

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Blackflame Skull Crescent
160Back Back
Blackguard Cape
3935Back Back
Black-Iron Battlecloak
3227Back Doomwalker Back
Black-Iron Battlecloak
3227Back Back
Blackrock Ironweave Cloak
4440BackLooted Back
Bladed Flamewrath Cover
39185Back Back
Bladed Flamewrath Cover
3732Back Back
Bladesworn Battle Standard
150Back The Golden Dawn Back
Bladesworn Conjurer's Cape
15560Back Pride of Place Back
Bladesworn Harbinger's Greatcloak
15560Back Pride of Place Back
Bladesworn Tactician's Drape
15560Back Pride of Place Back
Bladesworn Wraith's Cloak
15560Back Pride of Place Back
Blazemender Cloak
4440Back Back
Blazing Dreamstalker's Staghide
44170Back Back
Blood Knight War Cloak
3227Back Back
Bloodcrystal Chaincloak
4440BackLooted Back
Bloodhunter Warcloak
1Back Back
Bloodstained Miser's Cloak
4440Back Formidable Cloak Back
Bolvar's Devotion
3530Back Back
Borrowed Eye Crescent
160Back Back
Brave Niunai's Cloak
4235BackLooted Back
Brave Niunai's Cloak
4235Back Back
Brave Niunai's Cloak
4135BackLooted Back
Brave Niunai's Cloak
4135BackLooted Back
Brave Niunai's Cloak
Raid Finder
4035BackLooted Back
Brewcarrier Cloak
3935Back Greater Cache of Treasures Back
Brewfather Cloak
3935Back Back
Brilliant Burnished Cloak
4435BackCrafted Back
Brilliant Hexweave Cloak
4435BackCrafted Back
Bronze Wings of Awakening
1Back Back
Bronze-Bound Sinstone
160Back Back
Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi
3227BackLooted Back
Burnished Crypt Keeper's Mantle
150Back Back
Burnished Death Shroud Cloak
150Back Back
Burnished Eye Crescent
160Back Back
Burnished Sinstone Chain
150Back Back
Burnished Skull Crescent
160Back Back
Burnished Soul Restraint
160Back Back
Cairne's Endurance
3530Back Back
Cape of Eternal Justice
2925Back Back
Cape of Mindless Fury
5045BackLooted Back
Cape of Second Sight
5045BackLooted Back
Cape of the Alpha
4235Back Dragonmaw Bonecrusher Back
Cape of the Alpha
4235Back Back
Cape of the Alpha
4135BackLooted Back
Cape of the Alpha
4135BackLooted Back
Cape of the Alpha
Raid Finder
4035BackLooted Back
Cape of the Demon Star
25260Back Back
Cape of the Destroyer
57180Back Back
Cape of the Honored Valarjar
1Back Back
Cape of the Regal Wanderer
160Back Back
Cape of the Trinity
2925BackLooted Back
Cape of the Unworthy Wizard
3530BackLooted Back
Cape of Three Lanterns
3935BackLooted Back
Cape of Three Lanterns
Raid Finder
3935BackLooted Back
Cape of Three Lanterns
3935BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cape of Prowess
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cloak of Alacrity
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cloak of Prowess
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Drape of Diffusion
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Drape of Meditation
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Drape of Prowess
Season 11
3732BackLooted Back
Celestial Observer's Starshroud
1Back Back
Champion Stormrider's Cape
1Back Back
Charbreath Firecloak
4440BackLooted Back
Chromatic Cloak
2924BackCrafted Back
Circlet of the Mother Tree
158Back Back
Cliffbreaker Drape
4135Back Back
Cliffbreaker Drape
3935BackLooted Back
Climber's Pack
160Back Back
Cloak of Ancient Rituals
3227Back Back
Cloak of Arcane Alacrity
3227Back Back
Cloak of Armed Strife
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Averted Crisis
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Azj'Aqir
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Biting Chill
3732BackLooted Back
Cloak of Biting Chill
3732BackLooted Back
Cloak of Blade Turning
3227BackLooted Back
Cloak of Blessed Depths
7250Back Back
Cloak of Blind Focus
4440Back Formidable Cloak Back
Cloak of Burning Dusk
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Burning Dusk
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Certain Reprieve
3327Back Back
Cloak of Chi-Ji
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Clarity
3025BackLooted Back
Cloak of Concentrated Hatred
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of Consumption
2925Back Back
Cloak of Coordination
2915BackAchievement Back
Cloak of Coordination
2915BackAchievement Back
Cloak of Creeping Necrosis
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Darkening
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Darkness
3227BackCrafted Back
Cloak of Delving Secrets
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Desperate Temerity
4540BackLooted Back
Cloak of Displacement
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Displacement
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Draconic Might
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of Enveloped Dissonance
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Everburning Knowledge
5045BackLooted Back