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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Discordant Watcher's Chest
160Chest Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Feet
160Feet Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Hands
160Hands Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Head
160Head Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Legs
160Legs Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Shoulders
160Shoulders Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Waist
160Waist Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Wrists
160Wrists Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Cinch
150Waist Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Cowl
150Head Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Gloves
150Hands Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Leggings
150Legs Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Mantle
150Shoulders Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Slippers
150Feet Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Tunic
150Chest Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Wristwraps
150Wrists Cloth
Embrace of the Great Dark Beyond
1Waist Cloth
Girdle of the Elemental Triad
135WaistVendor Cloth
Gloves of the Chosen Dead
145Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Elemental Triad
135HandsVendor Cloth
Gloves of the Honored Valarjar
1Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Tidesages
150Hands Cloth
Handguards of the Betrayer
135Hands Cloth
Hands of the Light
135Hands Golden Chest of the Light Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Chestplate
160Chest Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Gauntlets
160Hands Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Girdle
160Waist Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Helm
160Head Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Legguards
160Legs Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Shoulders
160Shoulders Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Warboots
160Feet Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Wristwraps
160Wrists Cloth
Hood of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Head Cloth
Hood of the Elemental Triad
135HeadVendor Cloth
Hood of the Tidesages
150Head Cloth
Hood of the Unnamed Cult
1Head Cloth
Horns of the Betrayer
135Head Cloth
Leggings of the Betrayer
135Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Elemental Triad
135LegsVendor Cloth
Leggings of the Light
135Legs Golden Chest of the Light Cloth
Lost Acolyte's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Mantle of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Chosen Dead
145Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Honored Valarjar
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Tidesages
150Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Unnamed Cult
1Shoulders Cloth
Night Courtier's Amice
150Shoulders Cloth
Night Courtier's Cowl
150Head Cloth
Night Courtier's Cuffs
150Wrists Cloth
Night Courtier's Handwraps
150Hands Cloth
Night Courtier's Leggings
150Legs Cloth
Night Courtier's Robes
150Chest Cloth
Night Courtier's Sandals
150Feet Cloth
Night Courtier's Sash
150Waist Cloth
Night Courtier's Tunic
150Chest Cloth
Pantaloons of the Chosen Dead
145Legs Cloth
Pantaloons of the Honored Valarjar
1Legs Cloth
Pantaloons of the Tidesages
150Legs Cloth
Pauldrons of the Light
135Shoulders Golden Chest of the Light Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Cinch
150Waist Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Cowl
150Head Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Gloves
150Hands Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Leggings
150Legs Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Mantle
150Shoulders Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Slippers
150Feet Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Tunic
150Chest Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Wristwraps
150Wrists Cloth
Replica Deathmist Mask
125Head Cloth
Replica Deathmist Robe
125Chest Cloth
Replica Deathmist Sandals
125Feet Cloth
Replica Deathmist Wraps
125Hands Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Coronal
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Coronet
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Dreadweave Robe
125ChestVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Dreadweave Shoulders
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Headdress
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Satin Mantle
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Satin Vestments
125ChestVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Silk Spaulders
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Field Marshal's Silk Vestments
125ChestVendor Cloth
Replica General's Dreadweave Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica General's Dreadweave Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica General's Dreadweave Pants
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica General's Satin Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica General's Satin Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica General's Satin Leggings
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica General's Silk Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica General's Silk Handguards
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica General's Silk Trousers
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Dreadweave Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Dreadweave Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Dreadweave Leggings
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Satin Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Satin Pants
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Satin Sandals
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Silk Footwraps
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Silk Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Marshal's Silk Leggings
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Sorcerer's Boots
125Feet Cloth
Replica Sorcerer's Crown
125Head Cloth