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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Twilight Cowl
2114Head Cloth
Twilight Gloves
2114Hands Cloth
Twilight Mantle
2114Shoulders Cloth
Vital Raiment
2114Chest Cloth
Vital Tunic
2114Chest Cloth
Burning Robes
2114Chest Cloth
Russet Belt
2114Waist Cloth
Russet Boots
2114Feet Cloth
Russet Bracers
2114Wrists Cloth
Russet Gloves
2114Hands Cloth
Russet Pants
2114Legs Cloth
Russet Vest
2114Chest Cloth
Interlaced Bracers
2114Wrists Cloth
Interlaced Vest
2114Chest Cloth
Arena Wristguards
2213Wrists Cloth
Conjurer's Gloves
2113Hands Cloth
Conjurer's Hood
2113Head Cloth
Conjurer's Mantle
2113Shoulders Cloth
Cowl of Necromancy
2113Head Cloth
Geomancer's Cord
2113Waist Cloth
Green Silken Shoulders
2113Shoulders Cloth
Nightsky Trousers
2113Legs Cloth
Spider Belt
2113Waist Cloth
Stonecloth Epaulets
2113Shoulders Cloth
Thistlefur Jerkin
2113Chest Cloth
Thistlefur Robe
2113Chest Cloth
Twilight Belt
2113Waist Cloth
Twilight Cuffs
2113Wrists Cloth
Vital Headband
2113Head Cloth
Vital Leggings
2113Legs Cloth
Batwing Mantle
2013Shoulders Cloth
Beguiler Robes
2013Chest Cloth
Death Speaker Mantle
2013Shoulders Cloth
Death Speaker Robes
2013Chest Cloth
Embalmed Shroud
2013Head Cloth
Gloves of Old
2013Hands Cloth
Mantle of Doan
2013Shoulders Cloth
Necromancer Leggings
2013Legs Cloth
Robe of Doan
2013Chest Cloth
Satyrmane Sash
2013Waist Cloth
Vicar's Robe
2013Chest Cloth
Azure Silk Belt
2013Waist Cloth
Beastwalker Robe
2013Chest Cloth
Boots of the Enchanter
2013Feet Cloth
Conjurer's Bracers
2013Wrists Cloth
Conjurer's Cinch
2013Waist Cloth
Conjurer's Shoes
2013Feet Cloth
Crimson Silk Belt
2013Waist Cloth
Crimson Silk Vest
2013Chest Cloth
Durable Robe
2013Chest Cloth
Durable Tunic
2013Chest Cloth
Earthen Vest
2013Chest Cloth
Elder's Hat
2013Head Cloth
Elder's Padded Armor
2013Chest Cloth
Elder's Pants
2013Legs Cloth
Elder's Robe
2013Chest Cloth
Geomancer's Bracers
2013Wrists Cloth
Nightsky Boots
2013Feet Cloth
Nightsky Cowl
2013Head Cloth
Nightsky Gloves
2013Hands Cloth
Nightsky Mantle
2013Shoulders Cloth
Pressed Felt Robe
2013Chest Cloth
Shadow Hood
2013Head Cloth
Stonecloth Belt
2013Waist Cloth
Stonecloth Bindings
2013Wrists Cloth
Stonecloth Boots
2013Feet Cloth
Stonecloth Gloves
2013Hands Cloth
Thistlefur Cap
2013Head Cloth
Thistlefur Mantle
2013Shoulders Cloth
Thistlefur Pants
2013Legs Cloth
Vital Boots
2013Feet Cloth
Vital Handwraps
2013Hands Cloth
Vital Shoulders
2013Shoulders Cloth
White Wedding Dress
2013Chest Cloth
Interlaced Belt
2013Waist Cloth
Interlaced Shoulderpads
2013Shoulders Cloth
Forgotten Bloodmage Mantle
1913Shoulders Cloth
Leggings of Hallowed Fire
1913Legs Cloth
Whitemane's Embroidered Chapeau
1913Head Cloth
Blighted Leggings
1912Legs Cloth
Bloodmage Mantle
1912Shoulders Cloth
Defiler's Cloth Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Defiler's Cloth Girdle
1912Waist Cloth
Glowing Magical Bracelets
1912Wrists Cloth
Highlander's Cloth Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Highlander's Cloth Girdle
1912Waist Cloth
Holy Shroud
1912Head Cloth
Moonsoul Crown
1912Head Cloth
Robes of Koegler
1912Chest Cloth
Scarlet Sandals
1912Feet Cloth
Beaded Raptor Collar
1912Waist Cloth
Durable Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Durable Gloves
1912Hands Cloth
Durable Hat
1912Head Cloth
Durable Pants
1912Legs Cloth
Durable Shoulders
1912Shoulders Cloth
Elder's Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Elder's Bracers
1912Wrists Cloth
Elder's Gloves
1912Hands Cloth
Elder's Mantle
1912Shoulders Cloth