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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Box-Frame Spaulders
35Shoulders Quicksilver Submersion Mail
Bracers of Breached Integrity
35Wrists Blood and Thunder! Mail
Bracers of the Sunken Dream
35Wrists All or Nothing Mail
Chestguard of Inscrutability
35Chest Elementary! Mail
Chestguard of Rapid Promotion
35Chest Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Mail
Cloakbreaker Helm
35Head Egg Hunt Mail
Coreforged Girdle
35Waist Crushing the Cores Mail
Crabcracker Chestguard
35Chest Crabby Patrons Mail
Displaced Crown of Azrakir
35Head Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Mail
Flashburn Girdle
35Waist Apply and Flash Dry Mail
Flayer-Crush Boots
35Feet Take Him to the Earthcaller Mail
Frigidlink Armor
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frigidlink Gauntlets
35Hands Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frigidlink Spaulders
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Gorgonian Belt
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Mail
Gorgonian Belt
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Mail
Griefsoul Wristguards
35Wrists A Prayer and a Wing Mail
Groundshort Leggings
35Legs Elemental Energy Mail
Gutrip Gauntlets
35Hands Fresh Bait Mail
Hornblower's Legguards
35Legs Flames from Above Mail
Impressive Greaves
35Feet Trial By Fire Mail
Keenstone Helm
35Head Piece of the Past Mail
Keenstone Helm
35Head Piece of the Past Mail
Kilt of Shamanic Dreams
35Legs Stick it to Them Mail
Leggings of Fiery Travail
35Legs The Third Flamegate Mail
Legguards of Revelation
35Legs An Occupation of Time Mail
Legguards of Revelation
35Legs An Occupation of Time Mail
Nephropsis Treads
35Feet Come Prepared Mail
Nephropsis Treads
35Feet Come Prepared Mail
Pipefish Bracers
35Wrists Come Hell or High Water Mail
Purifying Spaulders
35Shoulders Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows Mail
Rockslide Treads
35Feet Sealing the Way Mail
Rust-Scrivened Leggings
35Legs In the Rear With the Gear Mail
Salt-Lick Chestguard
35Chest Oh, Deer! Mail
Sanguinary Bracers
35Wrists Blood of the Earthwarder Mail
Scalded Rockscale Shoulderpads
35Shoulders The Earth Rises Mail
Scavenged Stormwind Spaulders
35Shoulders To Arms! Mail
Starfish Gauntlets
35Hands A Pearl of Wisdom Mail
Subjugator's Shoulderguards
35Shoulders Might of the Firelord Mail
Tentacle-Slayer Bracers
35Wrists Free Wil'hai Mail
Totem-Caller Hood
35Head All Our Friends Are Dead Mail
Trapspring Leggings
35Legs Testing the Trap Mail
Treads of the Dreamwolf
35Feet Sweeping the Shelf Mail
Vapor-Proof Headcover
35Head The Perfect Fuel Mail
Vapor-Proof Headcover
35Head Fuel-ology 101 Mail
Whelk Shell Shoulderguards
35Shoulders Girding Our Loins Mail
Wolfcall Stompers
35Feet Sweeping the Shelf Mail
Accused Wristguards
34Wrists Head Games Mail
Assault Hauberk
34Chest Aces High! Mail
Chain Leggings of the Tide
34LegsLooted Mail
Chained Belt of Remembrance
34Waist Light Within the Darkness Mail
Cleated Ice Boots
34FeetLooted Mail
Crusader's Coif
34Head The Crusaders' Pinnacle Mail
Epaulets of the Faceless Ones
34Shoulders The Faceless Ones Mail
Gauntlets of Serpent Scales
34HandsLooted Mail
Giant Champion's Spaulders
34Shoulders The Flesh Giant Champion Mail
Glowworm Cavern Bindings
34WristsLooted Mail
Headguard of Vast Destruction
34Head Reclamation Mail
Helm of Dire Vision
34HeadLooted Mail
Husk Shard Sabatons
34Feet Death to the Traitor King Mail
Iskalder's Fate
34Wrists Not-So-Honorable Combat Mail
Jormungar Hide Legguards
34Legs The Iron Colossus Mail
Labyrinthine Legguards
34Legs Containment Mail
Nerubian Mantle
34ShouldersLooted Mail
Nerubian Mantle
34ShouldersLooted Mail
Purging Handguards
34HandsLooted, Quest Mail
Shoulders of the Seducer
34ShouldersQuest Mail
Skadi's Scaled Boots
34FeetLooted Mail
Spored Tendrils Spaulders
34ShouldersLooted Mail
Stormforged Shoulders
34Shoulders Diametrically Opposed Mail
The Darkspeaker's Sabatons
34Feet Mind Tricks Mail
Architect's Spaulders
34Shoulders The Stone That Started A Revolution Mail
Argent Girdle
34Waist Defending The Vanguard Mail
Belt of Misconceptions
34Waist Fortunate Misunderstandings Mail
Belt of the Stormforged
34Waist Valduran the Stormborn Mail
Belt of Trapped Lightning
34Waist Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice Mail
Blood-Encrusted Boots
34Feet The Rider of the Unholy Mail
Blood-Stalker's Cover
34Head The Rider of Blood Mail
Broken Chastity Belt
34WaistQuest Mail
Brunnhildar Snowkickers
34Feet Making a Harness Mail
Chain Gloves of the Demonic Minion
34HandsQuest Mail
Chain Gloves of the Quarry
34Hands Seeds of Chaos Mail
Chestplate of the Northern Ranger
34ChestQuest Mail
Circlet of Suffering
34Head Revenge for the Vargul Mail
Clear Earthen Scalemail
34Chest The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure Mail
Cobalt's Shoulderguards
34Shoulders The Air Stands Still Mail
Cuffs of Invention
34Wrists Fate of the Titans Mail
Drivetrain Chain Leggings
34LegsQuest Mail
Enchanted Bracelets of the Scout
34Wrists The Vile Hold Mail
Faceguard of Flawless Aim
34Head The Great Hunter's Challenge Mail
Flesh-Scaled Bracers
34Wrists Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton Mail
Gauntlets of Onu'zun
34Hands Eliminate the Competition Mail
Gauntlets of Urgency
34Hands You'll Need a Gryphon Mail
Geist Stalker Leggings
34LegsQuest Mail
Glaciel Ranger's Leggings
34Legs The Sum is Greater than the Parts Mail
Gloves of the Mad Bomber
34HandsQuest Mail
Insect-Filtering Faceguard
34Head The Sapphire Queen Mail
Keeper's Touch
34Hands Returned Sevenfold Mail