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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Soulcloth Gloves
3127HandsCrafted Cloth
Spellfire Gloves
3127HandsCrafted Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Gloves
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Handguards
127Hands Cloth
Farshire Gloves
3226HandsLooted Cloth
Shadow Council Gloves
3226HandsLooted Cloth
Nethersteel-Lined Handwraps
3126HandsLooted Cloth
Astralaan Gloves
3126HandsLooted Cloth
Consortium Gloves
3126HandsLooted Cloth
Mistyreed Gloves
3126HandsLooted Cloth
Dilapidated Cloth Gloves
2926HandsLooted Cloth
Feralfen Hand
3125HandsLooted Cloth
Netherweave Gloves
3125HandsCrafted Cloth
Dark Storm Gauntlets
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Frostfire Gloves
3025HandsBlack Market AH Cloth
Gloves of Faith
3025HandsBlack Market AH Cloth
Plagueheart Gloves
3025HandsBlack Market AH Cloth
Bloody Surgeon's Mitts
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Bloody Surgeon's Mitts
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of Pandemonium
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of Piety
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Manaspark Gloves
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Manaspark Gloves
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Rockwurm Hide Handwraps
3025Hands Fulgorge Cloth
Laughing Skull Gloves
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Slavehandler Handwraps
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Vindicator Gloves
3025HandsLooted Cloth
Arcanist Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Ebony Flame Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Felheart Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
General's Dreadweave Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
General's Satin Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
General's Silk Handguards
2925Hands Cloth
Glacial Gloves
2925HandsCrafted Cloth
Gloves of Dark Wisdom
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of Delusional Power
2925Hands Cloth
Gloves of Prophecy
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of Rapid Evolution
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of the Immortal
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of the Messiah
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Handguards of Transcendence
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Marshal's Dreadweave Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
Marshal's Satin Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
Marshal's Silk Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
Nemesis Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Netherwind Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Blood Guard's Dreadweave Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Blood Guard's Satin Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Blood Guard's Silk Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Bloodtinged Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Satin Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Handwraps
2925Hands Cloth
Loosely Threaded Gloves
2925HandsLooted Cloth
Replica Deathmist Wraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica General's Dreadweave Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica General's Satin Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica General's Silk Handguards
125Hands Cloth
Replica Marshal's Dreadweave Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Marshal's Satin Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Marshal's Silk Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Sorcerer's Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Virtuous Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Satin Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Satin Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Gloves
125Hands Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Handwraps
125Hands Cloth
Fireheart Gloves
3024HandsLooted Cloth
Starfire Gloves
3024HandsLooted Cloth
Flarecore Gloves
2924HandsCrafted Cloth
Gloves of Spell Mastery
2924HandsCrafted Cloth
Blood Guard's Dreadweave Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Blood Guard's Satin Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Blood Guard's Silk Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Felcloth Gloves
2924HandsCrafted Cloth
Inferno Gloves
2924HandsCrafted Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Satin Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Mooncloth Gloves
2924HandsCrafted Cloth
Elunarian Handgrips
2924HandsLooted Cloth
Eternal Gloves
2924HandsLooted Cloth
Master's Gloves
2924HandsLooted Cloth
Outlander's Gloves
2924HandsLooted Cloth
Mesh Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Demonskin Gloves
2923HandsLooted Cloth
Devout Gloves
2923HandsLooted Cloth
Dreadmist Wraps
2923Hands Cloth
Hands of Power
2923HandsLooted Cloth