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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
A Bit Nippy

Lately the plains have been even more bitterly cold than usual. Find out what's causing this weather before it starts costing lives.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Arakkoa Underground

Kill the arakkoa underground.

90Jewelcrafting3 8 sec100
Beasts in the Jungle

Kill the beasts in the jungle.

90Alchemy3 8 sec100
Beyond the Pale

Pale orcs stole a powerful trinket and fled to the mountains. Now they vow to kill anyone who comes near "the precious." Challenge accepted!

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Boom Is the Word

A very large Iron Horde fuel-storage tank sits alongside a rail bridge to the north. Crack the tank open, add some dynamite. BOOM!

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Breakers in Town

Kill the breakers in the town.

90Enchanting3 8 sec100
Clean the Latrine

It's best not to lose a bet with the janitor.

90Logistics1 5 min0
Clean the Latrine

It's best not to lose a bet with the janitor.

90Logistics1 5 min50
Cleave the Clefthoof

In this harsh environment, sturdy transportation is essential. Cripple the Iron Horde by taking out its greatest beasts of burden.

90Combat1 30 min100
Demons in the Forest

Kill the demons in the forest.

90Blacksmithing3 8 sec100
Fey Friends

Arcane Anomalies are endangering the Fey Dragons of the Shimmer Mor. Unacceptable!

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Finding Farahlon Rare

The Netherstorm must have come from somewhere. Get on a boat, sail northeast, and bring something good back while you're at it.

90Exploration1× 10 6 hrs500
Flora and Fauna

Dark magic runs amok in Shadowmoon Valley, giving rise to maddened, unnatural creatures. End their suffering.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Frostfire Patrol

This is Matt's test mission *bugles and horns blair a triumphant tune*

90Patrol3 10 sec100
Frosty and Delicious

Elementals are plentiful in Frostfire Ridge. Goren love eating them, and whatever the goren eat, they inherit its powers. Not good.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Frosty Potions

A scout has located a cache of Thunderlord potions frozen in the snow. Recovering them will allow your alchemists to learn about the ingredients of Draenor.

90Alchemy1× 10 30 min100
Furies in the Swamp

Kill the furies in the swamp.

90Engineering3 8 sec100
Grimfrost Wolfbeaters

The Grimfrost Ogres east of the Icewind Drifts are blatantly mistreating frostwolves. Unacceptable!

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Gronnlings Abound

Gronnlings are a menace to the region. We should partner with the Frostwolf clan to thin the population. One may even join our cause...

90Combat1 30 min100
Hazardous Herbivores

Hippos are taking over the Verdant Mire. They're violently territorial and extremely tough. They're also blocking key resources.

90Combat1 30 min100
Hearthstone Tournament Rare

We could use a master tactician around here. Plus, we might get some autographs.

90Training1 3 hrs400
Hearthstone Tournament Rare

We could use a master tactician around here. Plus, we might get some autographs.

90Training1 3 hrs400
Iron Horde Chef

Iron Horde cuisine is revolting, but the refugees need food. Find orc camps and pilfer what rations they have. Mints might be prudent too.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
It'll Be Ogre Soon

Bloodmaul ogres enslave others and then rely on their forced labor. Go inspire the downtrodden by kicking the fight out of their oppressors.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Killing the Corrupted

Corrupted beasts continue to plague the Cursed Woods. The Starfall Sentinels request our aid in putting the poor creatures out of their misery.

90Combat1 30 min100
Landfall Recovery

It would be a worthwhile endeavor to search the ship we escaped Tanaan Jungle in, it's bound to turn up something useful!

90Combat1× 5 30 min100
Landfall Recovery

It would be a worthwhile endeavor to search the ship we escaped Tanaan Jungle in, it's bound to turn up something useful!

90Combat1× 5 30 min100
Lord of War

The Bloodmaul ogres have begun raiding Horde outposts, costing us soldiers and supplies. We believe a new warlord is to blame.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Mean Screech

We have crafted a device to mimic an arakkoa's cries for help. Deploy it in the Spires of Arak to draw our feathery foes into an ambush.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Ogre Confident

The Bladespire clan has concocted a "foolproof" plan of defense. Make it backfire by killing their elite and leaving their "fools" alive.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Ogre Remedies

Bladespire ogres on the Burning Glacier usually carry packs of supplies when they venture out into the dunes of Frostfire. They may contain new types of potions.

90Alchemy1× 10 30 min100
Ogres in the Desert!

Kill the ogres in the desert.

90Tailoring3 8 sec100
Ogre-Stepping Boundaries

Those Highmaul ogres are annexing more land than we can afford to lose. We're green-lighting a terminal solution to this problem: you.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
One Mission To Rule Them All

The sword of a thousand truths must be destroyed in the Blackrock Foundry. Make it happen dawg.

90Combat1 10 min200
Orcs in the Mountains!

Kill the orcs in the mountains.

90Treasure5 8 sec100
Orcs in the Mountains!

Kill the orcs in the mountains.

90Exploration5 8 sec100
Orcs in the Mountains!

Kill the orcs in the mountains.

