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Name Side Points Reward Category
Hall of Fame: Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of the Harbinger
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Azshara
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Azshara
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: N'Zoth the Corruptor (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat N'Zoth the Corruptor on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of N'Zoth
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: N'Zoth the Corruptor (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat N'Zoth the Corruptor on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of N'Zoth
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Sire Denathrius (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Denathrius
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Sire Denathrius (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Denathrius
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Sylvanas (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Sylvanas Windrunner on Mythic difficulty.
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Sylvanas (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Sylvanas Windrunner on Mythic difficulty.
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: The Jailer (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat The Jailer on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of The Banished One
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: The Jailer (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat The Jailer on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of The Banished One
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Raszageth the Storm-Eater (Alliance) Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Raszageth
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Raszageth the Storm-Eater (Horde) Among the first one hundred Horde guilds worldwide to defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Raszageth
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Scalecommander Sarkareth Among the first two hundred guilds worldwide to defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Sarkareth
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Fyrakk the Blazing Among the first two hundred guilds worldwide to defeat Fyrakk the Blazing on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Fyrakk
Guild Feats of Strength
Hall of Fame: Queen Ansurek Among the first two hundred guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Ansurek on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Famed Slayer of Ansurek
Guild Feats of Strength
The Ultimate Challenge Complete 250 guild challenges.
More Fun With Friends Complete 100 scenarios while in a guild group.
Mythic Keystone Challenges Complete 50 guild Mythic Keystone challenges.
Raid Representation Earn Exalted with the raid reputations listed below.
Are You Not Entertained? Earn a 2200 rating in the arena with a team composed entirely of guild members.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Guild Level 25 First guild on the realm to reach guild level 25.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Working as a Team First guild on the realm to obtain 525 skill points in all professions and secondary professions.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Nefarian First guild on the realm to defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Al'Akir First guild on the realm to defeat Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Sinestra First guild on the realm to defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Guild Level 5 Reach guild level 5.
Guild Feats of Strength
Guild Level 10 Reach guild level 10.
Guild Feats of Strength
Guild Level 15 Reach guild level 15.
Guild Feats of Strength
Guild Level 20 Reach guild level 20.
Guild Feats of Strength
Guild Level 25 Reach guild level 25.
Guild Feats of Strength
Pandaren Embassy Earn Exalted with all of the pandaren reputations listed below.
Horde 10
Diplomacy Raise 15 reputations to Exalted.
Horde 10
Ambassadors Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.
Horde 10
Guild Battlemasters Earn the Battlemaster title on all of the classes below.
Guild Feats of Strength
Classic Battles Earn Exalted reputation with the classic battlegrounds listed below.
Horde 10
Dungeon Diplomat Earn Exalted with the dungeon reputations listed below.
Horde 10
United Nations Raise 55 reputations to Exalted.
Horde 15 Reputation
Classy Pandaren Reach max level on each of the Pandaren classes listed below.
Horde 10
Scenario Roundup Complete the following scenarios while in a guild group.
Horde 10
Reward: Guild Shirts
Guild High Warlords Earn the High Warlord title on all of the classes below.
Horde 15
Pandaren Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Pandaren of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero Complete the heroic Northrend dungeon achievements listed below while in a guild group.
Horde 20
Dungeons & Raids
Stay Classy Complete the classy achievements listed below.
Horde 10 General
Classy Orcs Reach max level on each of the Orc classes listed below.
Horde 10
Classy Tauren Reach max level on each of the Tauren classes listed below.
Horde 10
Classy Trolls Reach max level on each of the Troll classes listed below.
Horde 10
Classy Blood Elves Reach max level on each of the Blood Elf classes listed below.
Horde 10
Classy Undead Reach max level on each of the Undead classes listed below.
Horde 10
Classy Goblins Reach max level on each of the Goblin classes listed below.
Horde 10
Guild Warlords Earn the Warlord title on all of the classes below.
Horde 10
Guild Champions Earn the Champion title on all of the classes below.
Horde 10
Guild Generals Earn the General title on all of the classes below.
Horde 10
Battle of Dazar'alor Guild Run Defeat the bosses of Battle of Dazar'alor on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Horde 10
Battle Raid
Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run Defeat The Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Horde 10
Lich King Dungeon
Human Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Human of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Night Elf Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Night Elf of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Dwarf Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Dwarf of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Gnome Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Gnome of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Draenei Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Draenei of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Worgen Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Worgen of each of the classes listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Alliance Slayer Complete the slayer achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Reward: Guild Page
Player vs. Player
City Attacker Kill 2500 enemy players in any Alliance home city.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Under Cover of Darkness Capture a location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Night Moves Capture every location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Recruitment Officer Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Deforester Embody every Horde Hero in the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Heroic: Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:
Horde 10
War Effort
Heroic: War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore on Heroic Difficulty.
Horde 10
War Effort
Heroic: War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde on Heroic Difficulty.
Horde 10
War Effort
Team Deathmatch Slay 15 of the Alliance champions listed below.
Horde 10
Island Expeditions
War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Defeat 2 Commanders (Horde) (Hidden) Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
War Effort
Strike Fast Capture every location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Horde 10
War Effort
Strike Hard Capture a location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Horde 10
War Effort
Leader of Troops Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Horde 10
War Effort
Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
Horde 10
War Effort
War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde.
Horde 10
War Effort
Exploring the High Seas Complete all of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Horde 10
Draenor Garrison
Petty Officer Complete 100 Naval Missions.
Horde 5
Reward: Captain's Hat
Draenor Garrison
Charting a Course Complete three of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Horde 10 Draenor Garrison
Fleet Commander Complete 500 Naval Missions.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
Admiral Complete 1000 Naval Missions.
Horde 10
Draenor Garrison
Fighting with Style: War-torn Unlock all 4 color variations for your war-torn artifact appearance.
Horde 10
Legion Class Hall
Azeroth at War: The Barrens Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Horde 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Horde 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire Complete 6 of the following missions listed below:
Horde 10
War Effort
Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes Collect twenty Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Horde 5 Draenor Garrison
Choppin' Even More Logs Place 100 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill.
Horde 5
Title Reward: Timber Lord <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Full Discography Collect all of the Music Rolls available for your garrison's jukebox.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
Don't Call Me Junior Complete the achievements listed below:
Horde 10
Follower Contract: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Ten Hit Tunes Collect ten Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
More Plots Upgrade your garrison to tier 2.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
Even More Plots Upgrade your garrison to tier 3.
Horde 5
Draenor Garrison
Advanced Husbandry Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Black Claw of Sethe.
Horde 10
Draenor Garrison
The Stable Master Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Garn-Tooth Necklace.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Stable Master <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Defender of Draenor Get 5000 honorable kills in Draenor.
Horde 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Mythic Draenor Raider Complete the Mythic raiding achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Warlord of Draenor Complete all of the Nemesis quests at the Gladiator's Sanctum and the quest Fight, Kill, Salute! at the Highmaul Coliseum.
Horde 10 Draenor Garrison
Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer Complete the quest Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Horde 5 Draenor Garrison