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Name Side Points Reward Category
Storming Stormwind Kill King Anduin Wrynn.
Player vs. Player
Immortal No More Kill High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.
Player vs. Player
Laughing Skull Orcs Earn Exalted status with Laughing Skull Orcs.
Horde 10
Sunreaver Onslaught Earn Exalted status with the Sunreaver Onslaught
Horde 10
Frostwolf Orcs Earn Exalted status with the Frostwolf Orcs.
Horde 10
Savage Friends Earn Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation.
Horde 5
Reward: Unlocks Trading Post, Level 3
Tanaan Diplomat Earn Revered reputation with all three factions in Tanaan Jungle.
Horde 10
Dominance Offensive Earn Exalted status with the Dominance Offensive.
Horde 10
High Warlord Earned the title, "High Warlord" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Lieutenant General Earned the title, "Lieutenant General" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Warlord Earned the title, "Warlord" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
General Earned the title, "General" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Champion Earned the title, "Champion" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Centurion Earned the title, "Centurion" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Blood Guard Earned the title, "Blood Guard" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Senior Sergeant Earned the title, "Senior Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Stone Guard Earned the title, "Stone Guard" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
First Sergeant Earned the title, "First Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Sergeant Earned the title, "Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Scout Earned the title, "Scout" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Grunt Earned the title, "Grunt" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Legionnaire Earned the title, "Legionnaire" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Talanji's Expedition Earn Exalted status with Talanji's Expedition.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
The Voldunai Earn Exalted status with the Voldunai.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Zandalari Empire Earn Exalted status with the Zandalari Empire.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Pandaren Ambassador Earn Exalted with all of the pandaren reputations listed below.
Horde 20
Reward: Pandaren Kite
Dragonmaw Clan Earn Exalted status with the Dragonmaw Clan.
Horde 10
Hellscream's Reach Earn Exalted status with Hellscream's Reach.
Horde 10
Taming Kalimdor Defeat all of the Pet Tamers in Kalimdor listed below.
Horde 5
Unlock: Kalimdor Pet Battle Daily Quests
The Winds of the North Gain Exalted reputation with the Horde Expedition.
Horde 20
Wrath of the Lich King
Zandalari Curator Restore and display pristine versions of all Zandalari and Drust artifacts.
Horde 25
The Diplomat Raise your reputation level from Unfriendly to Exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and The Mag'har.
Horde 25
Title Reward: <Name> the Diplomat
Mag'har of Draenor Earn Exalted status with The Mag'har.
Horde 15
The Burning Crusade
Zandalari Archaeologist Obtain 950 skill points in archaeology.
Horde 10
Giving a Scrap Learn how to use the Shred-Master Mk1.
Horde 5
The Zandalari Menu Cook 10 of the Zandalari recipes listed below.
Horde 10
Zandalari Fisherman Obtain 150 skill points in the "Zandalari" category of fishing.
Horde 10
Baiting the Enemy Fish up a Rasboralus within Proudmoore Keep in Tiragarde Sound.
Horde 15
Zandalari Cook Obtain 150 skill points in the "Zandalari" category of cooking.
Horde 10
Let's Do Lunch: Thunder Bluff Complete each of the Thunder Bluff cooking daily quests.
Horde 10
Let's Do Lunch: Undercity Complete each of the Undercity cooking daily quests.
Horde 10
Fish or Cut Bait: Thunder Bluff Complete each of the Thunder Bluff fishing daily quests.
Horde 10
Fish or Cut Bait: Undercity Complete each of the Undercity fishing daily quests.
Horde 10
Professional Zandalari Master Obtain 150 skill points in a "Zandalari" category of a primary profession.
Horde 10
Working in Zandalar Obtain 150 skill points in a "Zandalari" category of two primary professions.
Horde 10
Fish or Cut Bait: Orgrimmar Complete each of the Orgrimmar fishing daily quests.
Horde 10
Zandalari Master of All Raise all primary professions to 150 skill points in the "Zandalari" category.
Horde 50
Liberator of Orgrimmar Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
Horde 10 Pandaria Raid
Our Daily Bread Complete each of the cooking daily quests offered by Awilo Lon'gomba in Dalaran.
Horde 10
Let's Do Lunch: Orgrimmar Complete each of the Orgrimmar cooking daily quests.
Horde 10
Mythic: Jadefire Masters Defeat Mestrah, the illuminated and Manceroy Flamefist in Battle of Dazar'alor on Mythic difficulty.