90Patrol3 8 sec100
Path of the Titans Rare

Behold! Endless customization awaits in this system within a system within a system.

90Training3× 25 8 hrs400
Powdered Gronnling

Gronnling bones have been discovered in the cavern behind the garrison. Your alchemists are interested in digging them up for research purposes.

90Alchemy1× 10 30 min100
Precious Riches

Rumors grow of a Pale orc that thrives on ambushing the unsuspecting for anything that shines. He might be found in a cave to the southwest.

90Treasure1 30 min100
Primals in the Plains

Kill the primals in the plains.

90Inscription3 8 sec100
Rangari Rescue

The Shadowmoon have taken several Rangari and Alliance forces captive. Infiltrate and rescue!

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Restless Spirits

Shadowmoon Valley is haunted by orc spirits that lash out in confusion and rage. Until they are put to rest, no one is safe.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Shadowmoon Assault Rare

We could send several of our best on a raid of the Shadowmoon outpost of Shaz'Gul! For the Alliance!

90Combat3× 10 60 min200
Shattered Land

Some Shattered Hand raiders have scattered, but though they look haggard, they may soon find new victims to splatter.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Skyward Threat

Lunarfall Ravens from Moonflower Valley have been attacking our supply caravans. The material must flow!

90Combat1 30 min100
Skyward Threat

Rylaks from the Burning Glacier have been attacking our supply caravans. The material must flow!

90Combat1 30 min100
Sorcery, Meet Sword

Shadowmoon spellcasters are experimenting with unstable void magic near the Teluuna Observatory. Because that's going to end well.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Stonefury Rescue

There are reports of a bloody massacre on the Stonefury Cliffs! Scatter the Frostbeak Scavengers and rescue wounded allies!

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Takeout Pizza

The troops are hungry, go pick up a few pies.

90Provision1× 5 30 min100
The Burning Crusade Rare

Rumor has it there's a chili cook-off soon, and frankly I'm tired of eating the same gruel every day. Send someone to get whatever wins.

90Provision1× 10 4 hrs200
The Dance Studio Rare

Rumored not to exist, yet clearly baseless.

90Training1× 5 30 min100
The Dark Night Rises

Curiously, our scouts say a Shadowmoon encampment is always vulnerable at night. You'd think they'd be more used to the dark. Oh well.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
The Night Watch

A regular patrol around the garrison seems like a good idea...

90Patrol1× 5 30 min100
The Night Watch

A regular patrol around the garrison seems like a good idea...

90Patrol1× 5 30 min100
The Observer Effect

The Thunderlord orcs are growing bold: their scouts follow Horde parties with little stealth or fear. Such arrogance deserves a response.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
The Umbral Giant

The marshes of the Umbrafen are the stomping ground of Ba'ruun, a danger to all that need enter the fen.

90Combat3× 20 10 hrs200
Thunderlord Assault Rare

We could send several of our best on a raid of the Thunderlord outpost of Colossal's Fall! Go forth to victory.

90Combat3× 10 60 min200
Thunderlords, Ho!

Rumor has it that the Thunderlord clan is using strange "blades of omen" that can change size. Destroy these weapons while we can.

90Combat3× 10 60 min100
Tracking Griftah Rare

Some shifty troll sold our troops a bunch of worthless junk. Rough him up a bit and get a refund!

90Patrol1× 10 30 min500
Tusks Like Icicles

Coldtusk the boar continues to roam the shivering trench, and clearly we can't rely on the ravagers to take care of him.

90Combat3× 20 10 hrs200
Umbrafen Treasures

Scouts have heard rumors of valuables within a mysterious cave in the Umbrafen.

90Treasure1 30 min100
Undead In The Snow

Kill the undead in the snow.

90Leatherworking3 8 sec100
Weed Whacker

Don't be fooled. They're only adorable until they swarm you and gnaw your face off.

90Combat1× 10 30 min100
Where The Rock Flayers Went Rare

Modern anthropologists had hoped Draenor would reveal the origin of the rock flayer. They were disappointed.

90Exploration1× 10 6 hrs500
Aerial Rodents of Unusual Size

The frostwing screechers of the Southwind Cliffs are overpopulated. If ignored, this will eventually disrupt mining operations.

91Patrol1× 10 45 min200
Ancient Anguish

It's time to chop down a few ancient trees. Only the ones that are demonically corrupted, mind you. The rest, you can hug if you like.

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
Artillery Suppression

Iron Horde artillery units have positioned themselves on the ridge above the Shivering Trench. This is a clear and present danger!

91Patrol1× 10 45 min200

The Iron Horde are attempting to unearth long-lost ogre artifacts in the Broken Spine area. Evict them and claim the rewards as your own.

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs100
Blackrock Intelligence

Blackrock messengers have been spotted crisscrossing the region. Any missives they are carrying could prove invaluable to our cause.

91Combat1 60 min200
Boiling Hot Magma

Relics of long-forgotten orc clans can be found by carefully traversing between the Daggermaw Flows lava streams - and dealing with deadly fire elementals.

