

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Osul Peak Helm
39Head The Sha of Hatred Mail
Slavebreaker Chainmail
39ChestQuest Mail
Wind-Reaver Sabatons
39Feet Fires and Fears of Old Mail
Wind-Reaver Spaulder
39Shoulders The Mariner's Revenge Mail
Wind-Reaver Waistguard
39Waist Overthrone Mail
Withered Wood Sabatons
39Feet Fires and Fears of Old Mail
Withered Wood Spaulder
39Shoulders The Mariner's Revenge Mail
Withered Wood Waistguard
39Waist Overthrone Mail
Yak Herder Gauntlets
39Hands The Leader Hozen Mail
Yak Herder Leggings
39Legs Prophet Khar'zul Mail
Yak Herder Wristguards
39Wrists The Fall of Shai Hu Mail
Blackrock Chain Boots
39Feet Blackrock Slaghauler Mail
Jungle-Chopper Wristcovers
39Wrists Bleeding Hollow Savage Mail
Mismatched Mail Gloves
39Hands Shattered Hand Torturer Mail
Overgrown Armbands
39Wrists Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Overgrown Armor
39Chest Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Overgrown Kilt
39Legs Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Overgrown Shoulderguards
39Shoulders Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Wind-Reaver Armor
39Chest Fresh Pots Mail
Wind-Reaver Breastplate
39Chest Falling to Pieces Mail
Wind-Reaver Gauntlets
39Hands Nope Mail
Wind-Reaver Handwraps
39Hands Rending Daggers Mail
Wind-Reaver Headguard
39Head Kor'thik Aggression Mail
Wind-Reaver Helm
39Head Reunited Mail
Wind-Reaver Leggings
39Legs Walking Dog Mail
Wind-Reaver Shoes
39Feet Amber Arms Mail
Wind-Reaver Wristguards
39Wrists The Dissector Wakens Mail
Wind-Reaver Wristwraps
39Wrists Extracting Answers Mail
Withered Wood Armbands
39Wrists The Dissector Wakens Mail
Withered Wood Armor
39Chest Fresh Pots Mail
Withered Wood Breastplate
39Chest Falling to Pieces Mail
Withered Wood Cap
39Head Kor'thik Aggression Mail
Withered Wood Gauntlets
39Hands Nope Mail
Withered Wood Handguards
39Hands Rending Daggers Mail
Withered Wood Helm
39Head Reunited Mail
Withered Wood Kilt
39Legs Walking Dog Mail
Withered Wood Shoes
39Feet Amber Arms Mail
Withered Wood Wristwraps
39Wrists Extracting Answers Mail
Deepwild Pauldrons
38ShouldersQuest Mail
Deepwild Sabatons
38Feet The Gratitude of Stoneplow Mail
Deepwild Waistguard
38Waist In the House of the Red Crane Mail
Fox Grove Spaulders
38Shoulders Pei-Back Mail
Huangtze Scale Armor
38Chest Unyielding Fists: Trial of Stone Mail
Huangtze Scale Helm
38Head Cleaning House Mail
Jade Witch Spaulders
38Shoulders Pei-Back Mail
Sarjun Sabatons
38Feet The Gratitude of Stoneplow Mail
Sarjun Spaulders
38ShouldersQuest Mail
Sarjun Waistguard
38Waist In the House of the Red Crane Mail
Wild Plains Chestguard
38Chest Unyielding Fists: Trial of Stone Mail
Wild Plains Helm
38Head Cleaning House Mail
Dreaming Spirit Armor
38Chest One Traveler's Misfortune Mail
Dreaming Spirit Boots
38Feet The Fearmaster Mail
Dreaming Spirit Cap
38Head Unmasking the Yaungol Mail
Dreaming Spirit Helm
38HeadQuest Mail
Dreaming Spirit Monnion
38ShouldersQuest Mail
Dreaming Spirit Sabatons
38Feet The Burlap Grind Mail
Dreaming Spirit Spaulder
38Shoulders A Funeral Mail
Dreaming Spirit Vest
38Chest Thumping Knucklethump Mail
Dreaming Spirit Waistguard
38Waist The Snackrifice Mail
Dreaming Spirit Wristwraps
38Wrists Resupplying One Keg Mail
Earthmover Armbands
38Wrists The Motives of the Mantid Mail
Earthmover Belt
38Waist Up In Flames Mail
Earthmover Breastplate
38Chest Grounded Welcome Mail
Earthmover Cap
38Head Devastation Below Mail
Earthmover Gauntlets
38Hands The Endless Swarm Mail
Earthmover Kilt
38Legs Improvised Ammunition Mail
Earthmover Leggings
38Legs Seeing Red Mail
Earthmover Pauldron
38Shoulders First Assault Mail
Earthmover Sabatons
38Feet The Field Armorer Mail
Earthmover Spaulder
38Shoulders Mists' Opportunity Mail
Earthmover Waistguard
38Waist Jung Duk Mail
Osul Peak Belt
38Waist Jung Duk Mail
Osul Peak Cap
38Head Devastation Below Mail
Osul Peak Chestguard
38Chest Grounded Welcome Mail
Osul Peak Gauntlets
38Hands The Endless Swarm Mail
Osul Peak Kilt
38Legs Seeing Red Mail
Osul Peak Legguards
38Legs Improvised Ammunition Mail
Osul Peak Pauldron
38Shoulders First Assault Mail
Osul Peak Sabatons
38Feet The Field Armorer Mail
Osul Peak Spaulder
38Shoulders Mists' Opportunity Mail
Osul Peak Waistguard
38Waist Up In Flames Mail
Osul Peak Wristwraps
38Wrists The Motives of the Mantid Mail
Yak Herder Armor
38Chest One Traveler's Misfortune Mail
Yak Herder Belt
38Waist The Snackrifice Mail
Yak Herder Boots
38Feet The Fearmaster Mail
Yak Herder Cap
38Head Unmasking the Yaungol Mail
Yak Herder Helm
38HeadQuest Mail
Yak Herder Monnion
38ShouldersQuest Mail
Yak Herder Sabatons
38Feet The Burlap Grind Mail
Yak Herder Spaulder
38Shoulders A Funeral Mail
Yak Herder Vest
38Chest Thumping Knucklethump Mail
Yak Herder Wristwraps
38Wrists Resupplying One Keg Mail
Aerial Assault Legguards
37Legs Krazz Works! Mail
Ale Soaked Grips
37Hands Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer Mail
Bracers of the Lost City
37Wrists Targets of Opportunity Mail
Corruption-Seeking Chestguard
37Chest Mail
Coulton's Crushers
37Hands Skullcrusher the Mountain Mail
Coulton's Crushers
37Hands Skullcrusher the Mountain Mail
Crashing Idol Chestguard
37Chest Do the Honors Mail
Eradicator's Bracers
37Wrists Closing a Dark Chapter Mail