

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ceremonial Jacaranda Sandals
1Feet Cloth
Ceremonial Jacaranda Wraps
1Wrists Cloth
Ceremonial Leggings of Karabor
140Legs Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Ceremonial Robe of Karabor
140Chest Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Ceremonial Sash of Karabor
140Waist Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Ceremonial Shoulderpads of Karabor
135Shoulders Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Ceremonial Slippers of Karabor
140Feet Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Decorous Guise
1Head Cloth
Decorous Handwraps
1Hands Cloth
Decorous Mantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Decorous Robe
1Chest Cloth
Decorous Sash
1Waist Cloth
Decorous Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Decorous Trousers
1Legs Cloth
Decorous Wraps
1Wrists Cloth
Forager's Gloves
132HandsLooted Cloth
Glyph-Lined Sash
1Waist Cloth
Jingoist's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Jingoist's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cloth
Jingoist's Hood
1Head Cloth
Jingoist's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Jingoist's Mitts
1Hands Cloth
Jingoist's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Jingoist's Treads
1Feet Cloth
Jingoist's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Mana-Etched Crown
1Head Cloth
Mana-Etched Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Mana-Etched Pantaloons
1Legs Cloth
Mana-Etched Spaulders
1Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Etched Vestments
1Chest Cloth
Mindwrack Bracers
1Wrists Cloth
Mindwrack Cord
1Waist Cloth
Mindwrack Cowl
1Head Cloth
Mindwrack Handwraps
1Hands Cloth
Mindwrack Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Mindwrack Robes
1Chest Cloth
Mindwrack Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cloth
Mindwrack Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Amice
160Shoulders Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Cord
160Waist Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Cowl
160Head Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Cuffs
160Wrists Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Handwraps
160Hands Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Leggings
160Legs Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Sandals
160Feet Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Vestment
160Chest Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Handwraps
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Walkers
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Wrap
125WaistVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Boots
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Handwraps
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Waistwrap
125WaistVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Walkers
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Cinch
125WaistVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Footwraps
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Gloves
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Handwraps
125HandsVendor Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Walkers
125FeetVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Cowl
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Hood
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Shoulders
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Spaulders
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Satin Cowl
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Satin Hood
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Satin Mantle
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Satin Shoulderpads
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Silk Cowl
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Silk Hood
125HeadVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Silk Mantle
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Champion's Silk Shoulderpads
125ShouldersVendor Cloth
Replica Deathmist Belt
125Waist Cloth
Replica Deathmist Bracers
125Wrists Cloth
Replica Deathmist Leggings
125Legs Cloth
Replica Deathmist Mantle
125Shoulders Cloth
Replica Devout Belt
122Waist Cloth
Replica Devout Bracers
122Wrists Cloth
Replica Devout Crown
124Head Cloth
Replica Devout Gloves
123Hands Cloth
Replica Devout Mantle
123Shoulders Cloth
Replica Devout Robe
124Chest Cloth
Replica Devout Sandals
123Feet Cloth
Replica Devout Skirt
123Legs Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Belt
122Waist Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Bracers
122Wrists Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Leggings
123Legs Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Mantle
123Shoulders Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Mask
124Head Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Robe
124Chest Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Sandals
123Feet Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Wraps
123Hands Cloth
Replica First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs
125WristsVendor Cloth
Replica First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs
125WristsVendor Cloth
Replica Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Leggings
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Legguards
125LegsVendor Cloth
Replica Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Robe
125ChestVendor Cloth
Replica Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Tunic
125ChestVendor Cloth
Replica Knight-Captain's Satin Leggings
125LegsVendor Cloth