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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Tidespeaker Shoes
50Feet Cloth
Tidespeaker Slippers
50Feet Cloth
Tidespeaker Soles
50Feet Cloth
Tidespeaker Waistwrap
50Waist Cloth
Tidespeaker Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Belt
50Waist Cloth
Wickerwoven Bindings
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Cinch
50Waist Cloth
Wickerwoven Cord
50Waist Cloth
Wickerwoven Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Footwraps
50Feet Cloth
Wickerwoven Gloves
50Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Grips
50Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Handwraps
50Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Leggings
50Legs Cloth
Wickerwoven Legwraps
50Legs Cloth
Wickerwoven Mittens
50Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Mitts
50Hands Cloth
Wickerwoven Pantaloons
50Legs Cloth
Wickerwoven Pants
50Legs Cloth
Wickerwoven Sandals
50Feet Cloth
Wickerwoven Sash
50Waist Cloth
Wickerwoven Shoes
50Feet Cloth
Wickerwoven Waistband
50Waist Cloth
Wickerwoven Walkers
50Feet Cloth
Wickerwoven Woolies
50Legs Cloth
Wickerwoven Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Belt
50Waist Cloth
Zanchuli Bracelets
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Cincture
50Waist Cloth
Zanchuli Cord
50Waist Cloth
Zanchuli Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Footies
50Feet Cloth
Zanchuli Footwraps
50Feet Cloth
Zanchuli Gloves
50Hands Cloth
Zanchuli Grasps
50Hands Cloth
Zanchuli Grips
50Hands Cloth
Zanchuli Grips
50Hands Cloth
Zanchuli Handwraps
50Hands Cloth
Zanchuli Leggings
50Legs Cloth
Zanchuli Legwraps
50Legs Cloth
Zanchuli Pantaloons
50Legs Cloth
Zanchuli Sandals
50Feet Cloth
Zanchuli Sash
50Waist Cloth
Zanchuli Shoes
50Feet Cloth
Zanchuli Slippers
50Feet Cloth
Zanchuli Trousers
50Legs Cloth
Zanchuli Waistwrap
50Waist Cloth
Zanchuli Woolies
50Legs Cloth
Zanchuli Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Goblin Nurse Hat 2
46Head Cloth
Gloves of the Arcane Purge
45Hands Cloth
Lightly-Padded Cage Helm
44Head Cloth
Amice of Steadfast Allies
44Shoulders Cloth
Blood-Infused Leggings
44Legs Cloth
Bloody Aberration Strap
44Waist Cloth
Bracers of Arcane Mystery
44Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Swirling Light
44Wrists Cloth
Cord of Arcane Mystery
44Waist Cloth
Cord of Swirling Light
44Waist Cloth
Curseheart's Cowl
44Head Cloth
Fel Singed Wraps
44Wrists Cloth
Felflame Belt
44Waist Cloth
Felflame Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Felflame Grips
44Hands Cloth
Felflame Hood
44Head Cloth
Felflame Legwraps
44Legs Cloth
Felflame Robes
44Chest Cloth
Felflame Sandals
44Feet Cloth
Felflame Spaulders
44Shoulders Cloth
Footwraps of the Receding Nightmare
44Feet Cloth
Frost-Touched Boots
44Feet Cloth
Frost-Touched Cord
44Waist Cloth
Frost-Touched Gloves
44Hands Cloth
Frost-Touched Hood
44Head Cloth
Frost-Touched Legwraps
44Legs Cloth
Frost-Touched Robes
44Chest Cloth
Frost-Touched Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Frost-Touched Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Gloves of Arcane Mystery
44Hands Cloth
Gloves of Swirling Light
44Hands Cloth
Goliath Wraps of Hridmogir
44Hands Cloth
Greatfeather's Down Robe
44Chest Cloth
Helbreaker Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
High Parson's Slippers
44Feet Cloth
Hood of Arcane Mystery
44Head Cloth
Hood of Swirling Light
44Head Cloth
Leggings of Swirling Light
44Legs Cloth
Leywalker Halo
44Head Cloth
Leywalker Handwraps
44Hands Cloth
Leywalker Robe
44Chest Cloth
Leywalker Waistwrap
44Waist Cloth
Leywalker Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Lightbinder Cover
44Head Cloth
Lightbinder Girdle
44Waist Cloth
Lightbinder Gloves
44Hands Cloth