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs100
Borrok's Fools

The Grimfrost ogres regularly rob Frostwolf orcs and offer them as sacrifices to Brorrok the Devourer. Let's relieve them of their stolen goods.

91Treasure1 60 min200
Drunk with Power Rare

Gronn attacked an alchemist's wagon, and now they're hopped up on strength elixirs. Let's get 'em before they find the invisibility potions.

91Combat3× 15 1.5 hrs300
Fickle Loyalty Rare

A disgruntled Bladespire Chef has provided us with a lead on an ancient map hidden in the mines beneath the citadel.

91Exploration1× 50 4 hrs100
Free Labor Rare

Bladespire ogres have captured a band of laborers from the garrison. Infiltrate their fortress and free the workers.

91Combat3× 20 1.5 hrs300
Fury of the Southwind Cliffs

The furies that roam the Southwind Cliffs have been known to leave their dead frozen in place. Perhaps there are things worth retrieving.

91Combat3× 20 10 hrs400
Green Thumb

The botani have claimed the abandoned ogre fortress at the Overlook Ruins as a new incubator. Stop them before they overgrow all of Gorgrond.

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs300
I See Dead Orcs

The Shadowmoon Clan have interred their dead in this area for generations - find out more about their history.

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs100
Lessons of History Rare

Shadowmoon orcs are summoning void beasts through hastily opened portals that could tear Draenor apart, once again. Stop them!

91Combat3× 15 1.5 hrs300
Mushroom Mystery

The Umbrafen swamps have been overgrown by giant fungi for as long as anyone can remember - why are Ogre ruins buried here?

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs100
No Dwarf Left Behind

Shadowmoon forces have abducted a Wildhammer shaman near the Cursed Woods. Rescue our foolhardy ally and bring the orcs to justice.

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
Podling Patrol

Wayward podlings have stolen a crate of our giant growth elixirs. Recover the potions before the creatures consume them and run amok.

91Combat1 60 min200
Podlings of Unusual Size

Some say the podlings of Gloomshade Grove bow to the mad king of the east. Find him, and end his reign of podling terror.

91Patrol1× 10 45 min200
Rylak Attrition

Killing full-grown rylaks has not diminished their numbers in the least. Scour their nesting grounds and end this menace at the source.

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
Silence the Thunder

Thunderlord hunting parties have been sighted to the north. Set an ambush in the cliffs and show them what the real Horde is made of!

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
The Best-Laid Plans... Rare

Our former courier got spooked and dropped an important package from Karabor in a thicket of botani and ancients. Retrieve the package!

91Combat3× 20 1.5 hrs300
The Bigger They Are

The Thunderlord regard Colossal's Fall as a sacred location, claiming it was their clan who felled this Colossal many decades ago.

91Exploration1× 15 4 hrs100
The Hills of Talbuk Past

Rumors speak of a ghostly talbuk that haunts the southern reaches of Shadowmoon Valley, we should investigate.

91Combat3× 20 10 hrs400
The Howling Void

We have reports of the Shadowmoon prowling Gloomshade Grove, shrouding the land in foul magic. Disrupt their dark rituals at any cost.

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
The Hypnocroak

Legends speak of a cave above the Nightmarsh replete with valuable trade resources - along with an amphibious abomination residing in it.

91Treasure1 60 min200
The Pale Dilemma

The pale have stolen a shipment of Iron Horde weaponry. Recover the armaments - by force if necessary - before our enemy does.

91Combat1 60 min200
The Shadow Beneath Us

The Shadow Council has wormed its way into a network of caves west of the garrison. We cannot allow it to gain a foothold in the region!

91Combat1× 10 60 min200
Tomb Raider Rare

Ancient carvings in the tombs of the Fortress of Anguish may lead us to discover many secrets in Shadowmoon Valley. We'll have to fight our way in.

91Exploration1× 50 4 hrs100
Toxic Bloom

A noxious mist is pervading Blademoon Bloom. Find and neutralize the source so that our forces can pass safely through the region.

91Combat1 60 min200
Warpstalker Predators

We'll need to regularly fend off warpstalkers in the Shimmering Mor to ensure a steady supply of fey dragons for transport purposes.

91Patrol1× 10 45 min200
Ancient Affliction

A strange disease is spreading among Gorgrond's ancients, driving them mad. Destroy them before the infection escalates.

92Combat1× 10 60 min300
Break Their Chains

Ogre slavers are carrying off our allies to fight in their arenas. Pose as a would-be gladiator and free the unwilling combatants.

92Combat1 45 min300
Breaking the Blackrock

Scouts have recovered a map of Blackrock supply caches hidden across Gorgrond. Destroying them would strike a grave blow to our enemy.

92Combat1× 10 60 min300
Dessicus Maximus

The elementals of Gorgrond are regularly whipped into a frenzy by Dessicus of the Dead Pools. Let's see what we can do about that.

92Patrol2× 10 45 min300
Dumb and Dumber Rare

Several gronn and ogron came here to attack us, but the dumb beasts are just fighting each other. Let's kill them all and end this farce.

92Combat3× 20 1.5 hrs450