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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gloves of Staunched Wounds
59Hands Cloth
Greasy Bacon-Grabbers
59Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Oscillating Polarity
59Hands Cloth
Iron-Kelp Wristwraps
59Wrists Cloth
Knight Captain's Waistcord
59Waist Cloth
Lastwind Hood
59Head Cloth
Lastwind Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Lastwind Robes
59Chest Cloth
Lastwind Shoulderpads
59Shoulders Cloth
Leggings of the Drowned Lord
59Legs Cloth
Loa Speaker's Epaulets
59Shoulders Cloth
Loa Speaker's Hood
59Head Cloth
Loa Speaker's Robes
59Chest Cloth
Loa Speaker's Vestments
59Chest Cloth
Mine Rat's Handwarmers
59Hands Cloth
Navigator's Circlet
59Head Cloth
Navigator's Crown
59Head Cloth
Navigator's Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Navigator's Robes
59Chest Cloth
Ouroborial Sash
59Waist Cloth
Powder Monkey's Leggings
59Legs Cloth
Redhook's Cummerbund
59Waist Cloth
Rixxa's Sweat-Wicking Cuffs
59Wrists Cloth
Rowdy Reveler's Legwraps
59Legs Cloth
Sailcloth Waistband
59Waist Cloth
Sandals of Wise Voodoo
59Feet Cloth
Sandswept Sandals
59Feet Cloth
Silk Cuffs of the Skycap'n
59Wrists Cloth
Slippers of Unwavering Faith
59Feet Cloth
Tidespeaker Amice
59Shoulders Cloth
Tidespeaker Circlet
59Head Cloth
Tidespeaker Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Tidespeaker Vestments
59Chest Cloth
Top-Sail Footwraps
59Feet Cloth
Twisted Sisters Handwraps
59Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Amice
59Shoulders Cloth
Wickerwoven Crown
59Head Cloth
Wickerwoven Robe
59Chest Cloth
Wickerwoven Vestments
59Chest Cloth
Wild Pyromancer's Trousers
59Legs Cloth
Wraps of Everliving Fealty
59Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of Twined Morels
59Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Cowl
59Head Cloth
Zanchuli Crest
59Head Cloth
Zanchuli Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Zanchuli Raiment
59Chest Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Circlet
58Head Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Mantle
58Shoulders Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Raiment
58Chest Cloth
Bloodbough Cord
58Waist Cloth
Bloodbough Handwraps
58Hands Cloth
Bloodbough Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
Bloodbough Slippers
58Feet Cloth
Bloodbough Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Fen Spirit Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Fen Spirit Footwraps
58Feet Cloth
Fen Spirit Handwraps
58Hands Cloth
Fen Spirit Leggings
58Legs Cloth
Fen Spirit Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mantle
58Shoulders Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mitts
58Hands Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Robes
58Chest Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Sandals
58Feet Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Skullcap
58Head Cloth
Sandspinner Cord
58Waist Cloth
Sandspinner Footwraps
58Feet Cloth
Sandspinner Gloves
58Hands Cloth
Sandspinner Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
Sandspinner Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Shadra Silk Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Shadra Silk Footwraps
58Feet Cloth
Shadra Silk Gloves
58Hands Cloth
Shadra Silk Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
Shadra Silk Sash
58Waist Cloth
Sirensong Cord
58Waist Cloth
Sirensong Handwraps
58Hands Cloth
Sirensong Slippers
58Feet Cloth
Sirensong Trousers
58Legs Cloth
Sirensong Wraps
58Wrists Cloth
Squallshaper Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Squallshaper Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Squallshaper Gloves
58Hands Cloth
Squallshaper Leggings
58Legs Cloth
Squallshaper Treads
58Feet Cloth
Cenarion Reservist's Pants
56Legs Cloth
Whispersilk Leggings
56Legs Cloth
Handwraps of Soulwringing
50Hands Cloth
Nethertether Cord
50Waist Cloth
Netherworld's March Amice
50Shoulders Cloth
Slippers of the Illidari Crusade
50Feet Cloth
Defiler's Cord
50Waist Cloth
Earthguard Handwraps
50Hands Cloth
Felblaze Handwraps
50Hands Cloth
Illidari High Lord's Cowl
50Head Cloth
Pretty Silk Gloves
50Hands Cloth
Rax's Silk Pajama Bottoms
50Legs Cloth