| Trait | | | Increases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Lesser Elementals or Greater Elementals. |
| Trait | | | Increases mission success chance by 25%. |
| Ability | | Hazard
Minions | Increases success chance of missions with Minions or Hazards by 15%. |
| Trait | | | Increases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Valarjar Aspirants or Stormforged Valarjar. |
| Trait | | | Grants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally. Grants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally. |
| Trait | | | Increases success chance of missions by 5%. |
| Ability | | Minions | In a whirlwind of steel you counter a Minion. |
| Ability | | | Increases success chance of missions by 30%. |
| Ability | | Minions | Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%. |
| Ability | | Spell | Disrupts the target's concentration with a burst of wind, to counter a Spell. |
| Trait | | | Increases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Bands of Trackers or Pathfinders. |
| Ability | | | Reduces mission duration of all missions by 20%. |
| Ability | | Boss | A martial artist without peer who counters some Bosses with hands and fists. |
| Trait | | | Reduces mission duration by 30%. |
| Trait | | Hazard | Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 50%. |
| Ability | | Minions | Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%. |
| Ability | | | Increases success chance of missions by 30%. |
| Ability | Mission Success | | Desc of ID410 Test follower ability description 7 * action flat: [ 50 * 7$ ] Combatmax / by 5: [ 50 / 5$ ] Base + max: [ 0 + 50$ ] Hours - 10: [ 0 - 10$ ] No expression: 50 - 50 My spellDesc |