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Name Side Points Reward Category
The Sword in the Skull Recover the missing hilt of Quel'Delar, draw the blade from its resting place, reforge the weapon, purify it in the Sunwell, and present it for you...
Argent Tournament
Pony Up! Purchase and use an Argent Pony from Dame Evniki Kapsalis, the Crusader's Quartermaster.
Argent Tournament
The Sunreavers Earn both exalted status with The Sunreavers and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Character Unlock: Sunreaver dailies at the Argent Tournament
Argent Tournament
A Silver Confidant Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Character Unlock: Silver Covenant dailies at the Argent Tournament
Argent Tournament
Lance a Lot Best a rider of every racial faction at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Horde Earn the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Undercity Earn the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Silvermoon City Earn the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Sen'jin Earn the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Orgrimmar Earn the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Alliance Earn the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Stormwind Earn the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Ironforge Earn the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Gnomeregan Earn the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Exodar Earn the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Darnassus Earn the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
It's Just a Flesh Wound Unmask and defeat the Black Knight at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Tilted! Defeat another player in a mounted duel at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Undercity Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Undercity
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Thunder Bluff
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Silvermoon
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Sen'jin Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Sen'jin
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Orgrimmar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Stormwind Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Stormwind
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Ironforge Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Ironforge
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Gnomeregan
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Exodar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Exodar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Darnassus Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Darnassus
Argent Tournament
Argent Valor Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming a Valiant for your race's faction.
Argent Tournament
Argent Aspiration Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming an Aspirant for your race's faction.
Argent Tournament
The Path Towards Ascension 1 Defeat a boss in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 3 Defeat three bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 5 Defeat five bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 7 Defeat seven bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 12 Defeat 12 bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 16 Defeat 16 bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 20 Defeat 20 bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 24 Defeat 24 bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
The Path Towards Ascension 39 Defeat 39 bosses in the Path of Ascension.
Character Unlock: Additional challenges within Path of Ascension
Covenant Sanctums
Pursuing Loyalty Overcome the first eight Trials of Loyalty.
Covenant Sanctums
Choosing Your Purpose Pledge your allegiance to one of the covenants in the Shadowlands.
Covenant Sanctums
The Road to Renown Reach Renown level 10.
Covenant Sanctums
Gaining Respect Reach Renown level 20.
Covenant Sanctums
Becoming a Hero Reach Renown level 30.
Covenant Sanctums
Champion of the Covenant Reach Renown level 40.
Covenant Sanctums
Conducting Anima Unlock Rank III of your Anima Conductor
Covenant Sanctums
Master Navigator Unlock Rank III of your Sanctum's Travel Network.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventurer in Chief Unlock Rank III of your Sanctum's Adventures Command Table.
Covenant Sanctums
Your Covenant's Flavor Unlock Rank V of your Sanctum's Special Feature
Covenant Sanctums
The Anima Must Flow Unlock all of the locations connected to your Anima Conductor.
Covenant Sanctums
Dedication to the Restoration Use your Anima Conductor 50 times.
Covenant Sanctums
That's the Spirit Incubate one of each type of spirit in the Queen's Conservatory.
Covenant Sanctums
Spirit Talker Incubate one of each type of greater spirit in the Queen's Conservatory.
Covenant Sanctums
Divine Spirit Savior Incubate one of each type of divine spirit in the Queen's Conservatory.
Covenant Sanctums
Spiritual Observations Complete each of Falir's spirit observation quests in the Queen's Conservatory.
Covenant Sanctums
Court Favors Unlock the following favors for your Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
Party Palace Unlock the following upgrades for your Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
Something for Everyone Unlock the following amenities for your Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
Dredger Academy Train your Ember Court dredger in the following arts of butlery.
Covenant Sanctums
The Party Herald Complete the Ember Court achievements listed below.
Title: The Party Herald
Covenant Sanctums
Dredger Style Unlock the following cosmetic options for your Ember Court dredger.
Covenant Sanctums
Abominable Lives Complete all of the following Abominable Stitching Quests
Covenant Sanctums
Be Our Guest Host the following guests at your Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
People Pleaser Help the following guests reach the Elated mood level at your Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
We Happy Few Host an Ember Court with four Elated guests.
Covenant Sanctums
It's Certainly Never Boring Host Ember Courts with the following attributes at high levels.
Covenant Sanctums
Master of Ceremonies Complete 10 Events during a single Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
Wardrobe Makeover Create 25 of these Fashion Accessories with Abominable Stitching.
Covenant Sanctums
Rendle's Big Day Help Rendle find the following hats to wear to the Ember Court.
Covenant Sanctums
The Gang's All Here Build each of the following constructs with Abominable Stitching.
Mount: Chosen Tauralus Mount
Covenant Sanctums
Things To Do When You're Dead Complete the Abominable Stitching achievements listed below.
Reward: Abominable Title & Armored Chosen Tauralus Mount
Covenant Sanctums
It's a Wrap Contribute 100 Anima-Bound Wraps to Summoner Gerard to help summon Visectus, Specter Of War.
Covenant Sanctums
Crypt Couture Collect every customization for the Necrotic Acolyte disguise in Maldraxxus.
Reward: Plague Doctor's Mask
Covenant Sanctums
The Great Luckydo With Chordy's help, obtain the great Luckydo.
Covenant Sanctums
Mush Appreciated Earn Exalted status with Marasmius.
Title: Fun Guy / Fun Gal
Covenant Sanctums
Restoration Expert Upgrade all of your Covenant Sanctum features.
Covenant Sanctums
Meditation Master Complete all of Ohm's meditation quests in the Queen's Conservatory and become one with your inner calm.
Covenant Sanctums
All Spirits Great and Small Complete Lia's storyline to restore all of the animal spirits to the Queen's Conservatory.
Covenant Sanctums
Fashion Abomination Create each of these Fashion Accessories with Abominable Stitching.
Covenant Sanctums
Bound with Purpose Unlock your covenant's first soulbind.
Covenant Sanctums
A Resolute Bond Unlock your covenant's second soulbind.
Covenant Sanctums
Unwavering Bond Unlock your covenant's third soulbind.
Covenant Sanctums
Nexus of Bonds Unlock all rows in all three of your covenant's soulbinds.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Off To Adventure Raise three adventurers to level 60 in Adventures.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Learning the Ropes Level an adventurer to level 20.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Now You're Cooking Level an adventurer to level 40.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Strength and Resilience Level an adventurer to level 60.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Harmony of Purpose Collect all 12 adventurers from your Covenant.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Into the Breach Complete the following Maw adventures.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: A Step in the Right Direction Complete an adventure.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Leaves in the Forest Complete 10 adventures.
Covenant Sanctums
Adventures: Protector of the Shadowlands Complete 100 adventures.
Covenant Sanctums
Bastion of Protection Defeat Kalisthene and Craven Corinth while using the Spiritforged Aegis.
Covenant Sanctums
The Hoot of the Issue Defeat Alderyn and Myn'ir, and Splinterbark Nightmare in a Trial of Loyalty as Mikanikos.
Covenant Sanctums
All The Colors of the Painbow Defeat Mad Mortimer after being afflicted by Fiery Veins, Frozen, and Uncontrolled Vomiting.
Covenant Sanctums