| Scenario | 3 players |
| 15 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| Questing | Shadowlands
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 60
| Raid | 10 players
| 5 - 10
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| 10 - 120
| Arena | 3 players |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 81 - 90
| Questing | Pandaria
Krasarang Wilds
| Dungeon | ?? players
| 40 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| Questing |
| Battleground | 0 players |
| 87 - 88
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic Keystone
| 10 - 110
| Arena | 0 players |
| 18 - 21
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic
| 1 - 20
| Questing | Kalimdor
| 91 - 99
| Questing | Draenor
| 67 - 80
| Questing | Outland
| Raid | ?? players
| Questing |
| 1 - 120
| City | Outland
Terokkar Forest
| 94 - 95
| Questing | Draenor
| 66 - 80
| Questing | Northrend
| 110 - 120
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 1 - 120
| City | Pandaria
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
| Arena | 0 players |
| 121
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 88 - 90
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic Keystone
| 90
| Raid | 10 - 30 Players (Normal, Heroic, LFR) 20 Players (Mythic)
| 40 - 60
| Questing | Kalimdor
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 45 - 120
| Battleground | 0 players |
| 1 - 120
| City | Eastern Kingdoms
Eversong Woods
| 10 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| Questing | Shadowlands
| Questing |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 25 - 60
| Questing | Kalimdor
| Battleground | 0 players |
| 96 - 97
| Questing | Draenor
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| 20 - 60
| Questing | Kalimdor
| 101 - 110
| Questing | The Broken Isles
| 101 - 110
| Questing | The Broken Isles
| Dungeon | ?? players
| 1 - 120
| City | Draenor
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
Tiragarde Sound
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 85 - 87
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic Keystone
| 1 - 120
| City | Eastern Kingdoms
Elwynn Forest
| 10 - 120
| Battleground | 0 players |
| 25 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| 1 - 20
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
Eversong Woods
| 0 - 80
| Raid | 25 players
| 110
| Questing | The Broken Isles
| 40 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
| 94 - 95
| Questing | Draenor
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| 100
| Questing | Draenor
| 90
| Questing |
| 40 - 60
| Questing | Kalimdor
| Questing | Shadowlands
| Dungeon | 5 players
Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 1 - 20
| Questing | Kalimdor
| Questing |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 68 - 70
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic
| 68 - 70
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic
| 70
| Raid | 25 players
| 68 - 70
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic
| 60
| Raid | 40 players
| 10 - 120
| Battleground | 0 players |
| 85 - 87
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 62 - 80
| Questing | Outland
| 90
| Raid | ?? players
| Raid | ?? players
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth
| Questing | Dragonflight
| Questing | Dragonflight
| 85
| Raid | 10/25 players
Normal, Heroic
| 10 - 120
| Battleground | 0 players |
| Questing |
| 30 - 60
| Questing | Eastern Kingdoms
Stranglethorn Vale
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic Keystone
| 15 - 16
| Dungeon | 5 players
Normal, Heroic
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Dungeon | ?? players
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Questing |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| Scenario | 3 players |
| 1 - 120
| City | The Broken Isles
| 110 - 120
| Questing | Battle for Azeroth