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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Achor, the Eternal Hunger
5040ChestLooted Leather
Ailuro Pouncers
5040FeetLooted Leather
Aman'Thul's Wisdom
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Anvil-Hardened Wristwraps
5040WristsLooted Leather
Behemoth Headdress
5040HeadLooted Leather
Chameleon Song
5040HeadLooted Leather
Cinch of Unity
26560Waist Leather
Cinch of Unity
26560Waist Leather
Cinch of Unity
26560Waist Leather
Cinch of Unity
26560Waist Leather
Cinidaria, the Symbiote
5040WaistLooted Leather
Delusions of Grandeur
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Denial of the Half-Giants
5040WristsLooted Leather
Drinking Horn Cover
5040WristsLooted Leather
Duskwalker's Footpads
5040FeetLooted Leather
Edraith, Bonds of Aglaya
5040WristsLooted Leather
Ei'thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas
5040FeetLooted Leather
Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds
5040ChestLooted Leather
Elize's Everlasting Encasement
5040LegsLooted Leather
Essence of Infusion
5040FeetLooted Leather
Fiery Red Maimers
5040LegsLooted Leather
Firestone Walkers
5040FeetLooted Leather
Fundamental Observation
5040HeadLooted Leather
Gai Plin's Soothing Sash
5040WaistLooted Leather
Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs
5040WristsLooted Leather
Hidden Master's Forbidden Touch
5040HandsLooted Leather
Katsuo's Eclipse
5040FeetLooted Leather
Kirel Narak
5040FeetLooted Leather
Lady and the Child
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Leggings of The Black Flame
5040LegsLooted Leather
Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice
5040FeetLooted Leather
Luffa Wrappings
5040WristsLooted Leather
Mantle of the Master Assassin
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Mo'arg Bionic Stabilizers
5040WristsLooted Leather
Oakheart's Puny Quods
5040HeadLooted Leather
Oblivion's Embrace
5040LegsLooted Leather
Oneth's Intuition
5040WristsLooted Leather
Ovyd's Winter Wrap
5040WaistLooted Leather
Petrichor Lagniappe
5040WristsLooted Leather
Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess
5040FeetLooted Leather
Raddon's Cascading Eyes
5040HeadLooted Leather
Runemaster's Pauldrons
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Sal'salabim's Lost Tunic
5040ChestLooted Leather
Shadow Satyr's Walk
5040FeetLooted Leather
Shelter of Rin
5040ChestLooted Leather
Shivarran Symmetry
5040HandsLooted Leather
Skysec's Hold
5040FeetLooted Leather
Spirit of the Darkness Flame
5040HandsLooted Leather
Stormstout's Last Gasp
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
The Dark Titan's Advice
5040WaistLooted Leather
The Defiler's Lost Vambraces
5040WristsLooted Leather
The Emerald Dreamcatcher
5040HeadLooted Leather
The Emperor's Capacitor
5040ChestLooted Leather
The Empty Crown
5040HeadLooted Leather
The First of the Dead
5040HandsLooted Leather
The Sentinel's Eternal Refuge
5040FeetCrafted Leather
The Wildshaper's Clutch
5040HandsLooted Leather
The Wind Blows
5040HeadLooted Leather
Thraxi's Tricksy Treads
5040FeetLooted Leather
Unison Spaulders
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Will of Valeera
5040LegsLooted Leather
X'oni's Caress
5040HandsLooted Leather
Zoldyck Family Training Shackles
5040WristsLooted Leather
[PH] World Boss Leather Shoulder
164110Shoulders Leather
[PH] World Boss Leather Shoulder
164110Shoulders Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Chest
28070Chest Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Feet
28070Feet Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Hand
28070Hands Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Head
28070Head Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Legs
28070Legs Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Shoulder
28070Shoulders Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Waist
28070Waist Leather
10.0 Raid Template - Leather - Wrist
28070Wrists Leather
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Leather - FEET 2
41570Feet Leather
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Leather - WRIST 1
41570Wrists Leather
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Leather - WRIST 2
41570Wrists Leather
A5C-3N-D3D Gearspun Goggles
8550HeadCrafted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap
4135Waist Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Waist Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap
4035WaistLooted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap
4035WaistLooted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap
Raid Finder
3935WaistLooted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt
4135Waist Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Waist Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt
4035WaistLooted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt
4035WaistLooted Leather
Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt
Raid Finder
3935WaistLooted Leather
Aberration's Leggings
3732LegsLooted Leather
Aberration's Leggings
3732LegsLooted Leather
Abyssal Gearspun Goggles
7850HeadCrafted Leather
Abyssal Tendril Tights
57180Legs Leather
Acidic Jaws
4440HeadLooted Leather
Acidmaw Boots
3530FeetLooted Leather
Acidmaw Boots
3530FeetLooted Leather
Acidmaw Treads
3530FeetLooted Leather
Acidmaw Treads
3530FeetLooted Leather
Admiralty's Ceremonial Epaulets
6050ShouldersLooted Leather
Adrenal Surge Clasp
57780Waist Leather
Advanced Tooled-Leather Bands
3530WristsLooted Leather
Aged Core Leather Gloves
2925HandsLooted Leather