clear all
Name Side Points Reward Category
Waste Not, Want Not Use every weapon and power-up in the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Number Five Is Alive All five non-player characters survive the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Lion's Landing Complete the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Scenaturday Complete all of the scenarios listed below on a Saturday.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Scenaturdist
Pandaria Scenarios
Theramore's Fall Complete the Theramore's Fall scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
No Tank You Destroy Gatecrusher without anyone being hit by its ram or stone-thrower.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Kite Fight Defeat Gash'nul without destroying any of his totems.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Master of Tol Barad Complete the Tol Barad achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
Just Another Day in Tol Barad Complete all of the Tol Barad daily quests listed below.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
Tol Barad Veteran Win 25 battles for Tol Barad.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
A Silver Confidant Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Character Unlock: Silver Covenant dailies at the Argent Tournament
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Alliance Earn the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Stormwind Earn the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Ironforge Earn the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Gnomeregan Earn the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Exodar Earn the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Darnassus Earn the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Stormwind Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Stormwind
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Ironforge Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Ironforge
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Gnomeregan
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Exodar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Exodar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Darnassus Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Darnassus
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hagman in the Battle on the High Seas.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hagman in the Battle on the High Seas on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Choppin' Even More Logs Place 100 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Commandojack
Draenor Garrison
More Plots Upgrade your garrison to tier 2.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Even More Plots Upgrade your garrison to tier 3.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Garrison Buddies Visit a friend's garrison and /wave.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei Complete the quest Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5 Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Death Stalker Complete the quest Nemesis: Death Stalker at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Death Stalker
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Killer of Kezan Complete the quest Nemesis: Killer of Kezan at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name>, Killer of Kezan
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Orcslayer Complete the quest Nemesis: Orcslayer at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: Orcslayer <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Huojin's Fall Complete the quest Nemesis: Huojin's Fall at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name>, Huojin's Fall
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: The Butcher Complete the quest Nemesis: The Butcher at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Butcher
Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Troll Hunter Complete the quest Nemesis: Troll Hunter at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: Troll Hunter <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Advanced Husbandry Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Black Claw of Sethe.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
The Stable Master Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Garn-Tooth Necklace.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Stable Master <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Defender of Draenor Get 5000 honorable kills in Draenor.
Alliance 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Mythic Draenor Raider Complete the Mythic raiding achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Warlord of Draenor Complete all of the Nemesis quests at the Gladiator's Sanctum and the quest Fight, Kill, Salute! at the Highmaul Coliseum.
Alliance 10 Draenor Garrison
Ten Hit Tunes Collect ten Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes Collect twenty Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5 Draenor Garrison
Don't Call Me Junior Complete the achievements listed below:
Alliance 10
Follower Contract: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Full Discography Collect all of the Music Rolls available for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Exploring the High Seas Complete all of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
Petty Officer Complete 100 Naval Missions.
Alliance 5
Reward: Captain's Hat
Draenor Garrison
Fleet Commander Complete 500 Naval Missions.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Admiral Complete 1000 Naval Missions.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
Charting a Course Complete three of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Alliance 10 Draenor Garrison
Fighting with Style: War-torn Unlock all 4 color variations for your war-torn artifact appearance.
Alliance 10
Legion Class Hall
War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Leader of Troops Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Strike Hard Capture a location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Strike Fast Capture every location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: The Barrens Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Team Deathmatch Slay 15 of the Horde champions listed below.
Alliance 10
Island Expeditions
Defeat 2 Commanders (Alliance) (Hidden) Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
War Effort
War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Under Cover of Darkness Capture a location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Night Moves Capture every location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Recruitment Officer Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
By Nature's Call Embody every Alliance Hero in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Heroic: War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Heroic: Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Heroic: War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Don't Call Me Junior (DNT) (Character specific hidden copy) Complete the achievements listed below:
Alliance 10
Follower: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Exalted Champion of the Undercity Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Undercity
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Thunder Bluff
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Silvermoon
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Sen'jin Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Sen'jin
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Orgrimmar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Horde Earn the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Undercity Earn the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Silvermoon City Earn the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Sen'jin Earn the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Orgrimmar Earn the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
The Sunreavers Earn both exalted status with The Sunreavers and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Character Unlock: Sunreaver dailies at the Argent Tournament
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Scenaturday Complete all of the scenarios listed below on a Saturday.
Horde 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Scenaturdist
Pandaria Scenarios
Just Another Day in Tol Barad Complete all of the Tol Barad daily quests listed below.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
Tol Barad Veteran Win 25 battles for Tol Barad.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
Master of Tol Barad Complete the Tol Barad achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
No Tank You Destroy Big Bessa without anyone being hit by its ram or cannon.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Kite Fight Defeat Baldruc without destroying any of his totems.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Theramore's Fall Complete the Theramore's Fall scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Waste Not, Want Not Use every weapon and power-up in the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Number Five Is Alive All five non-player characters survive the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Domination Point Complete the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hodgson in the Battle on the High Seas.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hodgson in the Battle on the High Seas on Heroic Difficulty.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Choppin' Even More Logs Place 100 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill.
Horde 5
Title Reward: Timber Lord <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Garrison Buddies Visit a friend's garrison and /wave.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
Defender of Draenor Get 5000 honorable kills in Draenor.
Horde 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison