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Name Type Category Counters Description
Master Assassin
Ability Boss
Increases success chance of missions with Bosses by 15%.
Master of Mages
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Tirisgarde Apprentices or Kirin Tor Invokers.
Master Plan
AbilityIncreases success chance of a single mission by 20%. Will be consumed on use.
Masterful Ox Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 40%.
Masterful Tiger Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 40%.
Matron of Imps
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon either a Pack of Imps or a Swarm of Wild Imps.
Meatball Mad!
Ability Boss
Increases success chance against Bosses by 75%.
Memento of the Lightforged
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 30%.
Ability Timed BattleDemon hunters can unleash the demon within to defeat the strongest foes.
Ability Hazard
Increases success chance of missions with Minions or Hazards by 15%.
Might of the Mok'Nathal
AbilityIncreases success chance when not accompanied by other Champions by 15%.
Mind Freeze
Ability SpellSmash the target's mind with cold to counter a Spell.
Ability BossA healer who masters the mysterious arts of manipulating life energies to counter some Bosses.
Mogu Madstone
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Tiger Initiates, Tiger Adepts or Tiger Masters.
Mortal Hew
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Mutated Hide
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
AbilitySuccess chance reduced by 75%.
Nature's Balance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Dreamgrove Treants or Daughters of Cenarius.
Nature's Force
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Necklace of Endless Memories
TraitGrants 5 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Nightmare's End
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.

Reduces mission duration by 5%.
Omen's Bidding
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Increases mission success chance by 5%.
One with the Pack
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by other Beast Mastery champions.
Ability BossAllies of the Demon Hunters made up of Naga, Broken and even demons, the Outcast employ a variety of techniques to counter some Bosses.
Outland Tactician
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Ashtongue Warriors or Naga Myrmidons.
Ability BossA ruthless fugitive who uses ability and guile to stand toe-to-toe, countering some Bosses.
Ox Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Pain Suppression
AbilityChance for a random troop to not take 1 vitality damage
Path of Frost
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Path of the Crane
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Initiates of the Crane.
Path of the Earth
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by a Circle of Earthcallers or Earthen Ring Geomancers.
Path of the Ox
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Initiates of the Ox.
Path of the Tiger
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Tiger Initiates, Tiger Adepts or Tiger Masters.
Pathfinder's Saddle
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Pick Pocket
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Chance to return from a successful mission with an item of value.
Piercing Shots
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
AbilityOn successful mission chance to return with a Champion Armament or Equipment
Pit Lord Tusk
Trait HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 30%.
AbilitySuccess chance reduced by 75%.
Portable Teleporter
AbilityReduces mission duration by 30%.
Potion of Energy
TraitIncreases success chance by 30% on missions shorter than 4 hours.
Potion of Sacrifice
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Grants 2 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Potion of Triton
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Pouch of Wonder
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
AbilityReduces success chance.
AbilityReduces success chance.
AbilityReduces success chance.
Praetorium Tome of Arcana
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 25%.
Reduces mission duration by 25%.
Prattle On
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Prayer of Mending
AbilityMission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
AbilityIncreased success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 15%.
Presence of Mind
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Prime Elemental
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Lesser or Greater Elementals.
Prismatic Armor
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Duelists and Pirates you can recruit by 1.
Pronged Ridgestalker Spear
Trait SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 30%.
Ability BossUses Holy magic to shield themselves and defend allies to counter some Bosses.
Ability BossA stalwart protector who uses a shield to counter Bosses.
Psychic Scream
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Pulsing Wrathguard Skull
Trait HazardIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 40%.
Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 40%.
Ability SpellPummel the target, to counter a Spell.
Queen's Feathers
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Grants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
AbilitySuccess chance reduced by 25%.
Rain of Fel Fire
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Rallying Cry
AbilityIncreases the success chance of the first mission you send each day by 5% per troop Vitality.
Razorspine Scales
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
AbilityOn successful mission chance to return with an item to summon an Abomination.
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Ability SpellRebuke the enemy to counter a Spell.
AbilityOn successful mission chance to return with a Champion Armament or Equipment
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Relic of Demonic Influence
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Felguard Demons.
Relic of the Ebon Blade
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ebon Knights or Ebon Ravagers.
Resourceful Brawler
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Ability BossUses powerful Nature spells to keep allies alive and counter some Bosses.
Ability BossA healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to counter some Bosses.
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Ability BossA righteous crusader who judges and counters some Bosses with weapons and Holy magic.
Righteous Blessing
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Ritual of Summoning
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Ability HazardRoll a short distance to counter a Hazard.
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Royal Bloodline
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15% when accompanied by troops of different types.
Royal Guard
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon a Coilskar Brute, a powerful troop type.
Rune of Reckoning
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Packs of Ghouls or Geist Swarms.
Runewarded Lightblade
Trait SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 50%.
Sanctified Armaments of the Light
TraitIncreases success chance by 50% on missions shorter than 8 hours.
Sanity Edge
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Band of Zealots or Dark Zealots.
Satchel of Lucidity
TraitReduces mission duration by 25%.
Screams of the Dead
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon a squad of Valarjar Aspirants or Stormforged Valarjar.
Scroll of Growth
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Dreamgrove Treants or Daughters of Cenarius.
Seal of Elune
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Seed of Corruption
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Seeker's Scrip
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Squads of Archers or Unseen Marksmen.
Serene Strike
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Serrated Stone Axe
TraitIncreases success chance by 30% on missions shorter than 8 hours.
Ability BossUses sinister Shadow magic, to counter some Bosses.
Shadow Assault
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.