

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cloak of Fiends
3227Back Back
Cloak of Firemaw
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of Flames
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of Frenzied Rage
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Growing Mistrust
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Hideous Unity
4540BackLooted Back
Cloak of Ill Tidings
7250Back Back
Cloak of Incendiary Wrath
4540BackLooted Back
Cloak of Insatiable Greed
4540BackLooted Back
Cloak of Kea Feathers
3530Back Back
Cloak of Lunar Communion
44170Back Back
Cloak of Many Skins
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Many Skins
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Martayl Oceanstrider
5040BackLooted Back
Cloak of Mastery
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
4235Back Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
4235Back Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
Heroic Warforged
4235Back Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
4135Back Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
4135BackLooted Back
Cloak of Misguided Power
Raid Finder
4035BackLooted Back
Cloak of Mocking Winds
3530Back Back
Cloak of Multitudinous Sheaths
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overflowing Energies
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
50390Back Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
4035BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
Heroic Elite
4035BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
Raid Finder
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Peacock Feathers
Raid Finder
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Peacock Feathers
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Peacock Feathers
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Raining Blades
4035BackLooted Back
Cloak of Raining Blades
Raid Finder
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Raining Blades
3935BackLooted Back
Cloak of Restless Spirits
7250Back Back
Cloak of Rippling Whispers
6050BackLooted Back
Cloak of Ruminant Deception
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Sanguine Terror
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Scarred Honor
22660Back Back
Cloak of Searing Shadows
4440BackLooted Back
Cloak of Serrated Blades
3530Back Back
Cloak of Shackled Elements
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Snow Blossoms
3935Back Back
Cloak of Stifling Brimstone
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of Subjugated Power
3227Back Back
Cloak of Subtle Light
3732BackLooted Back
Cloak of Suturing
2925Back Back
Cloak of Sweltering Flame
5040BackLooted Back
Cloak of Swift Reprieve
3227Back Back
Cloak of Tangible Dread
4540BackLooted Back
Cloak of Temporal Recalibration
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Astral Warden
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Banshee Queen
3732BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Brood Lord
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Burning Vanguard
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Chosen Dead
145Back Back
Cloak of the Dark Disciple
3935Back Back
Cloak of the Dashing Scoundrel
5045BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Devoured
3025BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Dormant Blaze
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Dormant Blaze
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Dying
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Fallen Cardinal
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Fallen God
3025Back The Savior of Kalimdor Back
Cloak of the First Eidolon
25260Back Back
Cloak of the Frigid Winds
44BackUnobtainable, Looted Back
Cloak of the Frigid Winds
3935BackUnobtainable Back
Cloak of the Frigid Winds
3732Back Back
Cloak of the Frigid Winds
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Gathering Storm
2925Back Back
Cloak of the Golden Hive
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Greatlynx
57180Back Back
Cloak of the Honor Guard
2925Back Back
Cloak of the Honored Valarjar
1Back Back
Cloak of the Illidari Council
3227BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Illidari Council
3227BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Immortal Guardian
3935Back Back
Cloak of the Immortal Guardian
3935Back Back
Cloak of the Iron Council
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Iron Council
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Makers
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Makers
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Necropolis
3025Back Back
Cloak of the Pit Stalker
3227BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Royal Protector
3732BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Scourge
2925Back Back
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
2925BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Silver Covenant
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Triumphant Combatant
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Unflinching Guardian
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Unmoving Guardian
3530Back Back
Cloak of the Unseen Path
2925Back Back
Cloak of the Untamed Predator
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Untamed Predator
3530BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Victorious Combatant
3530Back Back
Cloak of Unending Life
2925Back Back
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin
3427BackLooted Back