

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
QR IC32 Mail Physical Feet2 - PH
174Feet Mail
QR IC36 Mail Physical Shoulder3 - PH
174Shoulders Mail
QR IC39 Mail Physical Chest3 - PH
174Chest Mail
QR ZD25 Mail Physical Feet2 - PH
158Feet Mail
DB21 Mail Healer Head
146Head Mail
DB49 Mail Healer Legs2
146Legs Mail
DB51 Mail Physical Legs3
146Legs Mail
DB53 Mail Physical Waist3
146Waist Mail
DB54 Mail Physical Feet3
146Feet Mail
DB56 Mail Healer Bracer2
146Wrists Mail
DB57 Mail Healer Head2
146Head Mail
DB58 Mail Healer Feet2
146Feet Mail
DB61Mail Physical Bracer3
146Wrists Mail
BT47 Mail Physical Legs3
138Legs Mail
BT55 Mail Physical Legs4
138Legs Mail
BT56 Mail Healer Gloves2
138Hands Mail
BT59 Mail Physical Belt4
138Waist Mail
QR 10574 Mail Hunter Helm
114Head Mail
QR 10637 Mail Hunter Bracers
114Wrists Mail
QR 9863 Shaman Legs
105Legs Mail
QR 9867 Hunter Gloves
105Hands Mail
QR XXXX Hunter Legs
105Legs Mail
Defiant Bracers
104Wrists Mail
Saline-Soaked Spaulders
104Shoulders Mail
Battlesurgeon's Gauntlets
99Hands Mail
Gloves of the Howling Peaks
99Hands Mail
Unsettling Cragscale Boots
95FeetCrafted Mail
Unsettling Cragscale Greaves
95LegsCrafted Mail
Greaves of the Titan Protectorate
93Legs Mail
Blood-Bond Helm
91Head Mail
Onslaught Scalemail Hauberk
85Chest Mail
Layered Scale Boots
81Feet Mail
Sharkproof Boots
81Feet Mail
Wavekeeper's Helm
81Head Mail
Circuit-Linked Chainmail
78Chest Mail
Epaulets of Arcing Power
78Shoulders Mail
Gold-Coated Superconductors
78Wrists Mail
Maniacal Monarch's Girdle
78Waist Mail
Mekgineer's Utility Belt
78Waist Mail
Psychogenic Prognosticator's Lenses
78Head Mail
Regal Mekanospurs
78Feet Mail
Reinforced Riding Chausses
78Legs Mail
Roughshod Chain Boots
78Feet Mail
Self-Repairing Cuisses
78Legs Mail
Slick Tactical Grips
78Hands Mail
Swift Pneumatic Grips
78Hands Mail
Cenarion Warden's Belt
77Waist Mail
Streamtalker Chestguard
66Chest Mail
Streamtalker Coif
66Head Mail
Streamtalker Cowl
66Head Mail
Streamtalker Helm
66Head Mail
Streamtalker Pauldrons
66Shoulders Mail
Streamtalker Shoulderguards
66Shoulders Mail
Streamtalker Spaulders
66Shoulders Mail
Streamtalker Tunic
66Chest Mail
Streamtalker Vest
66Chest Mail
Trailseeker Helm
66Head Mail
Trailseeker Spaulders
66Shoulders Mail
Trailseeker Vest
66Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestguard
60Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestpiece
60Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestplate
60Chest Mail
Cataclysm Headguard
60Head Mail
Cataclysm Headpiece
60Head Mail
Cataclysm Helm
60Head Mail
Faceguard of the Raging Elements
60Head Mail
Gronnstalker's Helmet
60Head Mail
Headpiece of the Raging Elements
60Head Mail
Helmet of the Raging Elements
60Head Mail
Lightning-Charged Headguard
60Head Mail
Lightning-Charged Spaulders
60Shoulders Mail
Mantle of the Raging Elements
60Shoulders Mail
Rift Stalker Hauberk
60Chest Mail
Rift Stalker Helm
60Head Mail
Shoulderwraps of the Raging Elements
60Shoulders Mail
Skyshatter Cover
60Head Mail
Skyshatter Headguard
60Head Mail
Skyshatter Helmet
60Head Mail
Spaulders of the Raging Elements
60Shoulders Mail
Anchor Chain Girdle
59WaistLooted Mail
Arc-Glass Bindings
59WristsLooted Mail
Bartered Vrykul Facemask
59Head Mail
Belt of the Consecrated Tomb
59WaistLooted Mail
Bindings of Enraged Earth
59WristsLooted Mail
Bindings of the Calling Depths
59WristsLooted Mail
Bite-Resistant Chain Gloves
59HandsLooted Mail
Blood Tick Crushers
59HandsLooted Mail
Boots of the Headlong Conqueror
59FeetLooted Mail
Bramble Looped Boots
59FeetLooted Mail
Chain of Consummate Power
59WaistLooted Mail
Chain-Linked Safety Cord
59WaistLooted Mail
Chemical Blaster's Legguards
59LegsLooted Mail
Cincture of Glittering Gold
59WaistLooted Mail
Corpuscular Greaves
59LegsLooted Mail
Crone-Seeker's Breastplate
59Chest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Chainmail
59Chest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Helm
59Head Mail
Crone-Seeker's Shoulderguards
59Shoulders Mail
Death-Pledged Chestguard
59Chest Mail
Death-Pledged Hauberk
59Chest Mail