clear all
"Smelly's Luckydo" Phase
"Spell Components" Complete
"Stack 'Em High" - Completion Trigger
"STALWART" Cologne
"The 50 Verses of Radiance"
"The 50 Verses of Resilience"
"The Dead of Night" Start
"The Dead of Night" Text Cooldown
"The Eldest" - Personal Phase Pre-Load
"The Felic"
"The Restless Dreamer" Abandoned
"The Restless Dreamer" Completed
"The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of" Clean Up
"Third Wind"
"To Tirna Vaal" - On Arrival Conversation
"Totems of the Grizzlemaw" Track Loot
"Try Not to Explode" - Full Conversation
"Try Not to Explode" Abandoned
"VICTORY" Perfume
"Volcano" Duck
"Volcano" Duck
"We are Leaving" Exit Trigger
"We Ride!" Complete Dummy
"Weapon" Toss
"Weapon" Toss
"Welcome to Ardenweald" Conversation
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Well Fed"
"Where Hope Dies" - Sira Fight Begun
"Where Hope Dies" - Sira Fight Done
"Wizardry" Cologne
"Yipp-Saron" Costume
"Your Next Move" OnAbandon
(Cosmetic) Blacksmithing
(Cosmetic) Blacksmithing
(Cosmetic) Blazing Hammer
(Cosmetic) Blazing Hammer
(Cosmetic) Might of the Forge
(Cosmetic) Might of the Forge
(DND) Belnistrasz Idol Shutdown Visual
(DND) Tonk Target Tracker (ENEMY VEHICLE)
(DNT) - Generic - Water Walk - No Visual
(DNT) Activate Beacon
(DNT) Alliance Embassy Movers
(DNT) Amber Pool
(DNT) Aqir Egg Breaking
(DNT) Arcane Puzzle Solved
(DNT) Autopilot Return
(DNT) Beacon Light, Dispell Darkness
(DNT) Bomb Countdown
(DNT) Breadcrumb Blocker
(DNT) Cancel Aura - B-b-bombs! In My Backpack?!
(DNT) Cancel Aura - Cinderbrew Keg
(DNT) Cancel Aura, End Client Scene
(DNT) Cancel Red Dragon Egg Carrying Aura (MA)
(DNT) Cancel Summons
(DNT) Cargo - Crystal
(DNT) Carrying Crate
(DNT) Channel: Amber
(DNT) Channel: Void Ray
(DNT) Complete Objectives, Clear Portals
(DNT) Complete Objectives, Clear Props
(DNT) Complete Objectives, Clear Props 2
(DNT) Complete Objectives, Clear Props 3
(DNT) Cosmetic Ready2H
(DNT) Darkmoon Faire - Madam Shadow's Stagecoach (MA)
(DNT) Darkmoon Faire Teleport - Periodic Trigger
(DNT) Darkmoon Faire Teleport - Periodic Trigger - Org
(DNT) Darkness
(DNT) dont use
(DNT) Elemental Aura
(DNT) Explosion 02, Kill Credit
(DNT) Explosion 03, Kill Credit
(DNT) Explosion 04, Kill Credit
(DNT) Explosion 05, Kill Credit
(DNT) Explosion and Knockback
(DNT) Explosion Trigger 01
(DNT) Explosion Trigger 02
(DNT) Explosion Trigger 03
(DNT) Explosion Trigger 04
(DNT) Explosion Trigger 05
(DNT) Eyes of N'zoth
(DNT) Falling
(DNT) Fire Ballista A
(DNT) Fire Ballista B
(DNT) Fire Ballista C
(DNT) Fire Ballista D
(DNT) Horde Embassy Movers
(DNT) Ingredients Credit
(DNT) Items Placed Kill Credit