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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Windtalker's Wristguards
2417Wrists Mail
Bloodmail Belt
2417Waist Mail
Bloodmail Boots
2417Feet Mail
Bloodmail Gauntlets
2417Hands Mail
Bloodmail Hauberk
2417Chest Mail
Bloodmail Legguards
2417Legs Mail
Boar Champion's Belt
2417Waist Mail
Bone Golem Shoulders
2417Shoulders Mail
Bonebrace Hauberk
2417Chest Mail
Deathchill Armor
2417Chest Mail
Demon Howl Wristguards
2417Wrists Mail
Demonheart Spaulders
2417Shoulders Mail
Detention Strap
2417Waist Mail
Dragonscale Gauntlets
2417Hands Mail
Gauntlets of Accuracy
2417Hands Mail
Greenroot Mail
2417Chest Mail
Loomguard Armbraces
2417Wrists Mail
Maelstrom Leggings
2417Legs Mail
Marksman Bands
2417Wrists Mail
Odious Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Polished Jazeraint Armor
2417Chest Mail
Royal Cap Spaulders
2417Shoulders Mail
Shadowy Mail Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Silvermoon Leggings
2417Legs Mail
Warpwood Binding
2417Waist Mail
Windreaver Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Ancient Crown
2417Head Mail
Ancient Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Ancient Legguards
2417Legs Mail
Ancient Pauldrons
2417Shoulders Mail
Blackforge Cowl
2417Head Mail
Blackforge Gauntlets
2417Hands Mail
Blackforge Girdle
2417Waist Mail
Blackforge Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Bonelink Epaulets
2417Shoulders Mail
Bonelink Gauntlets
2417Hands Mail
Bonelink Sabatons
2417Feet Mail
Brigade Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Brigade Circlet
2417Head Mail
Brigade Leggings
2417Legs Mail
Brigade Pauldrons
2417Shoulders Mail
Captain's Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Champion's Bracers
2417Wrists Mail
Iridescent Scale Leggings
2417Legs Mail
Khan's Bindings
2417Wrists Mail
Khan's Gloves
2417Hands Mail
Mithril Scale Gloves
2417Hands Mail
Ravager's Armor
2417Chest Mail
Serpent Clasp Belt
2417Waist Mail
Tough Scorpid Bracers
2417Wrists Mail
Tough Scorpid Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Tough Scorpid Gloves
2417Hands Mail
Overlinked Chain Armor
2417Chest Mail
Overlinked Chain Belt
2417Waist Mail
Overlinked Coif
2417Head Mail
Bone Golem Boots
2317Feet Mail
Defiler's Chain Girdle
2317Waist Mail
Defiler's Chain Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Defiler's Mail Girdle
2317Waist Mail
Defiler's Mail Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Gloves of Explosive Pain
2317Hands Mail
Highlander's Chain Girdle
2317Waist Mail
Highlander's Chain Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Highlander's Mail Girdle
2317Waist Mail
Highlander's Mail Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Shadow Puppet Bracers
2317Wrists Mail
Shivbreaker Vest
2317Chest Mail
Skeletal Shoulders
2316Shoulders Mail
Ancient Gauntlets
2316Hands Mail
Ancient Vambraces
2316Wrists Mail
Blackforge Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Bonelink Belt
2316Waist Mail
Bonelink Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Brigade Boots
2316Feet Mail
Brigade Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Brigade Gauntlets
2316Hands Mail
Brigade Girdle
2316Waist Mail
Captain's Boots
2316Feet Mail
Captain's Circlet
2316Head Mail
Captain's Leggings
2316Legs Mail
Captain's Shoulderguards
2316Shoulders Mail
Heavy Notched Belt
2316Waist Mail
Jazeraint Chestguard
2316Chest Mail
Jazeraint Leggings
2316Legs Mail
Mithril Scale Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Mithril Scale Pants
2316Legs Mail
Orcish War Leggings
2316Legs Mail
Ravager's Crown
2316Head Mail
Ravager's Mantle
2316Shoulders Mail
Ravager's Sandals
2316Feet Mail
Ravager's Woolies
2316Legs Mail
Skullsplitter Helm
2316Head Mail
Steadfast Breastplate
2316Chest Mail
Steadfast Coronet
2316Head Mail
Steadfast Shoulders
2316Shoulders Mail
Turtle Scale Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Turtle Scale Breastplate
2316Chest Mail
Overlinked Chain Pants
2316Legs Mail
Overlinked Chain Shoulderpads
2316Shoulders Mail
Breakwater Legguards
2215Legs Mail