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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
High Warlord's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Linked Helm
3227Head Mail
High Warlord's Linked Leggings
3227Legs Mail
High Warlord's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Mail Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Mail Helm
3227Head Mail
High Warlord's Mail Leggings
3227Legs Mail
High Warlord's Mail Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Headpiece
3227Head Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Legguards
3227Legs Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Mail
Horrorblood Treads
3227Feet Mail
Hungarhide Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Hungarhide Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness
3227Chest Mail
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness
32Chest Mail
Leggings of Aqueous Dissolution
3228Legs Mail
Magma Plume Boots
3227Feet Mail
Malefactor's Eyepatch
32Head Mail
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
3227Shoulders Mail
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
32Shoulders Mail
Mask of Inner Fire
32Head Mail
Mask of Inner Fire
3227Head Mail
Mistshroud Belt
3227Waist Mail
Mistshroud Boots
3227Feet Mail
Mistshroud Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Mistshroud Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Mistshroud Helm
3227Head Mail
Mistshroud Pants
3227Legs Mail
Mistshroud Shoulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Mistshroud Tunic
3227Chest Mail
Mistshroud Tunic
32Chest Mail
Mok'Nathal Mask of Battle
3227Head Mail
Molten Earth Kilt
3227Legs Mail
Oceansong Kilt
3227Legs Mail
Outland Striders
3227Feet Mail
Outland Striders
32Feet Mail
Pauldrons of Desolation
32Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Desolation
3227Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Surging Mana
3227Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Wild Magic
32Shoulders Mail
Primal Surge Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Primal Surge Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Rune-Engraved Belt
32Waist Mail
Rushing Storm Kilt
3227Legs Mail
Salvager's Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Linked Helm
3227Head Mail
Seer's Linked Helm
3227Head Mail
Seer's Linked Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Seer's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Seer's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Mail Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Mail Helm
3227Head Mail
Seer's Mail Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Seer's Mail Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Seer's Ringmail Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Ringmail Headpiece
3227Head Mail
Seer's Ringmail Legguards
3227Legs Mail
Seer's Ringmail Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Mail
Shamanistic Helmet of Second Sight
32Head Mail
Shard Encrusted Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Shard Encrusted Breastplate
32Chest Mail
Shattrath's Champion Belt
32Waist Mail
Shock-Inducing Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Sky-Hunter Swift Boots
3227Feet Mail
Stalker's Chain Armor
3227Chest Mail
Stalker's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Stalker's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Stalker's Chain Helm
3227Head Mail
Stalker's Chain Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Stalker's Chain Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Stalker's Helmet of Second Sight
32Head Mail
Stillwater Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Stillwater Girdle
32Waist Mail
Storm Master's Helmet
3227Head Mail
Stylin' Adventure Hat
3227Head Mail
Stylin' Crimson Hat
3227Head Mail
Sunfury Legguards
32Legs Mail
Swiftsteel Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Telaari Hunting Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Telaari Hunting Girdle
32Waist Mail
Tidefury Chestpiece
32Chest Mail
Tidefury Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Tidefury Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Tidefury Helm
3227Head Mail
Tidefury Helm
3227Head Mail
Tidefury Kilt
3227Legs Mail
Tidefury Shoulderguards
3227Shoulders Mail
Towering Mantle of the Hunt
3227Shoulders Mail
Towering Mantle of the Hunt
3227Shoulders Mail
Tunic of the Ranger Lord
3227Chest Mail
Void Slayer's Tunic
32Chest Mail