Horde 10
Battle Raid
Heroic: Trial of the Champion Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty.
Horde 10
Lich King Dungeon
Defense of Dazar'alor Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Horde 10
Battle Raid
Death's Bargain Witness the retelling of your allies' heroic efforts in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Horde 10
Battle Raid
Victory or Death Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Horde 10
Battle Raid
Ambassador of the Horde Earn Exalted reputation with all six Horde factions.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Ambassador <Name>
The Burning Crusader Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to Exalted.
Horde 20
The Burning Crusade
Forge and Befuddle Deliver Forged Documents to the following gullible individuals.
Horde 5
Flame Keeper of Zandalar Honor the flames of Zandalar.
Horde 10
Extinguishing Kul Tiras Desecrate the Alliance's bonfires in Kul Tiras.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of Draenor Honor the flames of Draenor.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of the Dragon Isles Honor the flames of the Dragon Isles.
Horde 10
Tricks and Treats of Pandaria Visit the Candy Buckets in Pandaria.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
Flame Keeper of Cataclysm Honor the flames of zones opened by the cataclysm.
Horde 10
Extinguishing the Cataclysm Desecrate the Alliance's bonfires in zones opened by the cataclysm.
Horde 5
Taking the Show on the Road Launch off Darkmoon Fireworks in every friendly capital city.
Horde 10
Darkmoon Faire
Extinguishing Pandaria Desecrate the Alliance's bonfire in Pandaria's Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of Pandaria Honor the flames of Pandaria.
Horde 10
Extinguishing Draenor Desecrate the Alliance's bonfire in Draenor's Shadowmoon Valley.
Horde 10
Extinguishing the Broken Isles Desecrate the Alliance's bonfire in Suramar.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of the Broken Isles Honor the flames of the Broken Isles.
Horde 10
Trial of the Champion Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.
Horde 10
Lich King Dungeon
Victory or Death (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Battle Raid
Flame Keeper of Northrend Honor the flames of Northrend.
Horde 10
Extinguishing Northrend Desecrate the Alliance's bonfires in Northrend.
Horde 10
Tricks and Treats of the Cataclysm Visit the Candy Buckets in Cataclysm zones.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
BB King Pelt the enemy leaders listed below.
Horde 10
Winter Veil
A-Caroling We Will Go Use your Winter Veil Chorus Book to carol in enemy capital cities during the Feast of Winter Veil.
Horde 10
Winter Veil
Tricks and Treats of Northrend Visit the Candy Buckets in Northrend.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
Pilgrim's Progress Complete each of the Pilgrim's Bounty dailies.
Horde 10
Pilgrim's Bounty
Now We're Cookin' Cook up one of every Pilgrim's Bounty dish.
Horde 10
Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Peril While wearing either a Pilgrim's Dress, Robe, or Attire, take a seat at each enemy capital's Bountiful Table.
Horde 10
Pilgrim's Bounty
Rotten Hallow Ruin Hallow's End for the Alliance and foil their attempts to wreck the Horde celebration by completing the following quests.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
Pilgrim's Paunch Acquire the Spirit of Sharing from a complete Bountiful Table feast at every Horde capital.
Horde 10
Pilgrim's Bounty
Spring Fling Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the towns listed below.
Horde 10
Noble Garden Hide a Brightly Colored Egg in Silvermoon City.
Horde 10
Strange Brew Acquire the Brewfest beers listed below. Don't drink them all at once!
Horde 10
Holiday Bromance Use Mistletoe on the Horde "Brothers" during the Feast of Winter Veil.
Horde 10
Winter Veil
The Flame Keeper Complete the Midsummer achievements listed below.
Horde 20
Title Reward: Flame Keeper <Name>
World Events
Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
Tricks and Treats of Outland Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
The Fires of Azeroth Complete the Flame Keeper achievements.
Horde 10
Desecration of the Alliance Complete all Extinguishing achievements.
Horde 10
Aqua Team Murder Force Complete the Nazjatar achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.
Horde 10
Hallow's End
Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms Honor the flames of Eastern Kingdoms.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of Kalimdor Honor the flames of Kalimdor.
Horde 10
Flame Keeper of Outland Honor the flames of Outland.
Horde 10
Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms Desecrate the Alliance's bonfires in Eastern Kingdoms.
Horde 10
Extinguishing Kalimdor Desecrate the Alliance's bonfires in Kalimdor.
Horde 10