clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Thunder Bluff
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Stormwind City
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Ironforge
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Darnassus
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 The Exodar
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Silvermoon City
A Reliquary of Purity 5656-60 Moonglade
Ally of the Tauren 20060-70 9,065 XP
1 80
Alterac Valley
An Earnest Proposition 5858-60
Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff 6060-70 Legendary
Attunement to the Core 5555-60
Molten Core
Bolstering Our Defenses 5555-60 9,065 XP
Eastern Plaguelands
Claiming Arathi Basin 6060
9,065 XP
Arathi Basin
Conquering Arathi Basin 6060
9,065 XP
Arathi Basin
Cut Arathor Supply Lines 6060 9,065 XP
2 70
Arathi Basin
Enchanted South Seas Kelp 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Enchanted South Seas Kelp 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Enchanted South Seas Kelp 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Favor Amongst the Darkspear 20060-70 9,065 XP
1 80
Alterac Valley
Fight for Warsong Gulch 6060
9,065 XP
Warsong Gulch
Final Preparations 5858-60 Blackrock Mountain
Frame of Atiesh 6060-70 Legendary
Free Knot! 5656-60 Dire Maul
Hameya's Plea 5454-60
9,065 XP
Eastern Plaguelands
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - A - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin Cap 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Penninsula: -pn - H - ToWoW - Hellfire Turnin Cap 5555-60
Hellfire Peninsula
Interact - Doodad & Creature Test [DO NOT LOCALIZE] 6060-70
9,065 XP
Development Land
Into the Breach 5555-60
9,065 XP
Blasted Lands
Kezan's Taint 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Kezan's Taint 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Kezan's Taint 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Kezan's Unstoppable Taint 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Maelstrom's Wrath 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
More Components of Importance 5858-60 Blackrock Mountain
More Components of Importance 5858-60 Blackrock Mountain
More Components of Importance 5858-60 Blackrock Mountain
More Components of Importance 5858-60 Blackrock Mountain
Paragons of Power: The Augur's Belt 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Bindings 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Mantle 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Wraps 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Armguards 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Belt 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Belt 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Madcap's Mantle 5858-60
Paragons of Power: The Madcap's Tunic 5858-60
Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 6060 9,065 XP
2 70
Warsong Gulch
Ring of the Gathering Storm 6060-70 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Strength of Mount Mugamba 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Strength of Mount Mugamba 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Strength of Mount Mugamba 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Eye of Zuldazar 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Eye of Zuldazar 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Eye of Zuldazar 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Gordok Ogre Suit 5656-60
Dire Maul
The Heathen's Brand 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Heathen's Brand 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Heathen's Brand 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Jewel of Kajaro 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Maelstrom's Tendril 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Maelstrom's Tendril 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Maelstrom's Tendril 5858-60
The Matron Protectorate 5757-60 Blackrock Spire
The Path of the Conqueror 6060
The Path of the Conqueror 6060
The Path of the Conqueror 6060
The Path of the Conqueror 6060
The Path of the Invoker 6060
The Path of the Invoker 6060
The Path of the Invoker 6060
The Path of the Invoker 6060
The Path of the Protector 6060
The Path of the Protector 6060
The Path of the Protector 6060
The Path of the Protector 6060
The Pebble of Kajaro 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Pebble of Kajaro 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Perfect Poison 6060
Pick one:
The Rage of Mugamba 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Ranger Lord's Behest 5454-60 9,065 XP
Eastern Plaguelands
The Restless Souls 5555-60 Eastern Plaguelands
The Unmarred Vision of Voodress 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Vanquish the Invaders! 6060 9,065 XP
2 70
Warsong Gulch
Vision of Voodress 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Vision of Voodress 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Vision of Voodress 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
WANTED: Dwarves! 20060-70 9,065 XP
1 80
Alterac Valley
WANTED: Orcs! 20060-70 9,065 XP
1 80
Alterac Valley
Warlord Krellian 6060-70 Mage
What Tomorrow Brings 6060 Silithus
Zandalarian Shadow Mastery Talisman 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Zandalarian Shadow Talisman 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Zandalarian Shadow Talisman 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
Zandalarian Shadow Talisman 5858-60 Zul'Gurub
The Prototype Console 7777-80
9,140 XP
5 80
The Storm Peaks
[DEPRECATED]Verifying the Corruption 4848-54 9,195 XP
1 65
A Peon's Work is Never Done 5858-61
Pick one:
9,215 XP
Hellfire Peninsula
Bleeding Hollow Supplies 5858-61 9,215 XP
Hellfire Peninsula