

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sandshaped Dracthyr Battlegear Grips
20058Hands Mail
Sapper's Gloves
106Hands Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Sarjun Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Mail
Sarjun Handwraps
37Hands Why So Serious? Mail
Sassy Grippers
18Hands If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... Mail
Saurboz's Handwraps
16Hands Barrier to Entry Mail
Saurok Gauntlets
3731HandsLooted Mail
Saurok Scale Grips
6050HandsLooted Mail
Saurok Stalker's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Saurok Stalker's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Saurok Stalker's Grips
110Hands Mail
Saurscale Gloves
5940Hands Mail
Saurscale Gloves
5040Hands Mail
Savage Bonemauler Gloves
10050Hands Mail
Savage Handguards
19Hands Stranglethorn Fever Mail
Scaled Draenic Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Mail
Scaled Gloves of the Serpent
6Hands Sisters of the Sea Mail
Scalewing Gloves
31Hands Ride the Lightning Mail
Scarlet Gauntlets
2114Hands Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Scavenger's Chain Gauntlets
37Hands Mail
Scavenger's Ringmail Gauntlets
37Hands Mail
Sea Stalker's Gloves
5040HandsLooted Mail
Seaspeaker Gloves
32Hands A Visit to the Curator Mail
Seaspray Gauntlets
44Hands Their Dying Breaths Mail
Seedhandler's Soft Grips
11Hands The Seeds of Life Mail
Sentry's Gloves
1710HandsLooted Mail
Shark-Link Gloves
44Hands Hit the Books Mail
Sha'tari Deadeye Mitts
42Hands Aruumel's Rest Mail
Sha'tari Marksman's Gloves
31Hands The Fallen Exarch Mail
Shikaar Scout Grips
20058Hands Mail
Shimmerscale Gauntlets
5245HandsCrafted Mail
Shimmerscale Gauntlets
5245Hands Mail
Shoveltusk Gauntlets
3328HandsLooted Mail
Shrinebreaker Gloves
5040HandsLooted Mail
Silencer's Gauntlets
36Hands Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Mail
Silithid Scale Gloves
27Hands The Fledgling Colossus Mail
Silvered Bronze Gauntlets
1710HandsCrafted Mail
Singleton Gauntlets
19Hands Futile Resistance Mail
Skettis Gauntlets
3226HandsLooted Mail
Skom Gloves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Skyhorn Gloves
5040HandsLooted Mail
Skyless Grips
25070Hands Mail
Slayer's Gloves
1811HandsLooted Mail
Snake Gauntlets
3732HandsLooted Mail
Snarlthorn Gauntlets
4239HandsLooted Mail
Soldier's Gauntlets
106HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Soothing Wraps
15Hands For Peat's Sake Mail
Soul Hunter's Gloves
8548Hands Finders-Keepers, Sinners-Weepers Mail
Soul Hunter's Grips
8548Hands Mail
Southfury Gauntlets
3529HandsLooted Mail
Sparkleshell Gauntlets
2114HandsLooted Mail
Sparkproof Gauntlets
12Hands Incendicite Ore Mail
Sparring Trainer's Gloves
8548Hands Assessing Your Spirit Mail
Spectral Gauntlets
3530HandsLooted Mail
Spiderlord Gauntlets
3529HandsLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Gauntlets
1610HandsLooted Mail
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Spirestrider Gauntlets
4238HandsLooted Mail
Spirited Stag's Handguards
41570Hands Mail
Spritescale Gloves
2114HandsCrafted Mail
Squadron Leader's Gloves
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Starbreeze Gauntlets
6Hands Timely Arrival Mail
Starfish Gauntlets
35Hands A Pearl of Wisdom Mail
Steadfast Gloves
2214HandsLooted Mail
Steelscale Gloves
10050Hands Mail
Steppe Gauntlets
3732HandsLooted Mail
Stonefang Grips
110Hands Mail
Stonemaul Gauntlets
22Hands Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern Mail
Stormbinder Gauntlets
3530Hands Mail
Stormbinder Gloves
3530Hands Mail
Stormbinder Grips
3530Hands Mail
Stormborn Gloves
44HandsQuest Mail
Stormbrew Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Stormchaser Gloves
50HandsQuest Mail
Stormchaser Grips
50Hands The Abyssal Council Mail
Stormchaser Handcovers
50Hands I Like Turtles Mail
Stormchaser Handguards
50Hands Gunpowder Plot Mail
Stormchaser Strikers
50Hands Grizzled Mail
Stormfire Gauntlets
22Hands Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. Mail
Stormscale Gloves
3732HandsCrafted Mail
Stormseeker Grips
4440Hands Mail
Stormseeker Grips
4440Hands Mail
Stormseeker Grips
4440Hands Mail
Stormsteppe Gauntlets
44HandsQuest Mail
Streamspeaker Grips
110Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
5045Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
44Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
4440Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
4440Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
3935Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
3935Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
5045Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
4440Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
3935Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
3935Hands Mail
Streamtalker Handguards
6850Hands Mail