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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Featherlight Leggings
19Legs Cloth
Feverish Bracers
19Wrists Cloth
Frost Bracers
1912Wrists Cloth
Gloves of Kapelan
19Hands Cloth
Gloves of Nurture
19Hands Cloth
Green Silk Armor
1912Chest Cloth
Gryphon-Down Scarf
19Head Cloth
Informant's Gloves
19Hands Cloth
Insulated Sage Gloves
19Hands Cloth
Katoom's Mask
19Head Cloth
Kodo-Wrangler Cover
19Head Cloth
Lasherspike Wristguards
19Wrists Cloth
Leggings of Secret Rituals
19Legs Cloth
Leggings of Secret Rituals
19Legs Cloth
Mantle of Woe
19Shoulders Cloth
Mizzy's Dungarees
19Legs Cloth
Moonlit Amice
19Shoulders Cloth
Naralex's Slippers
19Feet Cloth
Nether-Lace Robe
19Chest Cloth
Night Watch Pantaloons
19Legs Cloth
Nightsky Sash
1912Waist Cloth
Nightsky Wristbands
1912Wrists Cloth
Pious Legwraps
19Legs Cloth
Princess Poobah's Dress
19Chest Cloth
Quilboar Crone Gloves
19Hands Cloth
Raincaller Cap
1912Head Cloth
Raincaller Pants
1912Legs Cloth
Raincaller Robes
1912Chest Cloth
Raincaller Vest
1912Chest Cloth
Resilient Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Resilient Cap
1912Head Cloth
Resilient Handgrips
1912Hands Cloth
Resilient Leggings
1912Legs Cloth
Resilient Mantle
1912Shoulders Cloth
Resilient Robe
1912Chest Cloth
Resilient Tunic
1912Chest Cloth
Robes of the Bloody Field
19Chest Cloth
Robes of the Bloody Field
19Chest Cloth
Robes of the Shadowcaster
1912Chest Cloth
Sacred Burial Trousers
19Legs Cloth
Sage's Circlet
1912Head Cloth
Sage's Cloth
1912Chest Cloth
Sage's Pants
1912Legs Cloth
Sage's Robe
1912Chest Cloth
Sandals of Ritual
19Feet Cloth
Sandals of Ritual
19Feet Cloth
Sandals of Tainted Blood
19Feet Cloth
Sandals of Tainted Blood
19Feet Cloth
Sea Song Epaulets
19Shoulders Cloth
Shilly Mitts
19Hands Cloth
Silk Headband
1912Head Cloth
Silver-Thread Armor
1912Chest Cloth
Silver-Thread Robe
1912Chest Cloth
Singleton Sash
19Waist Cloth
Swampland Trousers
19Legs Cloth
Swoop-Tail Shoulders
19Shoulders Cloth
Theresa's Bracers
19Wrists Cloth
Thistlefur Belt
1912Waist Cloth
Thistlefur Gloves
1912Hands Cloth
Thistlefur Sandals
1912Feet Cloth
Veil of the Silent Listener
19Head Cloth
Veil of the Silent Listener
19Head Cloth
Vital Bracelets
1912Wrists Cloth
Vital Sash
1912Waist Cloth
Watcher's Cap
1912Head Cloth
Zodiac Gloves
19Hands Cloth
Zykes' Belt
19Waist Cloth
Interlaced Boots
1912Feet Cloth
Interlaced Cowl
1912Head Cloth
Interlaced Gloves
1912Hands Cloth
Acidic Walkers
1811Feet Cloth
Eldritch Gloves
18Hands Cloth
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator
1811Head Cloth
Grease-Smudged Sash
1811Waist Cloth
Hann Ibal's Epaulets
18Shoulders Cloth
Hotshot Pilot's Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Hu'rala's Slippers
18Feet Cloth
Je'neu's Robes
18Chest Cloth
Masha's Armbands
18Wrists Cloth
Mechbuilder's Overalls
1811Chest Cloth
Moccasins of the White Hare
1811Feet Cloth
Negotiator's Armbands
18Wrists Cloth
Nesingwary's Sash
18Waist Cloth
Robe of Kelris
18Chest Cloth
Shabby Trogg Britches
1811Legs Cloth
Spidertank Oilrag
1811Wrists Cloth
Thaalia's Slippers
18Feet Cloth
Vishas' Hood
18Head Cloth
Vishas' Hood
18Head Cloth
Azure Silk Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Azure Silk Hood
1811Head Cloth
Azure Silk Pants
1811Legs Cloth
Azure Silk Vest
1811Chest Cloth
Boots of Darkness
1811Feet Cloth
Cat Lover's Vest
18Chest Cloth
Demon-Trafficker's Belt
18Waist Cloth
Desert Shoulders
18Shoulders Cloth
Dread Mage Hat
18Head Cloth
Dreamer's Belt
1811Waist Cloth
Durable Belt
1811Waist Cloth