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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Belt of Affront
17Waist The Real Threat Cloth
Enumerated Wrap
16WaistLooted Cloth
Juju Belt
16Waist A Physical Specimen Cloth
Juju Belt
16Waist Who's a Big Troll? Cloth
Stardust Belt
16Waist Return to Stardust Cloth
Sister Elsington's Belt
15Waist The Cries of the Dead Cloth
Belt of the Hero
14Waist Heroes of the Horde! Cloth
Fiery Loop
14Waist Return Fire Cloth
Meat Packer Ribbon
14Waist Before You Go... Cloth
Sash of the Blind Princess
14Waist Return the Statuette Cloth
Cincture of Woven Reeds
12Waist Culling the Flutterers Cloth
Grassland Sash
12Waist Cloth
Keyton's Sash
12Waist Muckgill's Flipper or Something... Cloth
Relic Hunter Belt
12Waist Cloth
Joanna's Sash
11Waist Xylem's Asylum Cloth
Wisp-Chaser Cord
11Waist The Seeds of Life Cloth
Painstakingly Crafted Belt
9Waist Samophlange Cloth
Belt of the Second Head
8Waist Korok the Colossus Cloth
Belt of Unsolvable Problems
8WaistQuest Cloth
Captain Sanders' Sash
8Waist Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure Cloth
Foreman Belt
8Waist Cloth
Jackseed Belt
8Waist Cloth
Kessel's Cinch Wrap
8Waist Declaration of Power Cloth
Ranger's Sash
8Waist Curbing the Plague Cloth
Ill-Worn Belt
7Waist Cloth
Bloodeye Belt
6Waist Crossroads Caravan Pickup Cloth
Laborer's Belt
6Waist Slaves to No One Cloth
Standard Issue Airborne Belt
6Waist Dozercism Cloth
Aggra's Sash
5Waist The Heads of the SI:7 Cloth
Belt of Dark Schemes
5Waist Dark Iron Scheming Cloth
Crime Scene Tape
5Waist Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me Cloth
Dirtwood Belt
5Waist Oakenscowl Cloth
Expeditionary Cloth Cord
5WaistQuest Cloth
Expeditionary Cloth Cord
5WaistQuest Cloth
Red Linen Sash
5Waist Fine Linen Goods Cloth
Thick Ravager Belt
5Waist Beasts of the Apocalypse! Cloth
Belt of the Prairie Wolf
4Waist Mazzranache Cloth
Foul Gnoll Belt
4Waist Maggot Eye Cloth
Spy Choker Cord
4Waist Infrared = Infradead Cloth
Gold Dust Belt
3Waist Gold Dust Exchange Cloth
Ragged Belt
3Waist Cloth
Thwarter's Belt
3Waist The War of Northwatch Aggression Cloth
Darius' Sash
2Waist By the Skin of His Teeth Cloth
Flax Belt
2Waist Recruitment Cloth
Free Body Belt
2Waist No Tanks! Cloth
Grik'nir's Chilly Belt
2Waist Ice and Fire Cloth
Soggy Rope
2Waist Cloth
Southsea Sash
2Waist Pirate Party Crashers Cloth
Wyrm Sash
2Waist Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle Cloth
Art Template Cloth Belt - Cloth_PVPPriest_E_01 - Light
1WaistUnobtainable Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Waist
1Waist Cloth
Belt of So-Called Leaders
1Waist Give 'em What-For Cloth
Circle of Suffering
1Waist Cloth
Durability Belt
1Waist Cloth
Mage's Sash
1Waist Cloth
Northshire Abbot's Cinch
1WaistQuest Cloth
Priest's Sash
1Waist Cloth
Warlock's Sash
1Waist Cloth
Consecrated Cord
577Waist Cloth
Vicious Combatant's Weavercloth Wrists
545Waist Cloth
Vicious Combatant's Weavercloth Wrists
545Waist Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Cord
500Waist Cloth
Weavercloth Cord
447Waist Cloth
Consecrated Cord
350Waist Cloth
Vicious Combatant's Weavercloth Wrists
330Waist Cloth
Weavercloth Cord
330Waist Cloth
Surveyor's Seasoned Cord
270Waist Cloth
Windswept Sash
200Waist Cloth
Windswept Sash
200Waist Cloth
Cascading Cord
50Waist Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Fel-Infused Cinch
45WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Bloody Evangelism
39Waist Just for Safekeeping, Of Course Cloth
Scholarly Cord
39Waist Just for Safekeeping, Of Course Cloth
Cloudstriker Cord
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Cord of Disturbed Dreams
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Blossoming Belt
37WaistLooted Cloth
Snow-Coated Cloth Belt
33WaistLooted Cloth
Earthen Toolbelt
13Waist Cloth
Earthen Waistguard
13Waist Cloth
Prisoner's Drawstring
5Waist Cloth
Cord of Grieving
4Waist Passing Wisdom Cloth
Light Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Tattered Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Thin Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Unmarred Cord
2Waist The Lesson of Dry Fur Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Frayed Belt
2WaistLooted Cloth
Unkempt Belt
2WaistLooted Cloth
Arcanofire Wrap
1Waist Cloth
Battle Magister's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Chains of Temptation's Call
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Chains of the Alluring Call
1Waist Cloth
Embrace of the Great Dark Beyond
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Honored Valarjar
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Unnamed Cult
1Waist Cloth
Sin'dorei Magister's Belt
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Twisted Arcanum Sash
1Waist Cloth
Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt
1WaistVendor Cloth
Decorous Sash
1Waist Cloth