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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Nightfallen Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Nightvale Cord
44Waist Cloth
Nightvale Gloves
44Hands Cloth
Nightvale Handwraps
44Hands Cloth
Nightvale Leggings
44Legs Cloth
Nightvale Sandals
44Feet Cloth
Nightvale Waistwrap
44Waist Cloth
Nightvale Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Pinerock Tracker's Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Runespeaker's Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Runespeaker's Cinch
44Waist Cloth
Runespeaker's Cuffs
44Wrists Cloth
Runespeaker's Gloves
44Hands Cloth
Runespeaker's Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Runespeaker's Robes
44Chest Cloth
Runespeaker's Sandals
44Feet Cloth
Runespeaker's Trousers
44Legs Cloth
Runespeaker's Vestments
44Chest Cloth
Runespeaker's Waistcord
44Waist Cloth
Shotgun Rider's Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Skyfire Hood
44Head Cloth
Slippers of the Earthen Healer
44Feet Cloth
Snowblind Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Snowblind Cord
44Waist Cloth
Snowblind Gloves
44Hands Cloth
Snowblind Handwraps
44Hands Cloth
Snowblind Leggings
44Legs Cloth
Snowblind Legwraps
44Legs Cloth
Snowblind Raiment
44Chest Cloth
Snowblind Treads
44Feet Cloth
Snowblind Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Soulflayer Cord
44Waist Cloth
Soul-Stealer's Leggings
44Legs Cloth
Starlance Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Sweat-Swollen Cuffs
44Wrists Cloth
Tehd's Well-Traveled Slippers
44Feet Cloth
The Librarian's Handwraps
44Hands Cloth
Tinkmaster's Spare Shoes
44Feet Cloth
Traitorous Robe
44Chest Cloth
Vintner's Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Windshaper Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Windshaper Cord
44Waist Cloth
Windshaper Gloves
44Hands Cloth
Windshaper Treads
44Feet Cloth
Windshaper Waistwrap
44Waist Cloth
Windshaper Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
"Super Sterlized" Blastguard Legwraps
43Legs Cloth
Bloodbathed Outcast Robes
43Chest Cloth
Hermit's Hood
43Head Cloth
"Fireproof" Venture Co. Robes
43Chest Cloth
Fungal Resistant Slippers
43Feet Cloth
Shadowveil Gloves
43Hands Cloth
Shadowveil Leggings
43Legs Cloth
Shadowveil Robe
43Chest Cloth
Shadowveil Wristwraps
43Wrists Cloth
Windshaper Hood
43Head Cloth
Windshaper Leggings
43Legs Cloth
Windshaper Mantle
43Shoulders Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Cord
42Waist Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Gloves
42Hands Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Hood
42Head Cloth
Zorkra's Hood
42Head Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Handwraps
42Hands Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Mantle
42Shoulders Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Robe
42Chest Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Treads
42Feet Cloth
Shadowveil Cord
42Waist Cloth
Shadowveil Hood
42Head Cloth
Shadowveil Mantle
42Shoulders Cloth
Shadowveil Treads
42Feet Cloth
Steamburst Leggings
41Legs Cloth
Steamburst Robe
41Chest Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Leggings
41Legs Cloth
Steamburst Gloves
41Hands Cloth
Steamburst Treads
41Feet Cloth
Agurak Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Fine Void-Chain Cinch
40Waist Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cowl
40Head Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Leggings
40Legs Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Karabor Sage Cap
40Head Cloth
Karabor Sage Gloves
40Hands Cloth
Karabor Sage Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Quarrier's Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Ritual Leggings of Mur'og
40Legs Cloth
Sneevel's Loincloth
40Legs Cloth
Voidgazer Cap
40Head Cloth
Windburnt Pauldrons
40Shoulders Cloth
Blademoon Leggings
40Legs Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cord
40Waist Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cuffs
40Wrists Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Gloves
40Hands Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Pantaloons
40Legs Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Robe
40Chest Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Treads
40Feet Cloth
Grimfrost Arcanist Robe
40Chest Cloth
Grom'gar Wolfskin Slippers
40Feet Cloth
Karabor Sage Cord
40Waist Cloth