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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
The Screeching Forest

The Nightmare has transformed once-beautiful creatures into twisted visions. Wraithtalon, once a mighty hippogryph, now preys upon our allies.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 13 hrs3000
They're In the Walls

Our scouts report that Legion agents have been trying to infiltrate Dalaran through its own citizens. We should investigate and unmask any enemies.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 18 hrs3000
Titan's Gaze

It is said that the Titan watchers themselves observe all the residents of Stormheim, and who is worthy to ascend. Prove our worth.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 100 4 hrs3000
Trail of Breadcrumbs

The forests of Val'sharah are no place to wander off alone. Danger waits behind every tree, and sometimes it doesn't wait.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 9 hrs3000
Trophy Hunting

A satyr named Perrexx has been making sport out of hunting the druids of Moonclaw Vale, as though they were trophies! Turn the tables on him.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 9 hrs3000
Waking the Dead

Late at night, someone has been going to the cemetery in Dalaran and attempting to raise the dead. We should investigate and put a stop to it.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions8303× 150 11 hrs3000
Worse Than Death

The Swamprock murlocs of Shipwreck Cove have a long history of grabbing survivors from wrecks and dragging them back to their village.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs3000
[PH] Pet 3


1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 150 12 hrs1000
A Good Dust Up

There's nothing quite like the thrill of defending the honor of your faction and engaging in some friendly, or not so friendly, competition. Send your champion to explore the battlegrounds.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions8503× 200 16 hrs3000
Black Rook Rumble

At Raven's Glory Arena in Black Rook Hold, our champions can prove their worth and earn respect for our cause. Send them to the Rumble.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Friends, Not Food

Master Tamer Flummox isn't the most conventional pet tamer. Now, he's acquired a firebat pup and means to eat it! Rescue the pup from certain doom.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Glittering Treasure

Our scouts report that the Britterbrine came across a cache that may have come from Azshara's treasure room. We should see what we can bring back.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
It's so FLUFFY!

Amalia, famous battle-pet tamer, has a litter of corgi puppies she needs to find homes for! To determine a rightful owner, she's holding a tournament.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Might of the Mountain

The Highmountain tauren have requested our aid to protect their borders from the Feltotem. In return, their ritualists will grant us powerful potions.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Once More Into the Fray

The melee continues in the battleground. Send our forces to assist the cause.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions8503× 500 16 hrs3000
The Greatest Stage of All

There's nothing quite like the sound of the crowd cheering as you deftly maneuver and muscle for rank. Send your champions to the arenas to see what they can learn.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions8503× 500 16 hrs3000
The Perils of Ashran

Your champions have heard of a place of endless war, where the tides of battle flow constantly. Send them to investigate further.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions8503× 500 16 hrs3000
Win the Crowd

The nightborne pride themselves on the great heights they've achieved with their civilization. Send our champions to their tournament.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
A Rare Vintage

There was once a great stock of wine in Falanaar. Send some troops to investigate and see what they can find.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions8503× 200 1.5 days3000
All Dressed Up

After taking Lord Nimrod's hunt invitation, we must discover where the fox hunt will begin. Send your champions to question Lady Dyana on the location.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
An Odious Task

Lucian from One Last Glass was overheard lamenting the loss of a shipment of extraodinarly stinky cheese. Apparently the courier was overrun as he made his way through the Underbelly.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions8503× 200 1.5 days3000
Assault on Felfire Armory

The Army of the Light will delay Legion reinforcements while Felfire Armory is destroyed by your forces.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions9503× 100 16 hrs10000
Council of War Rare

The Warhammer Council is a fearsome foe.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7503× 200 12 hrs3000
Darkfall Ridge Supplies

Chieftain Hatuun has requested that you recover supplies hidden in Darkfall Ridge. In return, Krokul Ridgestalkers will help your forces navigate Argus' desolate landscape.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7603× 100 16 hrs10000
Gambit in the Wastes

High Exarch Turalyon has requested your assistance for an audacious assault against the Legion war machine.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions9253× 100 16 hrs10000
Inches From Madness

Alleria has asked you to search the Ruins of Oronaar for any krokul not yet consumed by the Shadow.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions9003× 100 16 hrs10000
Its Clean Up Time Rare

Wait, a janitor? Really?

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions8003× 200 16 hrs3000
I've Got A Strange Feeling About This Rare

Can you defeat Meatball?

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions8503× 200 16 hrs3000
Just in Time

One last piece of the map remains and you will be ready to stop the nightborne's fox hunt. Send your champions to confront Houndmaster Britomar.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Master of Shadows Rare

Are you afraid of the dark?

