

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Valor-Bound Greaves
50Legs The Aegis of Aggramar Mail
Anglin' Art's Waders
50FeetQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Armguards
50WristsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bands
50WristsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Belt
50Waist Hope They Can't Swim Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bindings
50Wrists Drustfall Mail
Crone-Seeker's Boots
50FeetQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bracers
50WristsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Chain
50Waist A Steady Ballast Mail
Crone-Seeker's Chausses
50Legs A Traitor's Death Mail
Crone-Seeker's Cinch
50WaistQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Cincture
50Waist Rescue Rangers Mail
Crone-Seeker's Girdle
50Waist Hold The Barricade! Mail
Crone-Seeker's Gloves
50Hands The Burden of Proof Mail
Crone-Seeker's Grips
50Hands Hold The Barricade! Mail
Crone-Seeker's Handguards
50Hands A Traitor's Death Mail
Crone-Seeker's Leggings
50Legs Odds and Ends Mail
Crone-Seeker's Legguards
50Legs The Final Effigy Mail
Crone-Seeker's Links
50Legs Rescue Rangers Mail
Crone-Seeker's Mitts
50HandsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Pants
50Legs Building Defenses Mail
Crone-Seeker's Shackles
50Wrists Witchrending Mail
Crone-Seeker's Striders
50Feet Terminal Degree Mail
Crone-Seeker's Strikers
50HandsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Treads
50Feet Building Defenses Mail
Crone-Seeker's Walkers
50Feet Witchrending Mail
Death-Pledged Armguards
50Wrists Mail
Death-Pledged Belt
50Waist That Which Haunts the Dead Mail
Death-Pledged Bindings
50Wrists Hunt the Hunter Mail
Death-Pledged Boots
50Feet Krag'wa the Terrible Mail
Death-Pledged Bracers
50Wrists Kel'vax's Home Mail
Death-Pledged Breeches
50Legs Target of Opportunity Mail
Death-Pledged Chain
50Waist Target of Opportunity Mail
Death-Pledged Footguards
50Feet Cease all Summoning Mail
Death-Pledged Gauntlets
50Hands Improper Burial Mail
Death-Pledged Girdle
50Waist Revenge: Served Hot Mail
Death-Pledged Gloves
50Hands Krag'wa the Terrible Mail
Death-Pledged Grasps
50Hands That Which Haunts the Dead Mail
Death-Pledged Greaves
50Legs Shoak's on the Menu Mail
Death-Pledged Grips
50Hands Reuniting the Company Mail
Death-Pledged Handguards
50Hands Mail
Death-Pledged Leggings
50Legs Improper Burial Mail
Death-Pledged Legguards
50Legs Field Evaluation Mail
Death-Pledged Links
50Waist Shoak's on the Menu Mail
Death-Pledged Sabatons
50Feet Improper Burial Mail
Death-Pledged Striders
50Feet Catch Me if You Can Mail
Death-Pledged Treads
50Feet Kel'vax's Home Mail
Death-Pledged Vambraces
50Wrists Mark of the Bat Mail
Death-Pledged Waistguard
50Waist Mail
Death-Pledged Wristguards
50Wrists Reuniting the Company Mail
Outrigger Armguards
50Wrists Hands Off My Booty! Mail
Outrigger Bands
50Wrists A Cure from the Sea Mail
Outrigger Belt
50Waist Message from the Management Mail
Outrigger Bindings
50Wrists The Stoat Hunt Mail
Outrigger Boots
50FeetQuest Mail
Outrigger Bracers
50WristsQuest Mail
Outrigger Chain
50Waist Noble Responsibilities Mail
Outrigger Chain Leggings
50Legs A Cure from the Sea Mail
Outrigger Chausses
50Legs WANTED: Ol' Frostclaw Mail
Outrigger Cinch
50WaistQuest Mail
Outrigger Cincture
50Waist Warm and Cozy Mail
Outrigger Footguards
50Feet For Kul Tiras! Mail
Outrigger Gloves
50HandsQuest Mail
Outrigger Graspers
50Hands Hold Still Mail
Outrigger Grips
50Hands Hold My Hand Mail
Outrigger Handguards
50HandsQuest Mail
Outrigger Legguards
50Legs Message from the Management Mail
Outrigger Links
50Legs The Stoat Hunt Mail
Outrigger Pants
50LegsQuest Mail
Outrigger Shackles
50Wrists WANTED: Ol' Frostclaw Mail
Outrigger Striders
50Feet Roughneck Riders Mail
Outrigger Strikers
50HandsQuest Mail
Outrigger Waders
50Feet Enemy Within Mail
Outrigger Waistwrap
50Waist Enemy Within Mail
Outrigger Walkers
50FeetQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Bands
50Wrists Shattered and Broken Mail
Resilient Outcast's Belt
50WaistQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Bindings
50WristsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Boots
50FeetQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Bracers
50WristsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Breeches
50LegsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Chain
50WaistQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Clasp
50WaistQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Footgear
50Feet This Be Mutiny Mail
Resilient Outcast's Footguards
50Feet Mail
Resilient Outcast's Gauntlets
50HandsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Girdle
50WaistQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Gloves
50Hands The Source of the Problem Mail
Resilient Outcast's Grasps
50Hands Dead Men Tell No Tales Mail
Resilient Outcast's Greaves
50Legs Stolen Satchels Mail
Resilient Outcast's Handguards
50HandsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Handlers
50Hands The Great Cranium Caper Mail
Resilient Outcast's Leggings
50Legs Mail
Resilient Outcast's Legguards
50LegsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Legplates
50Legs Wrath of the Tiger Mail
Resilient Outcast's Sabatons
50FeetQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Treads
50FeetQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Vambraces
50WristsQuest Mail
Resilient Outcast's Wristguards
50Wrists Stolen Satchels Mail
Stormchaser Belt
50WaistQuest Mail