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Name Side Points Reward Category
Skyriding Glyphs: Taelloch Mine Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Taelloch Mine in The Ringing Deeps.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: The Waterworks Collect the Skyriding Glyph at The Waterworks in The Ringing Deeps.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: The Fangs Collect the Skyriding Glyph at The Fangs in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Sina's Yearning Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Sina's Yearning in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Sanguine Grasps Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Sanguine Grasps in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Dunelle's Kindness Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Dunelle's Kindness in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Bleak Sand Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Bleak Sand in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Mereldar Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Mereldar in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Priory of the Sacred Flame Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Priory of the Sacred Flame in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Fortune's Fall Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Fortune's Fall in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Velhan's Claim Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Velhan's Claim in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Tenir's Ascent Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Tenir's Ascent in Hallowfall.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Arathi's End Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Arathi's End in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Siegehold Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Siegehold in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Ruptured Lake Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Ruptured Lake in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Eye of Ansurek Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Eye of Ansurek in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Old Sacrificial Pit Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Old Sacrificial Pit in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Deepwalker Pass Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Deepwalker Pass in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: The Maddening Deep Collect the Skyriding Glyph at The Maddening Deep in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Rak-Ush Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Rak-Ush in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Silken Ward Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Silken Ward in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Trickling Abyss Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Trickling Abyss in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
Skyriding Glyphs: Untamed Valley Collect the Skyriding Glyph at Untamed Valley in Azj-Kahet.
War Within
<DNT> Eons Fringe - Multitude of Tasks - Completed Twice (Character)
Dragon Isles
Junkyard Collector (char specific hidden copy) Unlock 20 of the following Junkyard Tinkering blueprints in Mechagon.
Battle for Azeroth
Adventurer of Bastion (char specific hidden copy) Complete 15 of the following special encounters in Bastion.
Adventurer of Maldraxxus (char specific hidden copy) Complete 15 of the following special encounters in Maldraxxus.
Adventurer of Ardenweald (char specific hidden copy) Complete 15 of the following special encounters in Ardenweald.
Adventurer of Revendreth (char specific hidden copy) Complete 15 of the following special encounters in Revendreth.
It's In The Mix (char specific hidden copy) Defeat all seven creations from the Pool of Mixed Monstrosities.
Fractured Faerie Tales (char specific hidden copy) Return the following lost books in Ardenweald.
Toss a Seed to Your Hunter... (char specific hidden copy) Toss a Faintly Glowing Seed at Gwynceirw, The Winter Wolf, during or after combat with the mire boggart.
Bloodsport (char specific hidden copy) Defeat all seven champions in the Theater of Pain.
Sand, Sand Everywhere! (char specific hidden copy) Uncover treasures from piles of sand scattered throughout Zereth Mortis.
Fragments of History (char specific hidden copy) Acquire for Emilia Bellocq, the following loose pieces of statuary located around the Dragon Isles.
Dragon Isles
Niya, As Xavius Defeat Niya, As Xavius at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Senthii, As Gul'dan Defeat Senthii, As Gul'dan at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden Defeat Glimmerdust, As Kil'jaeden at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Mi'kai, As Argus Defeat Mi'kai, As Argus at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Glimmerdust, As Jaina Defeat Glimmerdust, As Jaina at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Astra, As Azshara Defeat Astra, As Azshara at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
Dreamweaver, As N'Zoth Defeat Dreamweaver, As N'Zoth at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald.
<DNT> Plunderstorm Plunder Tracker - V1.5 11.0.7 - Mainline Power
<DNT> Plunderstorm Plunder Tracker - Mainline Power Rewards
<DNT> Patient 1 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 1
War Within
<DNT> Patient 2 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 2
War Within
<DNT> Patient 3 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 3
War Within
<DNT> Patient 4 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 4
War Within
<DNT> Patient 5 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 5
War Within
<DNT> Patient 6 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 6
War Within
<DNT> Patient 7 - Mereldar Infirmary Tracking achievement for the Infirmary Patient 7
War Within
Nothing Boring About Borean (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below.