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions8253× 200 16 hrs3000
Nath'raxas Breakout

The krokul wish to rescue their brethren from Nath'raxas Hold before they are turned by the fel. Should you succeed, the Legion's influence in this region will diminish.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions9003× 100 16 hrs10000
On the Hunt

Nightborne nobles are planning to hunt an elusive, rare fox, possibly the last of his kind. Send your champions to uncover more information.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Securing an Invitation

According to the Stablemaster, only certain nightborne nobles are invited to the hunt. Send your champions to question Lord Nimrod about the hunt.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Shadowguard Dispersion

Wresting Argus from the Legion's control will be for naught if the void prevails. Expel the shadowguard from Eredath.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions9253× 100 16 hrs10000
There is no Brawlers Guild Rare

Now that you've found your way into the guild, it seems only fair that your champions should be allowed to participate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7503× 200 3 hrs3000
99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 150 8 hrs3000
A Bitter Wind

The harpies of Highmountain will take any chance they get to harass and curse our allies, and steal our supplies. We should target them in their nests.

1067.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 2 hrs1400
A Change of Pace

The drogbar have an underground snail-racing ring deep in their caverns. Recently, a vicious fight broke out. We should investigate.

1077.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 3 hrs1600
A Dying World

There are remote regions of the Argus Wastes with little Legion presence. Scout the Wastes for any resources untouched by fel corruption.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 6 hrs3000
A Fel Journey

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 250 5 hrs3000
A Giant Problem

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8903× 300 10 hrs3000
A Gooey Job

One of our allies believes that Anax, the giant toad in Suramar, must secrete some kind of useful venom. Seek out Anax, and see what you can find.

1037.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 8 hrs800
A Hefty Draught

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 250 8 hrs3000
A Scaly Situation

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 200 12 hrs3000
A Shocking Confrontation

A rift has split right through the ley-ruins, discharging dangerous amounts of energy. We should destroy as many ley-creatures as we can.

1097.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 9 hrs2000
A Tale of Two Suramars

Suramar is split between crumbling ruins and glittering civilization, yet neither is completely safe. Investigate where we can be the most help.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 200 16 hrs3000
A Thirst for Knowledge

Deep in the vaults of the Arcway, the eredar are stealing knowledge vital to our allies, and they may discover a weakness.

1057.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 3 hrs1200
A Worthy Tribe

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 12 hrs3000
Abandoned Armory Rare

Alleria has revealed a forgotten Eredar armory. We should send our champions to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 10 hrs4500
Advanced Taxidermy

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 200 4 hrs3000
An Apple a Day Keeps the Legion Away

We have reason to suspect that a Legion agent has successfully infiltrated the city of Dalaran, and is now posing as a simple fruit vendor.

1087.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 7 hrs1800
Ancestral Arms

The Seat of the Triumvirate was a site of miracles. Strip the ruined husk of any marvels that remain.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 8 hrs4500
Ancient Bones

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 200 10 hrs3000
Ancient Secrets

The elven ruins of Azsuna hold secrets we can't begin to comprehend. Search and rediscover what has been lost to time.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 150 7 hrs3000
Another Rat Problem

Dalaran is no stranger to rats, but they've become even more of a nuisance than usual in the Underbelly. See what's causing all the fuss.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8303× 150 8 hrs3000
Argus Antiquities

Millennia ago, Azurelight Bazaar was a thriving marketplace. Lost treasures of the eredar may still remain.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 200 12 hrs6000
Armor of the Eredar Rare

Ancient eredar weapons and armor lay within Eredath. Scour the ruins.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 10 hrs4500
Augmenting Our Assault

The enemy is targeting our Lightforged Battlesuits. Protect them from the Legion's shriekers.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9502× 200 18 hrs6000
Aw, Shucks!

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 200 13 hrs3000
Bad Dreams

The Nightmare has corrupted the roots of Shaladrassil and many creatures within Val'sharah. Seek out and dispose of the crooked elements.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 250 10 hrs3000
Bad Dreams

The Nightmare has corrupted the roots of Shaladrassil and many creatures within Val'sharah. Seek out and dispose of the crooked elements.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 250 10 hrs3000
Bat Out of Fel

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8653× 150 6 hrs3000
Bedeviled Bandits

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 300 12 hrs3000
Behind Enemy Portals

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 300 8 hrs3000
Bitterbrine Treasure

Along the coast of Azsuna, the Britterbrine raiders have collected and hoarded vast amounts of loot. We should see if we can claim any.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7653× 250 6 hrs3000
Black Rook Holdings

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 250 8 hrs3000
Bleed Them Dry

Legion sorcerers use demon blood in their foul rituals. Relieve them of their supply.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9502× 2400 12 hrs6000
Blessed Protection

Bring the Light to the Spirit Crucible. Do not allow any more souls to be consumed by the Legion's engines.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 14 hrs4500
Block the Rook

Black Rook Hold has been overrun by the spirits of the damned. The long-dead Theryssia rises from her grave, attacking anyone.

