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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Crimson Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
38270Wrists Cloth
Crimson Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
38270Wrists Cloth
Arathi Field Bandages
37970Wrists Cloth
Endowed Bindings
37970Wrists Cloth
Tuskarr Crafter's Bindings
37670Wrists Cloth
Obsidian Aspirant's Silk Bindings
36670Wrists Cloth
Obsidian Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
36670Wrists Cloth
Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
35070Wrists Cloth
Bronze Dragon Rider's Wraps
35070Wrists Cloth
Unkindled Waxweave Clasps
35070Wrists Cloth
Vibrant Wildercloth Wristwraps
35070Wrists Cloth
Cuffs of Raging Tempests
35070Wrists Cloth
Dalaran Defender's Clasps
35070Wrists Cloth
Cave Topographer's Cuffs
35070Wrists Cloth
Dreambound Cuffs
35070Wrists Cloth
Rudiment Cuffs
35070Wrists Cloth
Suffused Cuffs
35070Wrists Cloth
Zaralek Surveyor's Cuffs
35070Wrists Cloth
Crimson Aspirant's Silk Bindings
34070Wrists Cloth
Crimson Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
34070Wrists Cloth
Crimson Combatant's Wildercloth Bands
33070Wrists Cloth
Draconic Combatant's Wildercloth Bands
33070Wrists Cloth
Obsidian Combatant's Wildercloth Bands
33070Wrists Cloth
Verdant Combatant's Wildercloth Bands
33070Wrists Cloth
10.0 Raid Template - Cloth - Wrist
28070Wrists Cloth
Moonless Wristband
25070Wrists Cloth
Wraps of the Verdant Wing
20070Wrists Cloth
Black Bracer [do not use]
12870Wrists Cloth
Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs
44771Wrists Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Cuffs
61080Wrists Cloth
Aristocratic Cuffs
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Blasting Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Consecrated Cuffs
57780Wrists Cloth
Cool Sunset Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Warm Sunrise Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands
57780Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Bracelets of Violet Rebirth
57180Wrists Cloth
Crunchy Intruder's Wristband
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Bindings of Transcendence
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Nemesis Bracers
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Netherwind Bindings
57180Wrists Cloth
Hexflame Coven's Wristlace
57180Wrists Cloth
Living Luster's Crystbands
57180Wrists Cloth
Skeinspinner's Duplicitous Cuffs
57180Wrists Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Bindings
54580Wrists Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
54580Wrists Cloth
Stormrider's Cuffs
54580Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Black Dream
41085Wrists Cloth
Chronoboost Bracers
41085Wrists Cloth
Emberflame Bracers
39185Wrists Cloth
Firesoul Wristguards
39185Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Black Dream
Raid Finder
38485Wrists Cloth
Chronoboost Bracers
Raid Finder
38485Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Dark Pool
37285Wrists Cloth
Twisting Wind Bracers
50990Wrists Cloth
Attenuating Bracers
49690Wrists Cloth
Darting Damselfly Cuffs
49690Wrists Cloth
Malevolent Gladiator's Cuffs of Accuracy
48390Wrists Cloth
Malevolent Gladiator's Cuffs of Meditation
48390Wrists Cloth
Darkened Bracers
45090Wrists Cloth
Tranquil Bracers
45090Wrists Cloth
[PH] Cloth Bracers of the Brilliant Dawn
100100Wrists Cloth
[PH] Cloth Bracers of the Rising Dawn
100100Wrists Cloth
[PH] Cloth Bracers of the Shining Dawn
100100Wrists Cloth