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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Thistlefur Pants
2013LegsLooted Cloth
Vital Boots
2013FeetLooted Cloth
Vital Handwraps
2013HandsLooted Cloth
Vital Shoulders
2013ShouldersLooted Cloth
White Wedding Dress
2013ChestCrafted Cloth
Interlaced Belt
2013WaistLooted Cloth
Interlaced Shoulderpads
2013ShouldersLooted Cloth
Forgotten Bloodmage Mantle
1913ShouldersLooted Cloth
Leggings of Hallowed Fire
1913LegsLooted Cloth
Whitemane's Embroidered Chapeau
1913HeadLooted Cloth
Blighted Leggings
1912Legs Cloth
Bloodmage Mantle
1912Shoulders Cloth
Defiler's Cloth Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Defiler's Cloth Girdle
1912Waist Cloth
Glowing Magical Bracelets
1912WristsLooted Cloth
Highlander's Cloth Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Highlander's Cloth Girdle
1912Waist Cloth
Holy Shroud
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Moonsoul Crown
1912HeadCrafted Cloth
Robes of Koegler
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Scarlet Sandals
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Beaded Raptor Collar
1912Waist Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Durable Boots
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Durable Gloves
1912HandsLooted Cloth
Durable Hat
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Durable Pants
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Durable Shoulders
1912ShouldersLooted Cloth
Elder's Boots
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Elder's Bracers
1912WristsLooted Cloth
Elder's Gloves
1912HandsLooted Cloth
Elder's Mantle
1912ShouldersLooted Cloth
Elder's Sash
1912WaistLooted Cloth
Enchanter's Cowl
1912HeadCrafted Cloth
Green Silk Armor
1912ChestCrafted Cloth
Nightsky Sash
1912WaistLooted Cloth
Nightsky Wristbands
1912WristsLooted Cloth
Raincaller Cap
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Raincaller Pants
1912Legs Hatefury Trickster Cloth
Raincaller Robes
1912Chest Black Dragon Whelp Cloth
Raincaller Vest
1912Chest Cloth
Resilient Boots
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Resilient Cap
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Resilient Handgrips
1912Hands Scorpashi Snapper Cloth
Resilient Leggings
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Resilient Mantle
1912ShouldersLooted Cloth
Resilient Robe
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Resilient Tunic
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Robes of the Shadowcaster
1912Chest Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Sage's Circlet
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Sage's Cloth
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Sage's Pants
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Sage's Robe
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Silk Headband
1912HeadCrafted Cloth
Silver-Thread Armor
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Silver-Thread Robe
1912ChestLooted Cloth
Thistlefur Belt
1912WaistLooted Cloth
Thistlefur Gloves
1912HandsLooted Cloth
Thistlefur Sandals
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Vital Bracelets
1912WristsLooted Cloth
Vital Sash
1912WaistLooted Cloth
Watcher's Cap
1912Head Hatefury Trickster Cloth
Interlaced Boots
1912FeetLooted Cloth
Interlaced Cowl
1912HeadLooted Cloth
Interlaced Gloves
1912HandsLooted Cloth
Acidic Walkers
1811FeetLooted Cloth
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator
1811HeadLooted Cloth
Grease-Smudged Sash
1811WaistLooted Cloth
Hotshot Pilot's Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Mechbuilder's Overalls
1811ChestLooted Cloth
Moccasins of the White Hare
1811FeetLooted Cloth
Shabby Trogg Britches
1811LegsLooted Cloth
Spidertank Oilrag
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Azure Silk Gloves
1811HandsCrafted Cloth
Azure Silk Hood
1811HeadCrafted Cloth
Azure Silk Pants
1811LegsCrafted Cloth
Azure Silk Vest
1811ChestCrafted Cloth
Boots of Darkness
1811FeetCrafted Cloth
Dreamer's Belt
1811Waist Cloth
Durable Belt
1811WaistLooted Cloth
Durable Bracers
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Fingerbone Bracers
1811Wrists Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Hands of Darkness
1811HandsCrafted Cloth
Humbert's Pants
1811Legs Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Ivycloth Pants
1811LegsLooted Cloth
Ivycloth Robe
1811ChestLooted Cloth
Ivycloth Tunic
1811ChestLooted Cloth
Nightwalker Armor
1811Chest Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Raincaller Boots
1811FeetLooted Cloth
Raincaller Cord
1811Waist Goblin Stripminer Cloth
Raincaller Cuffs
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Raincaller Mantle
1811Shoulders Honor's Stand Officer Cloth
Raincaller Mitts
1811Hands Cloth
Resilient Bands
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Resilient Cord
1811Waist Queen Silith Cloth
Robes of Arcana
1811ChestCrafted Cloth
Sage's Boots
1811FeetLooted Cloth
Sage's Bracers
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Sage's Gloves
1811HandsLooted Cloth
Sage's Mantle
1811ShouldersLooted Cloth
Sanguine Armor
1811Chest Cloth