1077.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 6 hrs1600
Blood Hunt

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8703× 150 4 hrs3000
Blood of the Destroyer

The Legion's Pit Lords siphon Primal Sargerite from the Annihilan Pits. Destroy them and collect this Sargerite for our order.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 200 12 hrs6000
Border Reinforcements

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 250 8 hrs3000
Border Reinforcements

The Highmountain tauren have called for reinforcements to protect Thunder Totem from drogbar invaders. We should bolster their borders.

1007.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 2 hrs200
Break Their Garrison

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 300 6 hrs3000
Bring Them Down!

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 250 11 hrs3000
Broken Wings

Even powerful druids have succumbed to the Nightmare in Shala'nir. One of them, Lyrath Moonfeather, used to embody balance and harmony.

1037.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 2 hrs800

The krokul want to recover lost artifacts from the ruins of Darkfall Ridge. Guard against Legion attacks while they work.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 200 24 hrs6000
Calamitous Consequences

Powerful weaponry must be removed from the Xenedar before the Legion finds a way past the Army of the Light.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 7 hrs3000
Calming the Nether

Shadowguard Abyss Callers attempt to summon another void lord through the Umbral Locus. Prevent their ritual from succeeding.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 100 24 hrs6000
Captain of the Damned

The Soultakers are an organized trio of Helarjar vrykul, intent on plundering the tombs of their own kings. Stop them, before they can do more damage.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 3 hrs3000
Challenge Mission Rare

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 150 2 days10000
Chance Meeting

Numerous krokul slaves are working Scavenger's Post. Free as many as you can.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 500 7 hrs3000
Chaos Theorem

Kil'jaeden's vessel contains powerful artifacts. Send our champions into the wreckage to recover what they can.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 18 hrs6000
Chill of the Grave

Undead kings and heroes aren't the only thing to worry about in the graveyards of the vrykul. Fjorlag, the Grave's Chill, stalks the living and dead.

1027.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 2 hrs600
Chink in the Armor

Wyrmtongue engineers working in Felfire Armory are easily lured by riches. Exploit this weakness.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 300 8 hrs3000
Clear Skies

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 250 8 hrs3000
Clearest Night

Once a caretaker of the spirits at Shield's Rest, Runeseer Sigvid has gone mad while the Helejar defile graves. Put him out of his misery.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 8 hrs3000
Coalescing Void

The waters flowing in the Prophet's Reflection are free of fel and void corruption. Discover how this has come to pass.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 100 12 hrs6000
Colossal Purge

Felsoul Hold is churning out infernals almost too fast for us to handle. We should purge their numbers, so the Legion cannot rain them down.

1067.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 6 hrs1400
Consecrated Armaments Rare

Weapons liberated from the Legion can be melted down and reforged into implements of the Light. Raid the enemy's armories.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 100 16 hrs4500
Cost of Power

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8553× 250 12 hrs3000
Critical Crops

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 200 9 hrs3000
Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

Deep in the Bitestone Caverns, a gigantic basilisk has been absorbing the latent power of crystals into its armor.

1007.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 2 hrs200
Crystallized Fel

Nath'raxas Hold contains a cache of fel crystals we could use to power our defenses. Infiltrate the Legion's base and recover them.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 6 hrs3000
Cull Their Numbers

The panthara in the Grove of Naroua are too numerous, and threaten the cragscaler population. Thin their numbers.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 400 7 hrs3000
Dark Corruption

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8703× 150 9 hrs3000
Dark Premonition

The Talgathi vessel above Kil'jaeden's Terrace ensures the Legion's control over the area. Find a way to dismantle it.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 1800 12 hrs6000
Dashed Defenses

Life continues to flourish in the Grove of Naroua. It must be protected from Legion patrols.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 18 hrs6000
Death Scavengers

The wyrmtongue are scavenging the graves of the Highmountain tauren, courtesy of the Feltotem incursion. Teach them a lesson in respecting the dead.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 200 12 hrs3000
Deep Dark

Our scouts report a system of natural caverns beneath Black Rook Hold. We should investigate to see if they are as fortified as the castle above.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8453× 250 7 hrs3000