

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Dame's Scaled Greaves
36Legs Distract Them for Me Mail
Dead-Dwarf Shoulderpads
36Shoulders Crushing the Wildhammer Mail
Deepdigger Helm
36Head Portal Overload Mail
Earthen Embrace
36Chest Close Escort Mail
Flenser's Leggings
36Legs A Favor for the Furrier Mail
Friendfinder Treads
36Feet Finding Beak Mail
Gatesmashing Gauntlets
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Gauntlets of Ahmtul
36Hands I'll Do It By Hand Mail
Gauntlets of the Obelisk
36Hands The Great Escape Mail
Giantbutcher's Discarded Spaulders
36Shoulders Hatred Runs Deep Mail
Hamatep Legguards
36Legs Tanotep's Son Mail
Hammerhead Helm
36Head Dropping the Hammer Mail
Hauberk of Shock
36Chest Unfamiliar Waters Mail
Helm of Broken Bones
36HeadQuest Mail
Helm of Furious Uprising
36Head Death to Mor'ghor Mail
Helm of the Wormslayer
36Head A Rock Amongst Many Mail
Heptu Headguard
36Head The Bandit Warlord Mail
Kaulslayer Grips
36Hands Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Mail
Kavem's Trimmed Chestguard
36Chest Kavem the Callous Mail
Leggings of Feline Command
36Legs Salhet the Tactician Mail
Leggings of Shredded Protection
36Legs Mo' Better Shredder Mail
Liberator's Girdle
36Waist Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint Mail
Lifecrusher Treads
36Feet Coup de Grace Mail
Lifecrusher Treads
36Feet Coup de Grace Mail
Lorthuna's Broken Shackles
36Wrists Therazane's Mercy Mail
Loyalty-Seeker Bracers
36Wrists The Loyalty of Clan Mullan Mail
Marker's Hauberk
36Chest Call in the Artillery Mail
Mast-Bound Leggings
36Legs Siren's Song Mail
Mongoose-Hide Waistguard
36Waist Make Yourself Useful Mail
Nature-Crush Helm
36Head Siege Tank Rescue Mail
Nightscale Girdle
36Waist Blackout Mail
Orc-Shock Spaulders
36Shoulders Dragonmaw Takedown Mail
Pit Heart Bracers
36Wrists The Pit of Scales Mail
Powderkeg Bracers
36Wrists Shroud of the Makers Mail
Reconstructing Hauberk
36Chest Mail
Repair Crew Treads
36Feet Parting Packages Mail
Safeguard Spaulders
36Shoulders Draconic Mending Mail
Scales of the Scalemother
36Shoulders The Root of the Corruption Mail
Shard-Keeper Helm
36Head A Little on the Side Mail
Silencer's Gauntlets
36Hands Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Mail
Smokeflare Chestguard
36Chest Call in the Artillery Mail
Smoking Stride Treads
36Feet Mercy for the Bound Mail
Squadron Leader's Gloves
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Tank Director's Treads
36Feet Battlezone Mail
Techie's Hard Hat
36Head Quality Construction Mail
Treads of the Starry Obelisk
36Feet A Disarming Distraction Mail
Troggbane Chestguard
36Chest Mystic Masters Mail
Waistguard of Calibrated Caliphracts
36Waist Smoot's Samophlange Mail
Waistguard of Salvaged Happiness
36Waist Small Comforts Mail
Waistguard of Twilight Finality
36Waist Last of Her Kind Mail
Widener's Bracers
36Wrists A Fiery Reunion Mail
Bands of Channeled Energy
35WristsLooted Mail
Belt of Tasseled Lanterns
35WaistLooted Mail
Bindings of Raelorasz
35Wrists A Wing and a Prayer Mail
Brood Plague Helmet
35HeadLooted Mail
Cannibal's Legguards
35LegsLooted Mail
Chestguard of the Expired Deity
35Chest All that Rises Mail
Chestguard of Unwanted Success
35Chest Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge Mail
Cord of Swirling Winds
35WaistLooted Mail
Damselfish Shoulderguards
35Shoulders Lady La-La's Medallion Mail
Dragon Slayer's Sabatons
35FeetLooted Mail
Dragonflayer Seer's Bindings
35WristsLooted Mail
Fiery Obelisk Handguards
35HandsLooted Mail
Frozen Forest Kilt
35LegsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist
35HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Windreacher
35Hands The Reckoning Mail
Gilded Ringmail Hauberk
35Chest Junk in My Trunk Mail
Grips of Chronological Events
35Hands A Royal Escort Mail
Grips of the Beast God
35HandsLooted Mail
Grips of the Kvaldir
35Hands Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Mail
Grips of the Kvaldir
35Hands Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Mail
Hauberk of the Arcane Wraith
35ChestLooted Mail
Hauberk of Totemic Mastery
35ChestLooted Mail
Helm of Terrorizing Fangs
35Head Forgemaster Pyrendius Mail
Helm of the Lightning Halls
35HeadLooted Mail
Helmet of Just Retribution
35Head Vengeance Be Mine! Mail
Helmet of the Shrine
35HeadLooted Mail
Interwoven Scale Bracers
35WristsLooted Mail
Lightningbringer's Hauberk
35Chest Whatever it Takes! Mail
Mail Girdle of the Audient Earth
35WaistLooted Mail
Mantle of Discarded Ways
35ShouldersLooted Mail
Massive Spaulders of the Jormungar
35ShouldersLooted Mail
Patroller's War-Kilt
35LegsLooted Mail
Ranger's Belt of the Fallen Empire
35WaistQuest Mail
Scaled Boots of Fallen Hope
35FeetQuest Mail
Shadow-Cleanser Bracers
35Wrists Children of Tortolla Mail
Sky-Knight Handguards
35Hands Return to Aviana Mail
Slad'ran's Coiled Cord
35WaistLooted Mail
Sovereign's Belt
35WaistLooted Mail
Spaulders of Lost Secrets
35Shoulders Halls of Stone Mail
Tear-Linked Gauntlets
35HandsLooted Mail
Tortolla's Discarded Scales
35Hands Finish Nemesis Mail
Treads of Restoration
35Feet Aessina's Miracle Mail
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Aquasear Waistguard
35Waist A Distracting Scent Mail
Atoll Treaders
35Feet Swift Action Mail
Atoll Treaders
35Feet Swift Action Mail
Bladerip Girdle
35Waist Disassembly Mail
Bondbreaker Gauntlets
35Hands Question the Slaves Mail