clear all
Name Level
Grave Bolt
Grave Strike
Grave Strike
Gravel Blast
Gravitational Pull
Gravitational Pull
Gravitational Pull
Gravity Flux
Gravity Lapse
Gravity Lapse
Gravity Squeeze
Gravity Strike
Gravity Void
Gravity Well
Gravity Well
Grav-O-Bomb 3000
Grease Spray
Grease Vial
Great Heal
Great Heal
Great Heal
Great Wrath
Greater Blessing of Might
Greater Blessing of Might
Greater Blessing of Might
Greater Corrupted Essence
Greater Demonic Circle: Teleport
Greater Dragon's Breath
Greater Dragon's Breath
Greater Drain Soul
Greater Essence of Fear
Greater Fireball
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Heal
Greater Healing Potion
Greater Invisibility
Greater Mage Ward
Greater Mass Teleport
Greater Polymorph
Greater Polymorph
Greater Pyroblast
Greater Pyroblast
Greater Serpent Totem
Greater Serpent Totem
Greater Stealth
Greater Stealth
Greater Swipe
Greater Swipe
Greater Swipe
Greater Tidal Empowerment
Greater Time Warp
Greater Turn Evil
Rank 1
Green Firework
Green Granite
Green Portal State
Green Runes
Greenkeeper's Fury
Greenkeeper's Fury
Greenstone Shards
Grenade Cluster
Grenade Launcher
Greymane's Frenzy
Greymane's Frenzy
Greymane's Resolve
Greymane's Resolve
Grievous Axe
Grievous Bite
Grievous Mortal Wounds
Grievous Rip
Grievous Rip
Grievous Shield Bash
Grievous Shield Bash
Grievous Slash
Grievous Strike
Grievous Strike