clear all
Name Class
Irresistible Cheese
Irritating Moth Dust
Irritating Moth Dust
Irritating Moth Dust
Juggernaut's Warhorn
Kerim's Amulet of Laceration
Kerim's Laceration
Know Mortality
Knowledge of Mortality
Kyrian Blessing
Kyrian Blessing
Kyrian Warhelm
Languishing Soul Detritus
Languishing Soul Detritus
Languishing Soul Detritus
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lens of Elchaver
Lightblade Haft
Lightfire Soles
Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust
Lightning Dust
Lingering Torments
Long-Forbidden Words
Longstrider Chalice
Looping Torment
Looping Torment
Lost Pyrestone
Lumbering Form
Lumbering Form
Lumbering Form
Lumbering Form
Mad Wizard's Confusion
Mad Wizard's Intellect
Mad Wizard's Intuition
Mad Wizard's Scrawlings
Magma Fist
Majestic Antler Fragment
Maldraxxian Repayment
Maldraxxian Repayment
Malevolent Stitching
Malevolent Stitching
Maliced Rumination
Mama Mawrat
Manafeeder's Bib
Mark of Blinding Faith
Mark of Masochism
Mark of Righteous Protection
Mark of Righteous Protection
Marrow Scooper
Mask of Sheer Terror
Mask of the Winged Dominator
Mask of Withering
Mask of Withering
Massive Phantasma
Maw - Override Spell Power by AP
Maw - Override Spell Power by AP
Maw Power
Maw Seeker Harness
Maw-Darkened Slippers
Mawrat Harness
Mawrat Stirrups
Might of the Worldsplitter
Mind Breach
Mobius Graft
Mobius Graft
Mobius Graft
Mobius Graft
Moccasins of Ascent
Modified Impulsor
Murmuring Shawl
Murmuring Shawl
Musophobic Femur
Negation Well
Negation Well
Negation Well
Negation Well
Netherlord's Cypher
Netherlord's Gift
Netherlord's Invocation
Netherlord's Legacy
Netherlord's Lesson