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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Satin Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Scarlet Sin'dorei Robes
3227Chest Cloth
Stormspire Vest
3227Chest Cloth
Vermillion Robes of the Dominant
3227Chest Cloth
Warp-Infused Drape
3227Chest Cloth
Warp-Infused Drape
3227Chest Cloth
Windchanneller's Tunic
32Chest Cloth
Windchanneller's Tunic
3227Chest Cloth
Archmage Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Black Silk Vest
3227Chest Cloth
Bloodspore Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Consortium Combatant's Robes
32Chest Cloth
D.E.H.T.A. Overshirt
32Chest Cloth
Eldr'naan Jerkin
3227Chest Cloth
Elementalist Tunic
3227Chest Cloth
Farshire Robe
3226Chest Cloth
Fire-Purifying Tunic
32Chest Cloth
Foothold Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Frostwoven Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Indigo Robe of Replenishment
32Chest Cloth
Layered Frost Robes
32Chest Cloth
Mur'ghoul Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Netherweave Robe
3226Chest Cloth
Netherweave Tunic
3227Chest Cloth
Regenerative Cloth
32Chest Cloth
Shadow Council Tunic
3226Chest Cloth
Sketh'lon Survivor's Tunic
32Chest Cloth
Sweltering Robes
32Chest Cloth
Warpthread Vest
32Chest Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Vest
3229Chest Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Vest
3227Chest Cloth
Chancellor's Dreadweave Robe
3127Chest Cloth
Chancellor's Mooncloth Vestments
3127Chest Cloth
Chancellor's Satin Robe
3127Chest Cloth
Chancellor's Silk Raiment
3127Chest Cloth
Frozen Shadoweave Robe
3127Chest Cloth
Soulcloth Vest
3127Chest Cloth
Spellfire Robe
3127Chest Cloth
Will of Edward the Odd
3127Chest Cloth
Auchenai Anchorite's Robe
31Chest Cloth
Shroud of Spiritual Purity
3126Chest Cloth
Watcher's Tunic
31Chest Cloth
Astralaan Robe
3126Chest Cloth
Consortium Robe
3126Chest Cloth
Death-Speaker's Tunic
31Chest Cloth
Feralfen Jerkin
3125Chest Cloth
Mistyreed Tunic
3126Chest Cloth
Sylvanaar Elite Caster's Armor
31Chest Cloth
Windroc Shroud
31Chest Cloth
Witch Doctor's Beads
31Chest Cloth
Crystal Webbed Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Doomcaller's Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Enigma Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Frostfire Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Necro-Knight's Garb
3025Chest Cloth
Necrotic Gown
3025Chest Cloth
Plagueheart Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Robe of Faith
3025Chest Cloth
Vestments of the Oracle
3025Chest Cloth
Goldweave Tunic
30Chest Cloth
Raiments of Divine Authority
3025Chest Cloth
Raiments of Divine Authority
3025Chest Cloth
Robes of the Augurer
3025Chest Cloth
Robes of the Augurer
3025Chest Cloth
Shadowcast Tunic
30Chest Cloth
Ceremonial Robes
30Chest Cloth
Chemise of Rebirth
30Chest Cloth
Fireheart Chestpiece
3024Chest Cloth
Laughing Skull Tunic
3025Chest Cloth
Slavehandler Jerkin
3025Chest Cloth
Starfire Vest
3024Chest Cloth
Vindicator Tunic
3025Chest Cloth
Twilight Cultist Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Arcanist Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Black Ash Robe
2925Chest Cloth
Darkwater Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Deathmist Robe
29Chest Cloth
Felheart Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Field Marshal's Dreadweave Robe
2925Chest Cloth
Field Marshal's Satin Vestments
2925Chest Cloth
Field Marshal's Silk Vestments
2925Chest Cloth
Flarecore Robe
2925Chest Cloth
Flowing Ritual Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Garb of Royal Ascension
2925Chest Cloth
Glacial Vest
2925Chest Cloth
Jade Inlaid Vestments
2925Chest Cloth
Jade Inlaid Vestments
29Chest Cloth
Nemesis Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Netherwind Robes
2925Chest Cloth
Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown
2922Chest Cloth
Robe of the Archmage
2924Chest Cloth
Robe of the Void
2924Chest Cloth
Robe of Volatile Power
2925Chest Cloth
Robes of Prophecy
2925Chest Cloth
Robes of the Battleguard
2925Chest Cloth
Robes of the Guardian Saint
2925Chest Cloth
Robes of the Triumvirate
2925Chest Cloth
Robes of Transcendence
2925Chest Cloth
Truefaith Vestments
2924Chest Cloth
Vestments of the Shifting Sands
2925Chest Cloth