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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Trailbreaker's Spaulders
33Shoulders Mail
Valiant Belt of Battle
33Waist Mail
Verdant Hunter's Guise
33Head Mail
Verdant Linked Boots
33Feet Mail
Westwind Shoulderguards
33Shoulders Mail
Westwind Waistband
33Waist Mail
Whip-Stitched Wristguards
33Wrists Mail
Wristguard of the Tormented Soul
33Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Service
33Wrists Mail
Wyrmchaser's Waistguard
33Waist Mail
Wyrmfire Gloves
33Hands Mail
Wyrmfire Links
33Chest Mail
Cataclysm Helm
32Head Mail
Archery Belt of the Broken
32Waist Mail
Ar'tor's Mainstay
32Hands Mail
Auchenai Boots
32Feet Mail
Auchenai Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Belt of Flowing Thought
32Waist Mail
Earthwarden's Coif
32Head Mail
Gauntlets of Desolation
32Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Redeemed Vindicator
32Hands Mail
Greaves of Spellpower
32Feet Mail
Helm of Desolation
32Head Mail
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness
32Chest Mail
Malefactor's Eyepatch
32Head Mail
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
32Shoulders Mail
Mask of Inner Fire
32Head Mail
Mistshroud Tunic
32Chest Mail
Outland Striders
32Feet Mail
Pauldrons of Desolation
32Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Wild Magic
32Shoulders Mail
Primal Surge Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Rune-Engraved Belt
32Waist Mail
Shamanistic Helmet of Second Sight
32Head Mail
Shard Encrusted Breastplate
32Chest Mail
Shattrath's Champion Belt
32Waist Mail
Stalker's Helmet of Second Sight
32Head Mail
Stillwater Girdle
32Waist Mail
Sunfury Legguards
32Legs Mail
Telaari Hunting Girdle
32Waist Mail
Tidefury Chestpiece
32Chest Mail
Void Slayer's Tunic
32Chest Mail
Wavefury Boots
32Feet Mail
Worldfire Chestguard
32Chest Mail
World's End Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Appointed Scalemail Leggings
32Legs Mail
Azure Chain Hauberk
32Chest Mail
Banded Chain Gloves
32Hands Mail
Battle-Mage's Helmet
32Head Mail
Binder's Links
32Chest Mail
Blackened Chain Greaves
32Feet Mail
Blood-Stained Chain Leggings
32Legs Mail
Bone Studded Girdle
32Waist Mail
Boots of the Skybreaker
32Feet Mail
Cauterizing Chain Leggings
32Legs Mail
Cauterizing Chain Strand
32Waist Mail
Chestguard of the Stormspire
32Chest Mail
Chilled Mail Boots
32Feet Mail
Cold-Iron Armbands
32Wrists Mail
Cowpoke's Riding Gloves
32Hands Mail
Crimson Mail Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Crimson Mail Hauberk
32Chest Mail
Crown of Cinders
32Head Mail
Darkhunter's Cinch
32Waist Mail
Darksteel Ringmail Greaves
32Feet Mail
Duro Footgear
32Feet Mail
Dusk-Linked Leggings
32Legs Mail
Earthmender's Crimson Spaulders
32Shoulders Mail
Ethical Epaulets
32Shoulders Mail
Farseer's Headpiece
32Head Mail
Finely Wrought Scale Leggings
32Legs Mail
Flame-Infused Bindings
32Wrists Mail
Flesh Handler's Headpiece
32Head Mail
Glimmering Ringmail Gloves
32Hands Mail
Goldenlink Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Hex-Linked Stronghelm
32Head Mail
HF28 Mail Physical Chest4
32Chest Mail
Inescapable Girdle
32Waist Mail
Interlinked Chain Girdle
32Waist Mail
Landing Boots
32Feet Mail
Legguards of Contemplation
32Legs Mail
Magdun Spaulders
32Shoulders Mail
Magispike Helm
32Head Mail
Nimblefinger Scaled Gloves
32Hands Mail
Oronok's Old Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Oronok's Old Leggings
32Legs Mail
Otherworldly Pauldrons
32Shoulders Mail
Plainhunter's Chestpiece
32Chest Mail
Plainhunter's Epaulets
32Shoulders Mail
Plainhunter's Waistband
32Waist Mail
Protectorate Waistband
32Waist Mail
Purestrike Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Ramshorn Greathelm
32Head Mail
Reinforced Mendicant's Cowl
32Head Mail
Reinforced Tuskhide Hauberk
32Chest Mail
Ring-Ridden Wrist Protectors
32Wrists Mail
Rusty Mesh Leggings
32Legs Mail
Seaspeaker Gloves
32Hands Mail
Seaspeaker Legguards
32Legs Mail
Seaspeaker Mantle
32Shoulders Mail