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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Boots of Perilous Infusion
Mythic Warforged
4235Feet Leather
Boots of Perilous Infusion
4235Feet Malkorok Leather
Boots of Perilous Infusion
4135Feet Malkorok Leather
Boots of Perilous Infusion
4135FeetLooted Leather
Boots of Perilous Infusion
Raid Finder
4035Feet Malkorok Leather
Boots of Raging Haze
39Feet Leather
Boots of Septic Wounds
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Chosen Dead
145Feet Leather
Boots of the Escaped Captive
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Follower
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Forked Road
3732Feet Murozond Leather
Boots of the Frozen Seed
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Frozen Seed
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Harsh Winter
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Harsh Winter
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the High Adept
3935Feet Leather
Boots of the Honored Valarjar
1Feet Leather
Boots of the Neverending Path
3530Feet Leather
Boots of the Petrified Forest
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Petrified Forest
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Shadow Flame
2925FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Still Breath
4035FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Still Breath
Raid Finder
3935FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Still Breath
3935FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Unrelenting Storm
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Unrelenting Storm
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Vanguard
2925FeetLooted Leather
Boots of the Worshiper
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of Unnatural Growth
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of Unnatural Growth
3530FeetLooted Leather
Boots of Utter Darkness
3227FeetCrafted Leather
Boots of Wintry Endurance
3530FeetCrafted Leather
Botanist's Gloves of Growth
3227HandsLooted Leather
Botanist's Gloves of Growth
3227HandsLooted Leather
Bough of the Autumn Blaze
48070Head Leather
Bough of the Autumn Blaze
41570Head Leather
Bough of the Autumn Blaze
41570Head Leather
Boughs of Archdruid Van-Yali
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
4235Wrists Malkorok Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
Mythic Warforged
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
4235Wrists Malkorok Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
4135Wrists Malkorok Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
4135WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Averted Fatality
Raid Finder
4035Wrists Malkorok Leather
Bracers of Dark Determination
6030Wrists Leather
Bracers of Dark Determination
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Dark Determination
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Dark Prophecy
8550Wrists Leather
Bracers of Dark Thoughts
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Dark Thoughts
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Dark Thoughts
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Determined Resolve
4440Wrists Grandiose Bracers Leather
Bracers of Diabolic Fury
5045WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Flowing Serenity
3732WristsCrafted Leather
Bracers of Impossible Choices
5045WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Impossible Choices
5045Wrists Leather
Bracers of Maliciousness
3227WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Manifold Pockets
3832Wrists Leather
Bracers of Manifold Pockets
Raid Finder
3732Wrists Leather
Bracers of Manifold Pockets
3732Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
Mythic Warforged
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
4235Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
4135Wrists Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
4135WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Purified Spirit
Raid Finder
4035Wrists Leather
Bracers of Regal Devotion
6050WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Renewed Life
3227WristsCrafted Leather
Bracers of Rippling Darkness
5045WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Shattered Limbs
4440WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Shattered Stalactites
4440WristsLooted, Black Market AH Leather
Bracers of Simmering Fury
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Ordos Leather
Bracers of Spare Skin
4440WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Subterfuge
29WristsUnobtainable Leather
Bracers of Supreme Despair
4440WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Swift Death
3530WristsCrafted Leather
Bracers of Swift Death
3530WristsCrafted Leather
Bracers of the Autumn Willow
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Autumn Willow
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Broodmother
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Broodmother
3530WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Cycle
135Wrists Golden Chest of the Cycle Leather
Bracers of the Fixed Stars
25260Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Midnight Comet
4135WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Midnight Comet
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Midnight Comet
4035WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Midnight Comet
4035WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Midnight Comet
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Regal Lord
135Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Silent Assassin
135Wrists Leather
Bracers of the White Stag
3227WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Unseen Strikes
4035WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Unseen Strikes
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Unseen Strikes
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Violent Meditation
3935WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Violent Meditation
3935WristsLooted Leather