I've Toured the Fjord (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below.
Icecrown: The Final Goal (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Icecrown storylines listed below.
To Hellfire and Back (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Hellfire Peninsula storylines listed below.
Shadow of the Betrayer (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Shadowmoon Valley storylines listed below.
To Hellfire and Back (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Hellfire Peninsula storylines listed below.
I've Toured the Fjord (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below.
Nothing Boring About Borean (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below.
Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below.
Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below.
That's Val'sharah Folks! (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Val'sharah storylines listed below.
Azsuna Matata (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Azsuna storylines listed below.
Vrykul Story, Bro (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Stormheim storylines listed below.
Breaching the Tomb (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Legionfall campaign.
You Are Now Prepared! (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Argus campaign.
A Sound Plan (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Tiragarde Sound storylines listed below.
Battle for Azeroth
Grand, Gutsy Solutions Complete the quest "Grand, Gutsy Solutions."
Pet: Slim
War Within
Fae's Giving [DNT]
Pilgrim's Bounty
Darkmoon Dominator (char specific hidden copy) Win the Darkmoon Deathmatch twelve times and receive a Master Pit Fighter trinket.
Darkmoon Faire
<DND> Account Has Curious Wolvar Pup Added for playercondition issues.
Children's Week
<DND> Account Has Oracle Hatchling Added for playercondition issues.
Children's Week
<Hidden> RR - 4b
Anniversary Celebration
A Cool Twenty Years Complete the following achievements.
Mount: Coldflame Tempest
Anniversary Celebration
Token Collector Collect 100 Bronze Celebration Tokens during WoW's 20th Anniversary. (This will become a Feat of Strength.)
Reward: Bronze Celebration Tokens drop from repeatable 20th Anniversary activities.
Anniversary Celebration
Umbrage for Umbriss Defeat General Umbriss while he is affected with Modgud's Malice in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
[DNT] <Hidden> Mythic+ Rating > 0 (Dragonflight, any season)
Shadowlands Dungeon
[HIDDEN] Fates of the Shadowlands Raid Portals
Shadowlands Raid
[DNT] Hidden - Fyr'alath - Heroic/Mythic Marker
Dragonflight Raid
[DNT] <Hidden> Mythic+ Rating > 0 (The War Within, any season)
Shadowlands Dungeon
[HIDDEN] Awakening the Dragonflight Raid Portals
Dragonflight Raid
Utgarde Keep (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Keep.
Lich King Dungeon
The Nexus (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in The Nexus.
Lich King Dungeon
The Culling of Stratholme (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Caverns of Time: Stratholme.
Lich King Dungeon
Azjol-Nerub (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Azjol-Nerub.
Lich King Dungeon
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
Lich King Dungeon
Drak'Tharon Keep (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Drak'Tharon Keep.
Lich King Dungeon
Gundrak (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Gundrak.
Lich King Dungeon
Halls of Stone (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the boss encounters in Halls of Stone.
Lich King Dungeon
Halls of Lightning (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Halls of Lightning.
Lich King Dungeon
The Oculus (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in The Oculus.
Lich King Dungeon
Utgarde Pinnacle (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Pinnacle.
Lich King Dungeon
Stratholme (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the evil masterminds inhabiting Stratholme.
Unleashed Monstrosities (char specific hidden copy) Defeat 8 of the following monstrous creatures on the Broken Isles.
Legion Raid
Seat of the Pantheon (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Antorus, the Burning Throne.
Legion Raid
The Descent into Madness (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses of the Descent into Madness area of Ulduar.
Lich King Raid
Halls of Containment (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses in the first section of Uldir.
Battle Raid
Crimson Descent (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Uldir.
Battle Raid
Heart of Corruption (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses and extinguish the corruption in the lowest reaches of Uldir.
Battle Raid
Victory or Death (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Battle Raid