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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Treasure Hunter's Gloves
37Hands Doing it the Hard Way Mail
Deepwild Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Mail
Deepwild Handguards
37Hands Why So Serious? Mail
Fox Grove Gauntlets
37Hands And a Heavy Fist Mail
Fox Grove Handguards
37Hands Spitfire Mail
Huangtze Scale Gauntlets
37Hands Taking a Crop Mail
Jade Witch Gauntlets
37Hands And a Heavy Fist Mail
Jade Witch Handguards
37Hands Spitfire Mail
Sarjun Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Mail
Sarjun Handwraps
37Hands Why So Serious? Mail
Wild Plains Gauntlets
37Hands Taking a Crop Mail
Gatesmashing Gauntlets
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Gauntlets of Ahmtul
36Hands I'll Do It By Hand Mail
Gauntlets of the Obelisk
36Hands The Great Escape Mail
Kaulslayer Grips
36Hands Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Mail
Silencer's Gauntlets
36Hands Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Mail
Squadron Leader's Gloves
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Fiery Obelisk Handguards
35HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist
35HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Windreacher
35Hands The Reckoning Mail
Grips of Chronological Events
35Hands A Royal Escort Mail
Grips of the Beast God
35HandsLooted Mail
Grips of the Kvaldir
35Hands Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Mail
Grips of the Kvaldir
35Hands Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Mail
Sky-Knight Handguards
35Hands Return to Aviana Mail
Tear-Linked Gauntlets
35HandsLooted Mail
Tortolla's Discarded Scales
35Hands Finish Nemesis Mail
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Bondbreaker Gauntlets
35Hands Question the Slaves Mail
Frigidlink Gauntlets
35Hands Mail
Gutrip Gauntlets
35Hands Fresh Bait Mail
Starfish Gauntlets
35Hands A Pearl of Wisdom Mail
Gauntlets of Serpent Scales
34HandsLooted Mail
Purging Handguards
34Hands Don't Forget the Eggs! Mail
Chain Gloves of the Demonic Minion
34HandsQuest Mail
Chain Gloves of the Quarry
34Hands Seeds of Chaos Mail
Gauntlets of Onu'zun
34Hands Eliminate the Competition Mail
Gauntlets of Urgency
34Hands You'll Need a Gryphon Mail
Gloves of the Mad Bomber
34HandsQuest Mail
Keeper's Touch
34Hands Returned Sevenfold Mail
Rockhandler's Gloves
34Hands A Timeworn Coffer Mail
Bindings of Sabotage
33Hands Postponing the Inevitable Mail
Handguards of Deluded Might
33Hands The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown Mail
Azurehunter Handguards
33HandsQuest Mail
Bloodbinder's Gauntlets
33Hands The Frozen Earth Mail
Gauntlets of the Great Sacrifice
33Hands Precious Elemental Fluids Mail
Gauntlets of the Secret Agent
33Hands Infiltrating Voltarus Mail
Gossamer-Stained Grips
33Hands Ruuna's Request Mail
Guiding Gloves of the Seer
33Hands Imprints on the Past Mail
Handguards of Extermination
33Hands Therapy Mail
Ridgehunter Gauntlets
33Hands WANTED: Gigantaur Mail
Wyrmfire Gloves
33HandsQuest Mail
Ar'tor's Mainstay
32Hands The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered Mail
Gauntlets of Desolation
32HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Redeemed Vindicator
32Hands Deathblow to the Legion Mail
Banded Chain Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Cowpoke's Riding Gloves
32Hands When the Cows Come Home Mail
Glimmering Ringmail Gloves
32Hands Rescuing Evanor Mail
Nimblefinger Scaled Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Seaspeaker Gloves
32Hands A Visit to the Curator Mail
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Surger's Hand Wraps
32Hands Delivering the Message Mail
Westrift Handcovers
32HandsQuest Mail
Whispersteel Handguards
32Hands Leader of the Deranged Mail
Junior Technician 3rd Grade Gloves
31Hands You're Hired! Mail
Murkblood Oven Mitts
31HandsQuest Mail
Scalewing Gloves
31Hands Ride the Lightning Mail
Sha'tari Marksman's Gloves
31Hands The Fallen Exarch Mail
Whelpscale Gauntlets
31Hands Whelps of the Wyrmcult Mail
Handguards of Precision
30HandsQuest Mail
Verdant Handwraps
30Hands Natural Remedies Mail
Gloves of Marshmanship
30Hands Leader of the Bloodscale Mail
Windcaller's Gauntlets
30Hands Return to the Marsh Mail
Beastmaster's Gloves
29Hands Mail
Gauntlets of The Five Thunders
29Hands Mail
Earthbound Grips
29HandsLooted Mail
Handguards of Undead Slaying
29HandsQuest Mail
Voone's Vice Grips
29Hands Mail
Greenhorn's Gauntlets
29Hands Mail
Desertstalkers' Gauntlets
28Hands Armaments of War Mail
Wastewalker's Gauntlets
28Hands Armaments of War Mail
Bricksteel Gauntlets
28Hands Runecloth Mail
Gloves of Foolish Innocence
28Hands Watching Our Back Mail
Gloves of Foolish Innocence
28Hands Watching Our Back Mail
Azurite Fists
27Hands Mail
Brazen Gauntlets
27Hands A Little Slime Goes a Long Way Mail
Maddening Gauntlets
27Hands Mail
Prankster's Fingers
27Hands Yetiphobia Mail
Silithid Scale Gloves
27Hands The Fledgling Colossus Mail
Blackrock Shaman's Gloves
26Hands Enough Damage For One Day Mail
Gauntlets of Completion
26Hands Enough Damage For One Day Mail
Princess Zoe's Old Hunting Gloves
26Hands High Chief Winterfall Mail
Gordok's Gauntlets
25Hands Unfinished Gordok Business Mail
Incendosaur Gloves
25Hands The Mysteries of the Fire-Gizzard Mail
Gloves of Journey's End
24Hands Journey's End Mail
Branded Gloves
24Hands Dead Man's Chest Mail
Fastfuse Gloves
24Hands Behind You! Mail
Gold Pot Gloves
24Hands Open Their Eyes Mail
Jangdor's Handcrafted Gauntlets
24Hands The Mark of Quality Mail