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Name Level
Amorphic Cognitor
Amplified Senses
Amplify Damage
Amplify Damage
Amplify Damage
Amplify Flames
Amplify Flames
Amplify Flames
Amplify Magic
Amplify Magic
Amulet Ritual
Ancestors' Might
Ancestors' Might
Ancestral Call
Ancestral Chain Heal
Ancestral Fortitude
Ancestral Fury
Ancestral Fury
Ancestral Spirit
Rank 6
Ancestral Spirit
Anchor Attack!
Anchor Drag
Anchor of Binding
Anchor of Binding
Anchor Slam
Anchoring Strike
Anchorite Contrition
Anchor's Chain
Ancient Axe
Ancient Blade
Ancient Curse
Ancient Darkness
Ancient Despair
Ancient Dread
Ancient Dream
Ancient Drust Ash Visual (DNT)
Ancient Drust Relic Visual (DNT)
Ancient Fire
Ancient Flame
Ancient Flame
Ancient Flare
Ancient Guardian
Ancient Hysteria
Ancient Lava Burst
Ancient Magic
Ancient Miasma
Ancient Miasma
Ancient Miasma
Ancient Mindbender
Ancient Pandaren Blessing
Ancient Poison
Ancient Power
Ancient Roots
Ancient Rune
Ancient Rune of Striking
Ancient Spark
Ancient Suffering
Ancient Venom
And Justice for Thrall: Warsong Miss Arrow
Andaris Force Shield
Anger of Gjalerbron
Angered Earth
Angry and Stabby
Angry Arakkoa Ghost
Angry Feet
Angry Little Acorn
Angry Loser
Angry Monkey Totem
Angry Monkey!
Angry Snort
Anguished Soul
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Souls
Anguished Spirits
Anguished Wail
Anima Font
Anima Fountain
Anima Fountain
Anima Fountain
Anima Infused
Anima Ring
Anima Ring
Animate Bones
Animate Bones
Animate Mixtures
Animate Pebble
Animate Slag