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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Velen's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Handwraps of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Handwraps of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Handwraps of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Wraps of the Persecuted
3530Hands Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 8
3530Hands Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 8
3530Hands Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 8
3530Hands Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 8
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Gloves of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Handwraps of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Handwraps of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Zabra's Handwraps of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Frostsavage Gloves
3529Hands Cloth
Giant-Hair Woven Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Giant-Hair Woven Gloves
35Hands Cloth
Gloves of Distorted Time
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of False Gestures
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Glistening Runes
35Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Azure-Lord
3529Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Crystal Gardener
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Crystal Gardener
35Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Time Guardian
35Hands Cloth
God-Grinding Grips
35Hands Cloth
Lava Burn Gloves
3528Hands Cloth
Light Blessed Mittens
3530Hands Cloth
Muddied Crimson Gloves
3529Hands Cloth
Savage Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Savage Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Savage Gladiator's Satin Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Savage Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Silken Bridge Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Silken Bridge Handwraps
35Hands Cloth
Sterile Flesh-Handling Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Thundercloud Grasps
3529Hands Cloth
Traditionally Dyed Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Traditionally Dyed Handguards
35Hands Cloth
Ameth'Aran Handwraps
3529Hands Cloth
Baradin Handwraps
3529Hands Cloth
Clutches of the Worgen Spirit
35Hands Cloth
Coldwraith Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Darrowmere Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Dreadsoul Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Idle Hands
35Hands Cloth
Gloves of Piscine Attraction
35Hands Cloth
Handguards of Restrained Brutality
35Hands Cloth
Icyweave Gloves
35Hands Cloth
Magesoul Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Maggotproof Gloves
35Hands Cloth
Mistmantle Handwraps
3529Hands Cloth
Part-Picker Wraps
35Hands Cloth
Seraphic Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Seraphic Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Vizier Gloves
3529Hands Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Gloves
3535Hands Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Gloves
3533Hands Cloth
Sodden Cloth Gloves
3531Hands Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Gloves
3532Hands Cloth
Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves
Season 4
3427Hands Cloth
Brutal Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 4
3427Hands Cloth
Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 4
3427Hands Cloth
Brutal Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 4
3427Hands Cloth
Brutal Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 4
3427Hands Cloth
Gloves of Tyri's Power
3427Hands Cloth
Handguards of Defiled Worlds
3427Hands Cloth
Handguards of the Dawn
3427Hands Cloth
Hands of Eternal Light
3427Hands Cloth
Sunfire Handwraps
3427Hands Cloth
Gloves of Banished Infliction
34Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Blood Prince
3428Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Blood Prince
34Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Servant
34Hands Cloth
Rhie-Ay's Clutching Gauntlets
3429Hands Cloth
Aerie Gloves
3428Hands Cloth
Condor Gloves
3429Hands Cloth
Crystalsong Gloves
3429Hands Cloth
Fingers of Dextrous Decimation
34Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Crackling Storm
34Hands Cloth
Gloves of Tormented Recollection
34Hands Cloth
K3 Surgeon's Gloves
34Hands Cloth
Oracle Gloves
3429Hands Cloth
Sigrid's Mittens
34Hands Cloth
Terrace Gazer's Gloves
34Hands Cloth
Gloves of Absolution
3327Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Malefic
3327Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Tempest
3327Hands Cloth
Handguards of Absolution
3327Hands Cloth
Vengeful Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves
Season 3
3327Hands Cloth
Vengeful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 3
3327Hands Cloth
Vengeful Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 3
3327Hands Cloth
Vengeful Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 3
3327Hands Cloth
Vengeful Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 3
3327Hands Cloth
Grips of the Giant-Rider
33Hands Cloth
Grips of Torrential Power
33Hands Cloth