Menu 6060 Revendreth
Vineroot Will Not Do 6060 Revendreth
Viridescent Venture 6060-70
Emerald Dream
Viridescent Venture - Advanced 6060-70
Emerald Dream
Viridescent Venture - Challenge 6060-70
Emerald Dream
Viridescent Venture - Reverse 6060-70
Emerald Dream
Viridescent Venture - Reverse Challenge 6060-70
Emerald Dream
Voices of the Eternal 6060 12 87 Oribos
Volatile Reactions 6060
25 74 Maldraxxus
Vole's Voucher 6060 308 88 Revendreth
Volunteer Fire Fighters 6060-70 Suffusion Camps
Voras, The Realm Eater 6060 51 48 Ardenweald