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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cosmic Aspirant's Leather Wristwraps
15860Wrists Leather
Eternal Aspirant's Leather Armguards
15860Wrists Leather
Eternal Aspirant's Leather Wristwraps
15860Wrists Leather
Fastened Venombarb Binds
15860Wrists Leather
Radiant Light Binders
15860Wrists Leather
Risen Monstrosity Cuffs
15860Wrists Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Armguards
15860Wrists Leather
Sinful Aspirant's Leather Wristwraps
15860Wrists Leather
Unchained Aspirant's Leather Armguards
15860Wrists Leather
Unchained Aspirant's Leather Wristwraps
15860Wrists Leather
Bladesworn Wraith's Armguards
15560Wrists Bindings of Fleshcrafting Leather
Ebony Death Shroud Bindings
15560Wrists Leather
Bracers of Autonomous Classification
15560Wrists Leather
Oakheart Bracers
15560Wrists Report to Lord Herne Leather
Winterborn Bracers
15550Wrists Leather
Selfless Bearer's Wrists
15050Wrists Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons Leather
Corpsehide Wristwraps
14860Wrists Leather
Runetender Bracers
14860Wrists Leather
Soulbearer's Bracers
14860Wrists Leather
Soulstalker Bindings
14860Wrists Leather
Putrefied Leather Bracers
13740Wrists Leather
Twisted Leather Bracers
13740Wrists Leather
Withered Leather Wristguards
13740Wrists Leather
Argent Conscript's Wriststraps
10050Wrists Leather
Argent Conscript's Wriststraps
10050Wrists Leather
Intimidator Trainer's Cuffs
10048Wrists Leather
Darkfeather Bindings
10050Wrists Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Bindings
10050Wrists Leather
Desolate Leather Armguards
10050WristsCrafted Leather
Duskthistle Wristwraps
10050Wrists Leather
Warflesh Bracers
10050Wrists Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Brilliant Dawn
100100WristsUnobtainable Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Rising Dawn
100100Wrists Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Shining Dawn
100100Wrists Leather
Wristwraps of the Insatiable Maw
9550Wrists Leather
Verdant Tundra Bracers
8871WristsCreated Leather
Bracers of Dark Prophecy
8550Wrists Leather
Wristwraps of Volatile Power
8550Wrists Leather
Wristclasps of Shame
8560Wrists Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Superior Programming Leather
Deceitful Agent's Wristwraps
8548Wrists The Ones in Charge Leather
Gluttonous Wristwraps
8548Wrists WANTED: Gorgebeak Leather
Nightcloaked Bindings
8548Wrists Ending the Inquisitor Leather
Nightcloaked Bracers
8548Wrists When Only Ash Remains Leather
Starshroud Bracers
8548Wrists Unknown Assailants Leather
Whalehunter Cuffs
81Wrists Leather
Wraps of Electrostatic Potential
78Wrists Leather
Armguards of the Insatiable Maw
7850Wrists Leather
Bindings of the Insatiable Maw
7850Wrists Leather
Coils of the Insatiable Maw
7850Wrists Leather
Wristwraps of the Insatiable Maw
7850Wrists Leather
Cultured Pearl Armbands
7250Wrists Leather
Skulker's Blackwater Bands
7250Wrists Leather
Tideblood Bracers
7250Wrists Leather
Uncanny Combatant's Leather Armguards
7250WristsCrafted Leather
Uncanny Combatant's Leather Armguards
7250Wrists Leather
Illidari Bracers
6850Wrists Leather
Illidari Bracers
6850Wrists Leather
Lightdrinker Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Lightdrinker Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Mistdancer Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Mistdancer Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Mistdancer Cuffs
6850Wrists Leather
Mistdancer Cuffs
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Bindings
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Bracers
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Bracers
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Cuffs
6850Wrists Leather
Springrain Cuffs
6850Wrists Leather
Fathomstalker Armbands
6650Wrists Leather
Fathomstalker Bindings
6650Wrists Leather
Fathomstalker Coils
6650Wrists Leather
Fathomstalker Wristwraps
6650Wrists Leather
Neri's Wavebreaker Bindings
6650Wrists Leather
Ori's Tidal Wristwraps
6650Wrists Leather
Amethyst-Studded Bindings
6050WristsLooted Leather
Armbands of Dark Determination
6030Wrists Leather
Armbands of Sacrosanct Acts
6050WristsLooted Leather
Bindings of Eternal Fears
6050Wrists T'zane Leather
Bindings of the Disparate Tribes
6050Wrists Leather
Bracers of Dark Determination
6030Wrists Leather
Bracers of Regal Devotion
6050WristsLooted Leather
Chill's End Wristguards
6050Wrists Hailstone Construct Leather
Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Armwraps
6050Wrists Leather
Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Armwraps
6050Wrists Leather
Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Corrupted Gladiator's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Cuffs of Dark Shadows
6030Wrists Leather
Flickering Wristbands
6032WristsLooted Leather
Glowing Wing Bracers
6032WristsLooted Leather
Hir'eek Hide Cuffs
6050Wrists Leather
Kelp-Encrusted Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Kimbul's Cuffs of Redemption
6050Wrists Leather
Master-At-Arms Wristguards
6050Wrists Leather
Notorious Aspirant's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Notorious Aspirant's Leather Bindings
6050Wrists Leather
Notorious Combatant's Leather Armguards
6050Wrists Leather