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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Durable Bracers
1811Wrists Cloth
Dustfall Bracers
18Wrists Cloth
Efflorescent Robe
18Chest Cloth
Fairywing Mantle
18Shoulders Cloth
Fingerbone Bracers
1811Wrists Cloth
Fuzzy Legwarmers
18Legs Cloth
Ghostly Mantle
18Shoulders Cloth
Goldrinn Acolyte's Cowl
18Head Cloth
Green Tinted Goggles
18Head Cloth
Hands of Darkness
1811Hands Cloth
Humbert's Pants
1811Legs Cloth
Ivycloth Pants
1811Legs Cloth
Ivycloth Robe
1811Chest Cloth
Ivycloth Tunic
1811Chest Cloth
Junglepicker Gloves
18Hands Cloth
Karnitol's Leftover Robe
18Chest Cloth
Krazek's Oven Mitts
18Hands Cloth
Krom'gar Champion's Linen Shoulderpads
18Shoulders Cloth
Krom'gar General's Linen Cowl
18Head Cloth
Luminescent Amice
18Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Panther
18Shoulders Cloth
News Bearer Gloves
18Hands Cloth
Nightwalker Armor
1811Chest Cloth
O'Breen's Dress Robes
18Chest Cloth
Raincaller Boots
1811Feet Cloth
Raincaller Cord
1811Waist Cloth
Raincaller Cuffs
1811Wrists Cloth
Raincaller Mantle
1811Shoulders Cloth
Raincaller Mitts
1811Hands Cloth
Resilient Bands
1811Wrists Cloth
Resilient Cord
1811Waist Cloth
Robes of Arcana
1811Chest Cloth
Sabotage Leggings
18Legs Cloth
Sage's Boots
1811Feet Cloth
Sage's Bracers
1811Wrists Cloth
Sage's Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Sage's Mantle
1811Shoulders Cloth
Sage's Sash
18Waist Cloth
Sanguine Armor
1811Chest Cloth
Sanguine Robe
1811Chest Cloth
Sanguine Trousers
1811Legs Cloth
Sareth'na's Mantle
18Shoulders Cloth
Sassy Pantaloons
18Legs Cloth
Silver-Thread Amice
1811Shoulders Cloth
Silver-Thread Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Silver-Thread Pants
1811Legs Cloth
Slippers of Sorrowful Tidings
18Feet Cloth
Spider Silk Slippers
1811Feet Cloth
Thistlefur Bands
1811Wrists Cloth
Truefaith Gloves
1811Hands Cloth
Watcher's Handwraps
1811Hands Cloth
Watcher's Jerkin
1811Chest Cloth
Watcher's Leggings
1811Legs Cloth
Watcher's Mantle
1811Shoulders Cloth
Watcher's Robes
1811Chest Cloth
Wizard's Belt
1811Waist Cloth
Chromatic Robe
1811Chest Cloth
Cultist Acolyte's Hood
1811Head Cloth
Hooded Cowl
18Head Cloth
Cross-Stitched Belt
1811Waist Cloth
Cross-Stitched Bracers
1811Wrists Cloth
Cross-Stitched Sandals
1811Feet Cloth
Cross-Stitched Shoulderpads
1811Shoulders Cloth
Cross-Stitched Vest
1811Chest Cloth
Warsong Sash
17Waist Cloth
Belt of Affront
17Waist Cloth
Bright Armor
1710Chest Cloth
Bright Robe
1710Chest Cloth
Fisherman's Gloves
17Hands Cloth
Genavie's Leggings
17Legs Cloth
Greenweave Leggings
1710Legs Cloth
Greenweave Robe
1710Chest Cloth
Greenweave Vest
1710Chest Cloth
Ivycloth Mantle
1710Shoulders Cloth
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Linen Bracers
17Wrists Cloth
Lesser Wizard's Robe
1710Chest Cloth
Nightwind Belt
1710Waist Cloth
Ramshackle Bracers
17Wrists Cloth
Rose Mantle
17Shoulders Cloth
Sacrificial Robes
1710Chest Cloth
Sandals of Satisfaction
17Feet Cloth
Sanguine Mantle
1710Shoulders Cloth
Silver-Thread Boots
1710Feet Cloth
Silver-Thread Cuffs
1710Wrists Cloth
Silver-Thread Sash
1710Waist Cloth
Trelane's Leggings
17Legs Cloth
Watcher's Cinch
1710Waist Cloth
Ziata'jai Bracers
17Wrists Cloth
Padded Armor
1710Chest Cloth
Padded Belt
1710Waist Cloth
Padded Boots
1710Feet Cloth
Padded Bracers
1710Wrists Cloth
Padded Gloves
1710Hands Cloth
Padded Pants
1710Legs Cloth
Cross-Stitched Pants
1710Legs Cloth
Black Velvet Robes
1610Chest Cloth
Corpse Rompers
1610Feet Cloth
Darkcloth Shoulders
1610Shoulders Cloth
Enumerated Wrap
16Waist Cloth
Foul Shadowsleet Slippers
1610Feet Cloth