Realm First! Nefarian
First guild on the realm to defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Al'Akir
First guild on the realm to defeat Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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Realm First! Sinestra
First guild on the realm to defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Ragnaros
First guild on the realm to defeat Ragnaros in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
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Realm First! Deathwing
First guild on the realm to defeat Deathwing in Dragon Soul on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Guild Hardware - Bronze
Complete 50 Challenge Mode dungeons with a rating of Bronze or better while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Guild Hardware - Silver
Complete 50 Challenge Mode dungeons with a rating of Silver or better while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Sha of Fear
First guild on the realm to defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Will of the Emperor
First guild on the realm to defeat the Will of the Emperor encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Ra-den
First guild on the realm to defeat Ra-den in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Ordos Guild Run
Defeat Ordos, Fire-God of the Yaungol, atop the Timeless Isle, while in a raid with at least 8 guild members.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Imperator's Fall
First guild on the realm to complete the Imperator Mar'gok encounter in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Archimonde
First guild on the realm to defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
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Realm First! Xavius
First guild on the realm to defeat Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
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Realm First! Gul'dan
First guild on the realm to defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
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Realm First! Kil'jaeden
First guild on the realm to defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
Realm First! Argus the Unmaker
First guild on the realm to defeat Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty, while in a guild group.
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Conqueror of Dazar'alor
| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Defender of Dazar'alor
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Title: Famed Slayer of the Harbinger
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Title: Famed Slayer of the Harbinger
| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Slayer of Azshara
| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Slayer of Azshara
| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Slayer of N'Zoth
| Guild Feats of Strength |
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Title: Famed Slayer of N'Zoth
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Title: Famed Slayer of Denathrius
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Title: Famed Slayer of Denathrius
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Title: Famed Slayer of The Banished One
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Title: Famed Slayer of The Banished One
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Title: Famed Slayer of Raszageth
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Title: Famed Slayer of Raszageth
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Title: Famed Slayer of Sarkareth
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Title: Famed Slayer of Fyrakk
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Title: Famed Slayer of Ansurek
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Guild Feats of Strength |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
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| Dragon Isles |
Famliar Skies
Explore the Forbidden Reach as a newly awakened Dracthyr Evoker, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
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| Dragon Isles |
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| War Within |
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Reward: Coralscale Salamanther
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |
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| War Within |