

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Reinforced Mendicant's Cowl
32Head Mail
Reinforced Tuskhide Hauberk
32Chest Mail
Ring-Ridden Wrist Protectors
32Wrists Mail
Rusty Mesh Leggings
32Legs Mail
Seaspeaker Gloves
32Hands Mail
Seaspeaker Legguards
32Legs Mail
Seaspeaker Mantle
32Shoulders Mail
Sharkproof Coif
32Head Mail
Shock-Bound Spaulders
32Shoulders Mail
Skettis Belt
3226Waist Mail
Skettis Bracer
3226Wrists Mail
Skettis Chestpiece
3226Chest Mail
Skettis Footwraps
3226Feet Mail
Skettis Gauntlets
3226Hands Mail
Skettis Helmet
3226Head Mail
Skettis Legguards
3226Legs Mail
Skettis Spaulders
3226Shoulders Mail
Skom Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Skom Chain Vest
3227Chest Mail
Skom Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Skom Greaves
3227Feet Mail
Skom Helm
3227Head Mail
Skom Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Skom Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Skom Stitched-Belt
3227Waist Mail
Skybreaker's Mantle
32Shoulders Mail
Songscale Breastplate
32Chest Mail
Spaulders of the Protectorate
32Shoulders Mail
Spiked Magmoth Chestpiece
32Chest Mail
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
32Hands Mail
Spiked Magmoth Helm
32Head Mail
Spiked Magmoth Mantle
32Shoulders Mail
Streamlined Stompers
32Feet Mail
Sundered Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Sundered Footwraps
3227Feet Mail
Sundered Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Sundered Helmet
3227Head Mail
Sundered Legguards
3227Legs Mail
Sundered Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Sundered Waistband
3227Waist Mail
Sun-Fired Striders
32Feet Mail
Surger's Hand Wraps
32Hands Mail
Talhide Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Talhide Helmet
3227Head Mail
Talhide Lined-Boots
3227Feet Mail
Talhide Lined-Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Talhide Lined-Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Talhide Lined-Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Talhide Shoulderguards
3227Shoulders Mail
Talhide Stitched-Belt
3227Waist Mail
Tank Commander's Treads
32Feet Mail
Tortured Bracer
3227Wrists Mail
Tundrastrider Boots
32Feet Mail
Tundrastrider Coif
32Head Mail
Tundrastrider Ringmail
32Chest Mail
Uvuros Hide Cinch
32Waist Mail
Waverunner Waistband
32Waist Mail
Westrift Handcovers
32Hands Mail
Westrift Leggings
32Legs Mail
Westrift Wristguards
32Wrists Mail
Whispersteel Handguards
32Hands Mail
Wristguards of Rocky Horror
32Wrists Mail
Frigid Mail Armor
3229Chest Mail
Frigid Mail Belt
3229Waist Mail
Frigid Mail Boots
3229Feet Mail
Frigid Mail Bracers
3229Wrists Mail
Frigid Mail Circlet
3229Head Mail
Frigid Mail Gloves
3229Hands Mail
Frigid Mail Pants
3229Legs Mail
Frigid Mail Shoulderpads
3229Shoulders Mail
Gladiator's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Gladiator's Linked Helm
3227Head Mail
Gladiator's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Icy Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Icy Mail Belt
3227Waist Mail
Icy Mail Boots
3227Feet Mail
Icy Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Icy Mail Circlet
3227Head Mail
Icy Mail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Icy Mail Pants
3227Legs Mail
Icy Mail Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Chain Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Chain Helm
3127Head Mail
Chancellor's Chain Leggings
3127Legs Mail
Chancellor's Chain Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Linked Armor
3127Chest Mail
Chancellor's Linked Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Linked Helm
3127Head Mail
Chancellor's Linked Leggings
3127Legs Mail
Chancellor's Linked Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Mail Armor
3127Chest Mail
Chancellor's Mail Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Mail Helm
3127Head Mail
Chancellor's Mail Leggings
3127Legs Mail
Chancellor's Mail Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Chestguard
3127Chest Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Gloves
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Headpiece
3127Head Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Shoulders
3127Shoulders Mail