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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Whitewater Typhoon Stormheim
Whitewater Wash Treasure
Whitewater Wash Treasure
Whitney "Steelclaw" Ramsay 5050 Drustvar
Who Are They? 1515-30 10 50 Terokkar Forest
Who Are They? 1515-30 10 50 Terokkar Forest
Who Are You Fooling? 6060 25 74 Bastion
Who Are You? 7070
28 9 Thaldraszus
Who Brought the Ruckus? 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Who Devours the Devourers?
3 players
6060 Ardenweald
Who Did This? 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Who is the Maw Walker? 6060 12 87 Korthia
Who Knew Fish Liked Eggs?
13 74 Fishing
Who Let The Dogs Out? 4545
Antoran Wastes
Who Lurks in the Pit 66-9
Pick one:
34 Exile's Reach
Who Lurks in the Pit 66-9
Pick one:
34 Exile's Reach
Who Needs Cauldrons? 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Western Plaguelands
Who Seeks the Seekers? 1010-60 2 57 Zuldazar
Who Shapes the Forest 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Who Wards The Greenwarden 1010-30 5 25 Wetlands
Who's a Big Troll? 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Northern Stranglethorn
Who's In Charge Here? 55-30 10 50 Loch Modan
Who's Next? 6565-68 28 9 The Azure Span
Who's Shroomin' Who? 55-30 10 50 Northern Barrens
Who's That Chromie? 7070
14 4 Dawn of the Infinite
Who's Top of the Food Chain Now? 1-20 5 35 The Lost Isles
Whose Vault Is It Anyway? 7070
21 6 Zaralek Cavern
Whurain the Elder 1
Lunar Festival
Why Do We Fight? 3535 13 74 Siege of Orgrimmar
Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate? 1515-30 10 50 Grizzly Hills
Why Is The Brew Gone? 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Why Not Scallions?
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
Why So Serious? 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey 1010-45
Wiccaphobia 3535-60 25 74 Horde War Campaign
Wicked Gateways 1010-52 38 61 Bastion
Wicked Webs
13 74 Firelands Invasion
Wicked Wikkets 1010-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Jade Forest
Wicker Magic 5050 12 87 Horde War Campaign
Wicker Worship 2020-60 2 57 Drustvar
Wide Worlds of Catalysts 5050-60 25 74 Queen's Conservatory
Wielding Titanic Might 6060-70 Valdrakken Accord
Wiggletail's Poking Fork 5050 11 70 Nazjatar
Wiggletail's Poking Fork 5050 11 70 Nazjatar
Wild Arcana 6060-70 The Azure Span
Wild Fires in Kalimdor 1 Midsummer
Wild Flutterbies 5050 Vol'dun
Wild Gods in Our Midst 7070
28 9 Emerald Dream
Wild Hunt Offensive 1010-57 51 48 Ardenweald
Wild Mine Cart Ride 1-20
Pick one:
The Lost Isles
Wild Northern Barracuda 4545 Highmountain
Wild Preserve Circuit 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Circuit - Advanced 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Circuit - Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Circuit - Reverse 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Circuit - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Slalom 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Slalom - Advanced 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Slalom - Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Slalom - Reverse 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Preserve Slalom - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
The Waking Shores
Wild Tame 5050 Nazjatar
Wild Things 1010-35 6 87 The Jade Forest
Wild Vines 1010-30 10 50 Howling Fjord
Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding 3030-35 27 48 Twilight Highlands
Wilderling Saddle 6060 Korthia
Wildhammer Infestation 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Wildlife Conservationist 4545 Val'sharah
Wildlife Protection Force 4545 Highmountain
Wildlife Rescue 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Wildmane Cleansing 1-30
Pick one:
Wildmane the Elder 1
Lunar Festival
Wildmane Totem 1-30 Mulgore
Wildseed Rescue 1010-55
51 48 Ardenweald
Will of the Genesaur 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Will of the Genesaur 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Will of the Thorignir 1010-45 2 2 Stormheim
Will of the Thorignir 1010-45 2 2 Stormheim
Will of the Titans
2020-30 21 Sholazar Basin
Will of the Valarjar 4545 40 44 Warrior Campaign
Will to Survive 5050 56 18 Heritage
Will Work For Food 1010-30
10 50 Desolace
Win the Crowd 4545 Battlegrounds
Wind Breaker 6060-70 Ohn'ahran Plains
Wind Master To'bor 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Wind Trader Lathrai 1515-30 Shattrath City
Windcaller Claw and the Water Thief 2020-30 10 50 The Steamvault
Windfall Cavern 5050 12 87 Horde War Campaign
Windows to the Soul 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Windroc Mastery 1515-30 10 50 Nagrand (Outland)
Windroc Mastery 1515-30 10 50 Nagrand (Outland)
Windroc Mastery 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Nagrand (Outland)
Windrun the Elder 1
Lunar Festival
Windrunner Village 1-30
Pick one:
21 Ghostlands
Winds in the Desert 1-30 10 50 Durotar
Winds of Change 1010-40
16 98 Garrison Support
Windseeker Avash
6262-65 Ohn'ahran Plains
Windshear Mine Cleanup 1010-30
Pick one:
Stonetalon Mountains
Windsong the Elder 1
Lunar Festival
Windtotem the Elder 1
Lunar Festival